Kane Cornes and Sam Edmund focus on the trades that also must get carried out on deadline day, while additionally discussing the Dan Houston commerce and the way good the Suns might be within the subsequent few years. Plus, they’re joined by David King!
0:00 – 6:00 – Dissecting the Houston commerce
6:01 – 11:28 – Have the Suns gained the commerce interval?
11:29 – 18:40 – David King
Sucked in corn
To trade Houston for 13 and 29 picks AND taking on Rory Atkins contract just for him to play SANFL… Port just got weaker and paid alot for it. If it wasn't for Kane, I'd feel bad for Port supporters 😂😅
Port were scammed big time!!
Yeah, they said Gold Coast would be dominant when ablett got there. How did that work out?
Yesterday Kane said Gold Coast need the afl to investigate them trading out first round picks and a Coach they think can coach. Now he's calling it unfair and they'll be unbeatable.
Dan 'Pants on Fire' Houston. 💩👎
wonder if they could put in a limit of top 5 or top 10 academy/father son selections over say a rolling 10 year period. Would mean Ashcrofts and Daicos go father son but you dont have the suns getting 2 or 3 top 10 academy picks every year
Kane is 100% correct. He is nailing every aspect of this Port trade. Could have got way more from North but got shafted instead.
As a pie supporter this is insane that port did this.
port no hope for next year ! Garbage deal!!
One they defiantly so is Mitch hardie
Pick 3 for Owies…please!!!!
Gold Coast unbeatable but if hardwick bringsthe same game tackle pressure style, then they will go backwards because coachs have workout hardwicks game plan…..
Sydney carrying on like flogs regarding parker. How much more does he have to give that club? Shake hands and move on
13:00 you know it’s bad when even kingy is feeling sorry for port 🤣
How much was Dan paid at Port, and how much are they going to pay Jack?
Kane so spot on, best 2 guys on radio,,no spin or bs
If a player wants to go the club should facilitate the move. Port did this well done Port.
Port piss weak
Kane is spot on, here. The ‘judge us in 5 years’ is a get out of jail card that means there is never a reckoning. North is suffering a decade of irrelevancy because of terrible list management decisions from 2010. Kane cried out about this and he has been proven to be right, as my club has been uncompetitive for 10 years
The best deal for Port was to say no deal snd make Houston stay. Literally brain dead move by Port. Average fringe players forever.
Jack Crisp was the last good steak knives player in the AFL.
Calm down if all the young players at the suns do turn into elite players they won’t be able to afford them all look at how much they are already paying Mcandrew 3 more contracts like that and there back where they started 5 really high payed players and the rest just list filler’s because they won’t have the money for anyone but that’s just my opinion
Kane is the ultimate AFL media troll…the way he uses ‘should’ when talking about trade outcomes shows he doesn’t know (or is pretending not to know) how negotiations work…it’s clear that Paul Connors Management exert undue influence behind the scenes and clubs have to just put up with getting shafted…why not campaign on the shady role of player agents and call for the AFL to do an investigation? Otherwise just shut up and stop criticising clubs for doing the best they can in this compromised system
"I'm not sure this was ever on the table for Port Adelaide … this is never happening, as if we would do this deal … this is the hard thing when you are reporting things like this because Tom may have had the Collingwood's side or the Gold Coast's side or the agent's side who has put this deal together without having Port Adelaide's sign-off."
– Kane Cornes
No one wants to stay at Port now they're a depleted uranium dumping ground destination!😂
Supporter's didn't want gws or gold coast could of had tassie in years ago
But then he will say Melbourne needs to fire sale Oliver just isn’t happy when it’s his club
It's becoming the NBA/NFL, with player agents changing the course of football clubs' futures.
Port will be fine. They disappoint in finals next year as usual
If port could have got 2 proper first round picks from north and done the lukoscious deal separately, then it is a failed deal especially if richards, atkins and these picks have little output. Its like the west coast deal getting in baker but losing pick 3
We need the suns to win a flag or be close soon. They need to attract a larger supporter base so they can be self sufficient
It's a much better deal for Port than KC suggests (unless I'm misunderstanding something)… Houston is definitely a top player but a little overrated IMO…to get multiple draft picks, a couple of fringe players (adding depth) and Lukosius (who is underrated… definitely an "A grade" player) seems like a great bargain. What am I missing here??
As WC supporter don’t typically agree with Kane but he’s spot on about WC and Port’s pathetic and insipid approach to this draft period 😡
Suns should be thrilled
Dave from NM, just a goose. Heap of players transitioned and helped their new side. Rioli, Cameron, and Danger premiership players! etcc.. Kingy the FW.
Is Kane for real? GWS had the pick of the draft for so many years, all of the nation's best talent and they've made 1 grand final and got smacked. Same will happen with Gold Coast
Cornes sounds like a broken record with Houston. Get over it.
I have been a roo fanatic for over 40 years. I've stood by them and stuck up for them no matter what. During the 80s roos were atrocious. Had the 90s glory days but since then there has been nothing but rubbish and bad decisions.. Carey, the ridiculous drafting since, the polec deal, the disgraceful retirements of club legends, the sacking of Brad, then coach after coach and 15 wins in 5 years.. until today I still had my house covered in roo memorabilia, I and referred to as a north nuff but after Daniel's for 25 in a "super draft" I wont have anything to do with North again.
kane right again. my hero
Thanks port loved the trade i felt bad for noble gun player missed finals for frigging jack the ducker im still mad about that