For these of you who don’t know, ASEAN is a political and financial union that features 10 Southeast Asian states: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Timor-Leste in an in-principle settlement to confess it as ASEAN’s eleventh member. On this video, we’ll uncover the true the explanation why this area is experiencing such a increase, so keep tuned as we uncover the secrets and techniques behind ASEAN’s success.
#ASEAN #Geopolitics #Economics
Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand
Why are you so underrated
ASEAN IS useless, politically speaking.
Asean is only a vassal of the Chinese economy, Asean is equal to one (Association of Caribbean States), Big ACS
Indonesia alone has the potential to rival the US economy.
East Asian #1
ASEAN is not booming, but select countries (Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore) are. Others (Thailand, Myanmar, etc.) are stagnating.
indonesia,vietnam,singapore and malaysia are main power of asian
Because we do trade with China and USA so that’s why we are booming
Without them we can’t survive
Philippines is crumbling so ASEAN is not booming. Unless they kick Philippines the shit out of ASEAN they might even be recognized.
When the trade isn’t gonna flow true there but goes whit the belt and road of china or true the nord pole when the ice melts those countries will be same as Syria Afghanistan
Compared to USA, Europe, East Asia. Asean is garbage.
This is the only geopolitical region on Earth that DON'T LITERALLY FIGHT WITH ONE ANOTHER regardless of their cultural diversity. Indeed, there is unity in diversity.
70cr 4.2 trillion us doller 45 lakhsq km 😂
Is this stolen?
Only Indonesia is Trilion dolar club economies,Other country in asean Not have much potential like Indonesia
Sự can thiệp của Trung Quốc là rất nguy hiểm cho các nước asean một lần nữa căn cứ ở Campuchia và kênh đào phù nam nếu Campuchia để China xây dựng kênh đào này thì từ căn cứ quân sự Rim sẽ có một căn cứ của tàu ngầm china đồn trú có thể một lúc tấn công Thái Lan Việt Nam là Lao
Vấn đề là asean phải đoàn kết không để cho các nước lớn tác động vào kinh tế xã hội cũng như an ninh quốc phòng,những bất đồng nhỏ các nước asean phải ngồi lại với nhau bàn bạc thống nhất với nhau.vừa qua tàu China vượt qua biển Đông để tranh chấp bãi cỏ mây thuộc quần đảo Trường Sa của Việt Nam gây sốt cho các nước asean nhưng các asean không đoàn kết chống lại mà còn phe phái với các nước lớn gây trở ngại cho việc đàm phán quy định quy tắc ứng xử biển Đông Chính Philippines phản lên tiếng phản đối kịch liệt
Austronesian Muslim has a youthful population. The economy of Muslim ASEAN will prosper ❤
EASY , You, You and You in EU and America have noidea we did exist until abount 300 years ago, all you know is just china. hahaha we not on your map.
Philippines? Not really, as a Filipino you might consider we are massively facing huge inflation and unemployment right now. Backed up also with high corruption rate!
Asean is just a social group, it doesn't have political and economic purpose.
All of ASEAN is booming except the Philippines. You know why? Look at the dumb president's moves. From returning the country to its Murican vassal status, to the resurgence of drug use on the streets, horrendous crimes, energy, food and water insecurity, uncontrolled inflation, the Peso losing value to the state of the environment, everything is just falling apart. But he doesn't care. He will do anything and everything possible to get Murica to release his family's frozen stolen assets by hook or by crook.
The No china allowed gang
Do those Countries have unified political and economic systems? If not, those are still 11 Countries.
01) we are relatively peaceful
02) we mind our own business
03) we have plenty resources
04) we have plenty people
05) we have massive market
06) we have relatively okay HDI
07) we are relatively neutral in global stage
08) we are geographically blessed
09) we are growing in a small but stable way
10) we still have high ceiling for growth.
Thailand has had 23 coup d'etats in 60 years, the most in the world and has been frozen for 20 years, but now everything is over. Now that Thailand has opened the country seriously. Let's wait and see who will be the first developed country first. In Asean, although the first quarter grew 1.5%, the investment is constantly flowing and many projects are starting. And now, Thailand's legal gambling has passed. Lasvegas is coming down And Thailand has only 1 election that has not been coup d'etat in the past 60 years, but now it won't be there anymore.
Actually the Philippines 🇵🇭 should not be in the Asean group because it keep causing trouble in the South China sea with China and Malaysia (Sabah state)
Asean should consider voting Philippines out of the Asean group and the Asean group won't collapse without the Philippines.
ASEAN days are numbered if Xi Jinping succeed in South China Sea conquest. ASEAN unite or you will all become organ donors or slaves by Chinese PLA.
I was like, why he misspelled Asian 😂 👋🏼 Small struggling Travel Channel here. You inspire me to keep grinding my channel, maby one day I’ll grow as big as you 🥲
Timor leste isn't part of ASEAN
All the numbers could be political lies…. Citizens in Malaysia are poor, salary low
ASEAN is not Anti-China like the West trying very hard to divided and misinterpret here about ASEAN. ASEAN is more complex and every members has their own pro and con and to whoever they want to work with and China is one of ASEAN main partners and bigger neighbors in the regions regardless what the West trying claims.
Indonesia is so corrupt.
11 (eleven) countries when when you include East Timor
due to cowards-bullies wanting fittest-survive and natural-selection
= after winning on almost all known fronts, deterrent is effective, then talk about additional deterrent. whoever sides with g20, gets the excess payloads
ASEAN sangat menakjubkan ❤❤❤ respect from Indonesia ❤❤❤