Mina’s mother and father present up..
What They Do & How They Survive on $113 / Month | Now in Lao
Mina’s mother and father are a really poor Lao household, and only recently paid us a go to in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. We take them out to eat on the road meals night time market space in Vientiane the place plenty of vacationers go to they usually inform us the work they’ve been doing and the way they survive on so little.
On a regular basis life in Laos, we dwell in Vientiane, Now in Lao with Lao spouse, Neenee Lao life dwelling in Laos capturing the Lao way of life, each day life in Lao, the place to go in Laos, journey locations, Laos tourism, customs, Lao improvement and the way folks dwell in Laos of their journey Laos movies and journey vlogs. Now to Lao, Vlogging Laos S.E.Asia !!
Now in Lao journey vlog
#Laos #NowinLao #LaosVlog
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Kongmany Mahavong / Todd Hales
P.O. Field 3630
Vientiane Capital Lao P.D.R.
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Sabaidee and welcome to my channel….Now in Lao!!
My title is Todd and i’m an Australian at present dwelling in Laos with my spouse, Neenee.
This can be a channel primarily devoted to Laos and the individuals who dwell right here, our each day lives and our travels inside this wonderful nation. Thanks for watching and if in case you have any questions in any respect, please do not hesitate to ask, by both commenting or contacting me by way of Fb.
Now in Lao …. Vlogging Laos !!
I always go to that night market every night from Jan to March of this year cuz i stay at Manorom Hotel just a block around the corner lol Cant wait to be back in November to eat all the good food again haha lol 👍🍻
People have no choice because Lao Government is STUPID and incompetent. People are suffering.
I know few girls in Laos that work as day care teacher and they make around $120-150 a month and rent a space for $60 a month they get by because foods is cheap
The bottles rattling IS SO ANNOYING sound.
Todd, you mentioned the Thai copywrited music, but how do you get away with the music you add on your videos? I think you’re the only YouTuber I watch that does this. It’s usually the stock music I see on others videos.
Taste delights all over the place. Plus a lady playing with her balls, you are right Todd.😂
Like the show TOD keep it coming 👍👍💗💗😎😎
Great video, thank you. Can’t wait to try that eggplant 🍆 pizza 🤤
Have a wonderful day.
The food looks great, is it safe to eat or should you just avoid certain things?, I will be travelling to Laos for the first time in December and would like a bit of local advice.
Ok this American doesn't know what a vanilla slice or a lamington is. I did find Tim Tams at the market. Good stuff.
Haha remember my grandmother saying don’t put that money in your mouth could of being up a China men’s bum 😮
Would I live comfortably in Laos with $1400 USD per month income ?
Always makes me worry when Mina's biologicals are around! I do love the beautiful night market cooking stalls! ❤❤❤ 😂😅 thanks for making me hungry 🤯 Ttyl,,,Marlon
Laos is a beautiful country, it's sad that they don't take pride into preservation and development of the country itself in it's traditions and culture even more. The government corruption and greedy has ruin it's own self and became a sell out. Sad to hear that they are letting chinese coming into the country to develop and milk that crap out of their raw material resources. Some people still today don't even have a country to call their own a home. I hope they wake up.
Little guy looks so happy to see Mena… nice
Awesome video. I missed Laos. Left Laos 51 years ago. Some days, I hope to go back to my birth place Louanpraban.
Absolutely wonderful open market you have close by mate, my mouth is watering also with them walking delights everywhere hahah
Great to see both families together…….Mina loves to see her little brother 💙……….hope the visa gets sorted now you have their signatures ❤
For some unknown reason the video kept looping between 6:25 and 6 :32 for nearly 5 minutes 😇
They are custard tarts but not the Aussie version, they are Portuguese Tarts
It's good you're filming in 4k now, Todd. But now you might concider now is to trim your nose hair every now and then. 😀
Tasty delight walked pass when you said tasty delights everywhere
custard square…. think I may have been to that night tucker market…
Nice to see you all catching up…not sure if you have anything close to sayo biscuits there…arnotts have a vanilla slice recipe on their website that’s easy to make ..have had before and are yummy..or just wait till ya here and have the real thing hey..
Thank you for sharing another wonderful day in Laos!
It’s a great idea that you invited the parents to the city to help with the visa travel application. We are all cheering you on. Mina will be so excited to see the land of Oz. 🇦🇺
Hoping for smooth relationships throughout Mena's life.
Great video tod seeing her little brother that's gold mate ❤
at the time when the government adopted the minimum wage in 2015, it was 1,200,000 kip or 134 dollars at the time of adoption of this law (when the exchange rate was the dollar at that time)
Todd, i swear all the people in the market when they see you think,
hey there's the bloke from Now In Laos.
hey I love that market – lots of good and tasty food. I visited Vientiane last year in november
Did I miss the explanation? How do they survive on $113 a month?
just wondering people have no job and things are so expensive how do they do shopping around my friend 😂😂😂
Very nice, Mina’s parents – 👍🙂🙏
the markets are amazing
Nice one Todd. Good to see Mina's parents and to know that although they are not earning much, at least they are doing something to help themselves and earn a meagre living. The little fellow is growing quickly and always so happy to see his big sister and both of you. Mina s so sweet with him, playing the "big sister" role and showing him the sights. God bless all of you, always. 😀❤🙏
The best part of the video was when you said tasty delights in the market just before and after the thumbnail photo.
To put a spin on the “cheap” parking, that’s 12% of their monthly income if they park there every day.
Well timed with the “Tasty Delights" comment. 😂
A simple way to make home made vanilla slice is a layer of sao then a layer of normal custard then another layer of sao . Let cool and vanilla icing on the top . You and Mina would love it so simple .
vanilla slice = engine mount
Mina english is soo good now! 😀
I take my hat off to you and your wife for giving mena a better life and helping her parents, bloody good on ya mate, that's living the dream right there! 👍👍all the best from NZ
Bayer Track
424 Dahlia Throughway
We call vanilla slices … engine mounts 😂😂😂😂
It’s wonderful to see Mina’s biological parents with you guys and the young fella .. it’s great to see you all getting on . And very generous of you Nee Nee , giving them a few $ to spend.. Eyes wide open for them . Vanilla slice .. geez mate , I’m in Vietnam , stop teasing …
Is Mina your wife's granddaughter?