PDF notes hyperlink: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15BdsAxx6lc5SIKil5gP_TpH7xuEiJtho/view?usp=drive_link
Time codes:
0:00- Introduction
00:34- Video elements
00:43- Preventive detention
04:45- Meme cash
05:53- Group of Pals (GOF)
08:05- Krishi Built-in Command and Management Centre (ICCC)
10:47- Financing Agrochemical Discount and Administration Program – FARM
13:15- Black carbon
15:18- Operation SANKALP
16:21- MCQ’s
Week 36 (24-Thirtieth March)||#weeklycurrentaffairs in English|| I-CAN Points by #santhoshraoupsc
I-CAN Points playlist: https://www
I-CAN InstaDaily CA Information Evaluation playlist:
Pricey all,
We’re beginning with our new initiative :I-CAN Points during which we can be masking an Subject in 360 levels which helps you for each Prelims and Mains!
We hope you all make the perfect use of the initiative. You’ll be able to present us your suggestions within the feedback part.
I-CAN Points||01st November 2023 UPSC present points defined by Santhosh Rao UPSC
It's my first time watching your current affairs
UAPA is applicable to individuals and associations
Countries in horn of Africa Djibouti, South Sudan, Sudan and chad
Both individual and organisation
Domestically systematically important insurers All the three
Art 48 of DPSP for organising Agriculture on modern technology
3 months
Horn of Africa-Somalia,Eritrea,Ethiopia and Djibouti
UAPA was only for organisations but after 2019 amendment it has included individuals as well
Option C
Option C
Option b
Sir UAPA applies for both organisation as well as individual
Q.1 option c is correct..2. b .. DRDO, 3. B is correct
Sir please compile all the current affairs video's into one playlists, through which we can find and watch chronologically.
Horn of Africa- Trick; SEED- Somalia,Eritrea,Ethiopia,Djibouti
Article 48 of DPSP – Organizing agriculture on modern technology.