TBH this mod appears fairly ineffective in it is present state the preliminary hits DOT proc must be buffed and shouldn’t require 2 hits, that present restriction destroys the mod attributable to our one-shot meta. That being mentioned i’ts a pleasant DOT enhance in case you are pleased with doing a number of assaults to destroy enemies.
0:00 Intro
0:55 How This Mod ACTUALLY Works
3:04 Heavy Assault Construct
4:54 Is This Mod Simply Bugged?
5:51 Melee Affect Setup
7:50 Metal Path Gameplay Dialogue
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#warframe #2024 #freetoplay
I assume it's for more spam build general applying status.
It should have forced proc heat and dmg vulnerability by 30% that would make more sense then this mod current state.
So they gave a priming mod to a weapon that one-shots almost everything in game.
Bruh lemme get some of that plat 😢
I switched my hate into a status build putting elementalist, afflictions and a 60/60 heat mod. It pretty much destroys lvl 220 enemies. I just hoped they tweak it a little bit with the mod also doing heat damage.
This mod appears to be designed to work with tennokai.
You will be doing light attacks, priming enemies, so when you proc tennokai they just explode?
I don't see any problems with that. The heavy attack slash build was fine already and didnt need much else tbh
Honestly the fact there's no despair augment in this nightwave is super questionable.
They should fix voltage sequence for the lanka lol.
i would rather not use the mod, and build for melee affliction with high crit modded
I know Volt's shield and shock trooper add electric, but I don't know if they both count as "modded" and combine. I'm not heavy into Volt, I just sometimes like going ham with melee Volt.
Using hellstrum or diriga por viral+heat priming you can spam the scythe light attacks with this focusing in pure slash for no "proc competition".
To me the problem with "status damage" mods is that faction mods seem way better because they apply on both upfront damage and in the statuses that it procs; for that I consider them more worthy of the build slots. Yes, you can put both but all of this will "incur" the same "problem" of viral slash builds of "hitting and waiting" that some players dislike (the light attack spam maybe not so much).
And a lot of players didn't even like faction mods on the first place xD
Status damage is kinda of a old thing: it started with ash's passive and the Silver Grove update mod Empowered Blades, still over the years not many builds using those arose. I like the build variety that status damage brings but players are focusing on it because it became more acessible and because it's "new".
i do agreee this mod is not going to be good for this case i mean if anythjing it would maybe take the place of melee elementalist but it seems liek its more for a light spam build
Since now I have copied all of you’re builds , I can now say I’m the real gaz
It's now a collector's item.
Yareli Mating Press
Could I work this with Divine Retribution to pass,of the status damage vulnerability?
Thanks for today’s video. Have a lovely day. ❤
Makes sense. The hate incarnon has a lot of options trying to get you to build into a more light attack focused build. So this is just an extension to that. Similar to the dread one coming up that seems more synergistic with the incarnon form of the weapon.
The hate it one of the best candidates for melee influence, which can play right into burning hate.. you should do some more testing with this mod.
The most repetative of the shittiest games of all times….
i thought it was all heat..
I mean, it needs to proc heat, and melee influence removes heat. I guess they did it so the mod wasnt extremely broken in light attack builds, but it totally ruins it. Heat from the projectiles should not combine
I’m was testing this with Ember to increase her damage. The way the mod reads is it adds status damage. Doesn’t necessarily say “damage from Hate” just status damage. Proc incarnon, throw heat blades, go ham with Ember. Seems to work fine for me. I was deleting 225 eximus heavy gunners with Ember faster than I did before using the Hate.
I won’t say it’s bad, it’s just not made for Heavy builds. This is definitely a mod for Hybrid/Light Attack builds
Hi how to increase reputation of arbiter if hexis and cephalon suda fast..which missions?
0:10 im done bye and not the good kind
bruh you need to be better. the mod stacks with all melee status mods like melee elementalist aka you can get status dmg up 15x dmg when using faction mods there is nothing wrong with this mod and melee influence will trigger the debuff because it counts as a hit from the hate if the enemy hit by influence is burning and melee influence triple dips on faction mods its a crazy good mod you just dont know how to use it right lol
How did you make 300k plat?