ASEAN defence chiefs have met with their counterparts from accomplice nations – the US, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia. They known as for a free and open Indo-Pacific amid heightened tensions within the area and past. Olivia Siong experiences from Beijing.
This is what similarly pro-freedom, pro-human, pro-order respectful nations do! Form alliances to protect each other against ASEAN’s increasingly-despised neo-imperialist neighbor BULLY.
Malaysial gak diajak😂 mau confrontasi caplok sabah sarawak
Takot na ba mga insik don't worry nag uumpisa pa lang magpapalakas ang Pilipinas sukatan tayo pag may pang laban na kaming mga Pilipino China ka lang Pilipinas kami may Respeto kami sa mga Country na Nag ReRespito Sa amin wala kaming Paki sa mga Country na nang aapak sa aming pagka Pilipino.
ASEAN is useless because it does not support it’s members.
Ukraine and philippines leader share similarities – ego above its country people lives, corrupted, US bootlickers.
As if china listens…LOL!!! The communist country has its own world. Never believe any words of china, they always LIE!
China must exclude in ASEAN…
Never believe with china….never allow china attend in asean meeting
Seriously, petitions to be submitted to all Asean countries leaders to exclude philippines from asean based on:
1. In cahoot with US on war military provocations in asean region.
2. Received $$ monetary bribes from US on war provocations using asean south china sea as an excuse.
China what a joke, yuck.
China is Asean's backing to be truly sovereign.
Philippines let US to have military bases in their country. it raises the possibility of conflict between US and China, and puts the whole region in danger. this absolutely makes all its neighbours unhappy. Philippines is becoming the "Cuba" in south east Asia
– Indo Pacific will never part of China
– Taiwan is not part of China
(when I was in Taiwan, they don't want to be called Chinese, they want to be called Taiwanese)
– Hongkong is not part of China
(When I was in Hongkong, they didn't want to be called Chinese, they preferred to be called Hongkongers, and they preferred to sing "Glory to Hongkong" than the Chinese anthem)
– Tibet is not part of China
– Xinjiang is not part of China
– Free the Ughyur People in China Camps in Xinjiang
– Ughyur People are not Chinese
– China must follow the UNCLOS Law
– There is no such thing as South China Sea, it should be called Southeast Asian Sea
– The 9-dash line is not valid and not legal
– Spartly's Island belongs to us South East Asian Nation not to China
– West Philippines Sea is for the Philippines not for China
– Senkaku Island is part of Japan, not China
– Socotra Rock is part of South Korea, not China
– Aksai Chin is part of India, not China
– Kashmir is part of India, not China
– Arunachal Pradesh is part of India, not China
– Do Not Trust China
– Do not believe in China
– China does not respect other countries
– China will never be superior to other countries.
– Small countries will never be inferior against China.
– We will Fight China.
Let me revise the reporter's report
She said "As tensions continue to rise in the dispute south china sea with several southeast asian states have overlapping claims with china"
This is so wrong information given by CNA reporter 😂
Maybe she wanted to say
As tensions continue to rise in the dispute indo pacific, china is overlapping its claims to other southeas asian states.
It means that china should not have any claims to the indo pacific except to the sole owners are the southeast asian nations.
As usual, China’s actions don’t match their words. They speak nothing but lies and false narratives. Deep down, they know the whole Free World is against them, which is why they want to flip the narrative and act like victims when they are the ones invading and expanding.
Taiwan is part and province of China why is the USA interfere in the internal affairs of China Taiwan is NOT a part of the USA
ccp officials can only talk if there’s an apology for their cretin behaviour and acknowledgement of piracy.
Taiwan has never been a part of mainland china yet alone a “province.” That’s pure propaganda and re-written ccp “history.”
ccp OUT OF WPS !!
China is the one who are responsible and always stirring trouble in philippine sea…
please China, your arrogance is overwhelming 😂😂😂😂 want to hear my evil laugh?? bwahahaha
shame on you want to control all your neighboor country then go to war.
if china are really want the peace in all over of west and south sea and china true for want they saying and words china should need to show in action that they really follow the international law not the china own law if china do that and they stop all illegal action that very true cost off all tension and conflict in every country that china doing aggresive illegal action there is no problem and no tenssion happen if china stop there all illegal aggresive dengerious action and follow the real and true international law dont use lie words and statement to change the illegal action that china is the only one can do that dont blaime of all country for what you doing illegal and china is no legal rights to condem and protest of personal activities inside of all every country if china are very true to stop there all illegal action there in no conflict that cost of tension just follow the true international law and respect of every country legal teritory
China pirates😂
Why is the US and China medlling with ASEAN? They are not part of the organization fcol.
Laos, and for that matter the former Indochina, shall never forget the US involvement in the Indochina conflict.
Chinese government the godfather of all evil
if the world wants peace, don't do business with the thief of territory, none other than China.
Ccp are bunch of PUxxi😂😂😂😂😂
ASEAN should no longer involve China in matters that are for the good of ASEAN, wake up ASEAN, we are brothers, let's work together.
China included? for wat? to spread more lies?
China like to play snake and ladder. Like to manipulate every where.
The US should have never engaged with CCP military! Let them find out in actions! That the allies means business!
Power move by China
Flipping neck!! What is YouAss doing thousands of miles from home? Go home, Yankees!!!
The US is making PH into the next Ukraine. ASEAN should kick Philippines out.
Always usa being criticize by communist China,we Filipino 🇩🇯 are also supported by others country by their military equipment speed boats from France and Israel,Japan,and others
The spoils of defeat have never looked more enticing than now that everything with the word China in it belongs to China. REPUBLIC OF CHINA (Taiwan). Sea Of China. Straits of China. China Road and Belt. China River. Peninsula Of China, just to name a few.
Philippines china sea of introjouce Mohammed bin Salman
China should not be present. How dare them!