Moments after being sworn in, President Donald Trump mentioned it is going to be the official coverage of the US authorities that there are two genders, female and male
Moments after being sworn in, President Donald Trump mentioned it is going to be the official coverage of the US authorities that there are two genders, female and male
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Salute to this brave man who had courage to do this, he will definitely make America great again
Thank u
There are questionable stuff trump is doing but this, this is common sence
There are not 2 genders. People can be neither, or both, or identify as something else.
It’s sad he has to say. Such a thing, America has lost its mind,,,
You mean……..😧….🫨…there are no longer 60 genders…???…😬…Oh sh%t…I CAN'T COPE!!!
Thank you for ending the Ukraine war on day one. Promises made promises kept lol
OK but hear me out the fact that you guys are not even really understanding what he’s saying is honestly so triggering, in no way did he say anything about? We only recognize men that are born men and live as men and women that are born women and live as women he is basically saying that the ability to put X on your gender marker is out of control should never have happened in the first place and we’re going to take that back ,now don’t get me wrong, Transwomen can still get their paperwork changed from male to female that has been something that has been happening even before Trump‘s presidency And that’s not going to change. It’s the ability to put a gender fluid marker such as X on your ID, that is going to stop , the LGB being separated from the T and the q honestly is something that has been needing to happen for a very long time because we all know that the LGB signify sexual preference who you sleep with at the end of the day, the t in the q represent identity, gender expression we are not the same
Because the undifferentiated genitalia that males and females share very early in fetal development are “phenotypically female”, you could argue he just made everyone legally female.
All ways will be
Super super super.
لږ چپ شه…خوله بنده کړه …مو تانه ډير ګورو ..صبر پکار ده
هر څه به سم شي..10____15—-20—-داڅه معنا لري..G
Part of a major reason liberals lost
This comment section already shows that the USA is too far gone.
And there are only to kinds of people in America. The educated and the uneducated.
The first want Freedom and Democracy and the other elected for Facisim and cheaper eggs. 😂😅😂
Trump getting science wrong again? Colour me shocked.
An executive order that says there are no longer any redheads would not eliminate the fact there are redheads. Intersex people are more common than redheads, and trans people even more common than intersex people. You cannot erase us with your ignorance. Common sense is called 'common' because it is often wrong. Common sense dictates that heavier things fall faster than lighter things and that winter happens because Earth is farther away from the sun, yet these are completely false. So is the idea that there are only two sexes and only two genders. I, and tens of thousands of other intersex people are living proof of this.
And once again I ask, whether a person is addressed male-female or them they; how does that affect you? Are you threatened? are they/he/she coming after your your money your assets? Or do you think they're somehow coming after your own sexuality?? And then as the day passed I realized that the US military and some police precincts have been playing with the he/she/him/they for years. When a female takes a position of authority today is still address HER as SIR. Then let's consider movies and movie stars; there are no longer actresses, everyone is an actor. I'm sure you all could help me with various examples but the bottom line is no one was worked up about it as long as we turned females into males
And for those of you who are so fearful maybe you should all identify as SIR when women were all chattel. Do you understand that word or should I define it????
There’s always only been 2 genders?!? lol bunch of sheep
I can't wait for this to lower the egg prices
Trump ❤
Laughable. He has zero understanding of psychology.
This is a big distraction. But, it feeds into
a “decadence narrative,” which is typical of Fascism. PSYOPS! Wake up idiots.
Is lesbian, trans Rachel Levine going to be fired?
Wouldn’t America be a more inclusive and accepting society if gender and sex are regarded as two different things? There are two biological sexes sure- male and female, but shouldn’t people have the right to choose which gender they best identify with? I feel Australia is much more inclusive in this way, and I am proud that we are heading forwards, not backwards, in our rights for the LGBTIQ+ community. Just something to consider..
There has ALWAYS only been two genders. Government strong-arm coercion couldn’t change the truth.
world policy and truth, Male and Female are the only two genders.
You cannot dictate any official policy henceforth Trump.