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When the US enters the Vietnam Battle, it’s assured in its navy may, but it surely quickly finds itself battling an underestimated enemy, a widening warfare, and political turmoil at house. North Vietnam has been combating for an unbiased and unified Vietnam for many years. As either side conflict within the jungles of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, the warfare turns into a quagmire wherein navy energy alone can not safe victory.
00:00 Half I: Why did the Vietnam Battle Break Out?
28:19 Half II: Vietnam Battle 1965-67
50:02 Half III: Tet Offensive 1968
01:15:04 Half IV: Vietnam Battle 1969-1975
01:43:17 Half V: Forgotten Armies of the Vietnam Battle
01:59:59 Half VI: Vietnam Battle in Laos and Cambodia
02:25:11 Epilogue: Why the US Misplaced the Vietnam Battle
Reed Spilmann, Jim Body, Erik Ritter, Cardboard, Ken Brownfield, David Garfinkle, Raymond Martin, Konstantin Bredyuk, Lisa Anderson, Brad Durbin, Jeremy Okay Jones, Murray Godfrey, John Ozment, Stephen Parker, Mavrides, Kristina Colburn, Stefan Jackowski, Cardboard, William Kincade, William Wallace, Daniel L Garza, Chris Daley, Malcolm Swan, Christoph Wolf, Simen Røste, Jim F Barlow, Taylor Allen, Adam Smith, James Giliberto, Albert B. Knapp MD, Tobias Wildenblanck, Richard L Benkin, Marco Kuhnert, Matt Barnes, Ramon Rijkhoek, Jan, Scott Deederly, gsporie, Kekoa, Bruce G. Hearns, Hans Broberg, Fogeltje
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
»CREDITS Offered by: Jesse Alexander Written by: Mark Newton, Jesse Alexander Director: Toni Steller Modifying: Philipp Appelt, Toni Steller Movement Design: Philipp Appelt, Toni Steller Mixing, Mastering & Sound Design:
Analysis by: Mark Newton
Truth checking: Florian Wittig, Jesse Alexander
Govt Producer: Florian Wittig
Channel Design: Simon Buckmaster
Accommodates licensed materials by getty photos, AP and Reuters
Maps: MapTiler/OpenStreetMap Contributors & GEOlayers3
Music Library: Epidemic Sound
All pictures and movie in our documentaries are genuine historic footage. We don’t use generative AI to create new belongings. Nevertheless, we could use AI instruments to upscale or clear up sure belongings with out distorting or compromising the unique picture.
All rights reserved – Actual Time Historical past GmbH 2024
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Mỹ không tốt như lời nói, Mỹ đem vũ khí hủy diệt chết chóc rất nhiều nước trên thế giới nhất là Việt Nam
Disgusting war, should never had happened
There's alot of Westmorelands in Texas
Gulf of Tonkin by the governments own documents has been proven to be a coup. What are you doing ?
It really boiled down to a US military victory was always possible. It’s just we had Presidents after JFK who didn’t understand war. That’s why JFK probably wouldn’t have continued it. We had countries just like now, that will supply an enemy if they can make money off of it.
If we had just mined the harbors and not allowed sanctuary sites from the beginning it would have been over quickly. Personally I think walking away would have been the better idea. You cannot think you can give people freedom. They have to want it enough to clean their own house. This has proven to be true at many times and places since then. Ukraine faces this dilemma. Can they clean up the corruption enough to convince the rest of the world it’s not just another wasted effort.
Se gli americani bombardavano a tappeto Hanoi e altre città del nord, avrebbero vinto la guerra……ma si sono impantanati nella jungla in una guerra di logoramento sfavorevole a loro….
My grandfather fight in the Vietnam war to chase away the French and American away from their one world order ideology. And he is true from what we see today. What a great vision he and his generation have. 🎉
Wtf did America had anything to do with it..
Why do the French even bother?
Superb documentary! Cant wait to watch your others
I’ve never heard any documentary or conspiracy theorists examine the evidence of there being a Coup d'état in both the U.S and South Vietnam: in the same year, a month apart and afterwards all out war breaks out.
America is such a bloodbath. Their feet run do evil, they make haste to shed innocent blood.
What do Vietnam, Afghanistan and Ukraine have in common? The USA abandoned them. Will Taiwan join the list?
The golf of Tonkin Incident, never happened. McNamara as much as admitted it years later. This was another false flag op. The war machine and the industrial complex..was itching to go to war since Kennedy chickened out of Cuba…so they thought. This war was a joint exercise Initiated by the CIA.
My how we continue to forget how determination for independence is born into the soul of mankind…we were the bad guys in that war… Ho Chi Minh first went to Kennedy for support for anti Colonial involvement since Vietnam wanted Independence…we failed them…so he went to communisn
Ho Chi MIn was also student in the US and well supportet, he always sue for peace and friendly solutions since he was in charge, but, well, the US intervened to their interests
This was My Generations Coming of Age ,Passage into Manhood ,I Had USA Jarheads, to help Guide me ❤ Thanks to All ,Who Are Still Here 3:20 John Barnett Semper Fi ❤❤❤❤❤
Post Script, President Kennedy, and His Administrations Policy, continues to Lay Waste to Americans, Young Men, 12:22 Enough is Enough People Semper Fi, John Barnett revisited 7 December 2024❤❤
Just Remember that Most of these Soldiers were living amazing lives in America in 1960’s when they were drafted & forced to go to Vietnam & fight.
America has gained so much knowledge in medicine & technology & military operations from fighting these wars that liberals call senseless while they vote for warmongers & run the other way only willing to give their opinion but never willing to fight for their freedom.
It wasn’t until After Vietnam that Americans finally became 🆓 from being Drafted into war. Prior to that every Generation of Americans had to fight in a war.
The 1st war was the civil war against the southern democrats who have continued to riot & attack America & Americans today
I was taught that the Vietnam War was started in 1947 by Pres Truman ???
I was hoping to see more coverage of the siege at Khe Sanh. Johnson's insistence that the base be held at all costs and then the immediate abandonment of the base once the siege was broken encapsulated the futility of the war and did as much as anything to turn public opinion against it. My uncle was KIA at Khe Sanh on Feb 22, 1968. He was the co-pilot of the downed CH-53 that appears in many films and photographs of the base during the siege.
Kennedy had signed an executive order to withdraw. The military industrial complex obviously thought otherwise…
How many adverts do you need on your videos!?
My uncle Vic was involved Vietnam war
Respect to the Australians for staying civilized, whereas the Americans quickly turned into Barbarians.
wow great video I never knew about the Jackson State killings I knew about kent state thanks to Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Ohio"
You should do a video on those 2 first school shootings that led the way to the many we have now.
The effort that this channel puts into its documentaries and videos is felt, thank you for the great information!