Why has the Philippines economic system turn out to be a thriller that Puzzled everybody.
Why has the Philippines economic system turn out to be a thriller that Puzzled everybody.
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It was all fault of the old Marcoses . They exhausted all the money of the Filipinos that's why from a richer country, it became poor
Did you check the interest of people? People are so religious that they depend too much on praying to survive, love to be number one in sports like basketball, but dominated by black in USA, have brain for high tech but never try to create anything except to work for someone else.
Very big population. Filipino family during 50s thru maybe up to now believes that having many children will bring them good life when the children grew. But the problem is only few of these children grew with good life because of different social problems.
Though in the 50s the economy of the Philippines is one of the biggest in asia, most of it is because of the big sugar plantation being owned by few mostly spanish origin family. And most people around it are just worker, those family did not do anything to improve the life of their worker because they want to protect their business and ensure to have good income in the future. Sadly as the time passed these sugar plantation cannot support the development of the country.
Just my personal opinion.
Crippled by corruptions nurtured by foreign interference. After severe and crippling destruction by the war, Philippines was not given enough assistance to rise despite fighting a proxy war for the Americans. The oligarchs continue to dominate the country's economy at the expense of the misery of the poor masses.
the primary reason in LACK OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT is the Constitutiional restrictions that prohibits foreigners to invest with 100 percent ownership .. From 1950 to 1960 The Philippines is the leader in economic growth in Asia. Our alliance with the United States becomes the integral part of the Philippines econoimic growth as American Industries from Toothpaste to Automobiles are pouring into the Country. However, after the korean War, the Americans realized that it is more importsnt to develop Japan than the Philippines and by the end of the the 1960 Japaneae economy surpasses the Philippines. The Philippines Co-dependency with the USA as the only trading partners although beneficial does go along very well in terms of Business Development and infrastrructures, political leadership in the Philippines are still controllled by the United States.
In a way, PH followed the path of some Latin American countries, PH having been colonized by Spain for 3 centuries. ( This contrasts with Japan which was never colonized, but instead colonized Korea, and Taiwan ). The oligarchy in PH as an offshoot of old big Spanish landowners as you also narrated, slowed PH economic growth and widened the gap between rich and poor Filipinos. The US which took over from Spain, established public schools to educate all Filipinos which improved the lives of most Filipinos in a democracy. But as colonizers, Spain and the US continued to exploit the resources of PH even after they left the country with the institutions they previously established in PH.
The Ferdinand Marcos Sr. regime in its fight against communism, slowed down PH economic growth with the imposition of Marshall Law in 1972, a move that most rich and middle income countries of the world did not support. This was followed by the termination of US leases to Clark and Subic military bases in 1992 by the PH Senate which were good contributors to the PH economy. Administrations which were anti-US, like the Duterte administration having pivoted to China and Russia did not help PH either. The current administration’s opening of more bases to the US in PH’s fight against China and the US support for Taiwan, may draw support to PH by most of the world’s democracies.
. ( 2 ESDRAS ) 5 : 8.. "There shall be a confusion also in many places, and the fire shall be oft sent out again, and the wild beasts shall change their places, and menstruous women shall bring forth monsters:" Thank you for time.
MALAYSIA is Best in all aspect of Growing Economy that the Philippines
Well, I think Philippines need not to developed more, we should stay of what we stand. If you Look at develop countries, the birth rate is becoming low every decades because they cannot add additional mouth because they can't afford while their country is developing…
And we are in the center of pacific ring of fire, we need more TREES than TALL BUILDINGS….
Philippines has always been on track to be one of the newly industrialized nation, and economic prosperity is always nearly at hand. But.. it's asymptotic… He he he.
Always almost there but never really reaching.
Mystery of all mystery.
But not really. There is no mystery on its predicament.
It is by design.
Your knowleoge of history about political and economic development of the Phiippines is fantastically complete😅
Which or what Political family Robbed the Philippines of Billions of dollars and Fleed to Hawaii.
This family was allowed to return to the Philippines with all of the stolen funds and now another family member is running the Philippines 🇵🇭 and no doubt the same thing will happen again with the help of America.
Corruption is the Philippines 🇵🇭 biggest problem and will be for year's to come 💯 %
The Queen of South will Rise🤗 The Land of Ophir🤫Where King Solomon got its Gold🤗 Columbus, Magellan, Dr. Jose Rizal, and Bush knew🤗
Ph is full incompetent but always talking big like delusional 🤡🤡🤡
Ph incompetent
I think you've forgotten INCOMPETENT MANAGEMENT & TRAITOROUS LEADERSHIP. That there pretty much explains A LOT!
Can you feature Filipino singing choir who win international competition. And the use of Filipino folk songs by other nations that slso made them win such competitions.
It oroves thst we do not onky have great dingers but composers too
Ph need more effort to level up its economy…new evonomic managers must control the inflation or remained it as constant factor in rising the economy…I'm not an economist but the best formula,^Economy= ^Income / Cost of Living…
As the economy rises,the income also rises but Cost of living must remain constant or inversely proportional to the economy…
Countries that subscribe to strong central authority experience rapid wealth. Authority in Philippines is decentralized which means everyone has to have a piece of the red tape before anything gets approved. China, Vietnam, and other Asian Nations have strong central authority that cannot be challenged or you disappear.
From slaves to kings, the Philippines is rising and will be like Israel in the time of King Solomon 👑
Gold Mining in Benguet, Philippines: 1900-1941
I see corruption, overpopulated, oligarchs only enriching themselves as the culprits in hindering what a good life should be what an ordinary Filipino should be enjoying. There are also beliefs that the church has embedded into the minds of the people that slows progression specially family planning. I just hope that the present administration tackles everything in pursuing economic growth and advancement. Wage concerns should also be studied to alleviate poverty. Lastly there should also be a concerted effort among it's people in realizing in achieving all these. If only it's people embrace DISCIPLINE just like what our Japanese friends posses.
Education. Low literacy, focused on debating. Low focus on technical skills. Imagine a colege engineering forced to study social sciences, humanities and filipino and other useless skills from a technical person perspective.
Results is colleges produce unproductuve graduates. Industry spend so much time to train them and also the graduates are very good in arguing and debates.
The Philippine economy had a HUGE LAG during the 60’s throughout the late 90’s it’s because of CRONY CAPITALISM !!! I know you know the meaning of “CRONY”, where businesses is well protected hand in hand by GOV’T OFFICIALS for SELF INTEREST and PROFIT !!! Monopolism is one.
Have a GREAT DAY Dave !! God Bless !!! Have an interesting topic all the time !!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😀😀😀😀😀👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The Philippine have hidden underground economy just search what and where they are.
The Philippines is in a better position now compared back in the 1970s-1980s. Our GDP growth remains positive and one of the highest in the region. So we are getting there!
Hello! F. Marcos sucked the country dry. Everyone knows that. Or should.
Your last question should be, why is the Philippines doing much better now than before. To reach a US 1,000,000, 000,000 economy soon is a testament to patiently doing what is right. Helping your family, staying in school, getting a job overseas, send money home to… well repeat the cycle but SCALE UP. Send more kids to college and earn more degrees from nursing to teachers to engineers to computer science and become the call center of the world, a white collar job that serves many industries that need the expertise of these people. They don’t work in factories but instead work in high rises in modernizing cities. The love for edu action by individuals save the Philippines from sliding into economic depression. The past governments workers are corrupt. But with new elected officials like the mayor of Pasig, it would be a shame if the rest don’t follow his example of honesty and truly serving the citizens. Who do you think made those banks and malls rich. Those are based on salaries of hardworking Filipinos. If they only give back a little bit more like the CEO of San Miguel … These are my thoughts and opinions. What do you think? Latin America is not doing well. Mexico is doing well because the U.S. conglomerates and companies closed factories in the US and transferred them to Mexico. I think there’s a lot of deaths from drug overdose in US, about 106,000 in 2021 because these people had no way of sustaining themselves financially. Multiply that number year after year, we must have lost more than half a million citizens in this country.
The Philippines is on the rise again. GDP growth of the Country is now the highest in the ASEAN Region and among the highest not only in Asia but in the world. Inflation has been tempered. Population growth has been tempered to ideal level.
Unemployment, hunger incidence and crime rate are all down. Tourism is going up.
Over 100 power service contracts amounting to over a trillion pesos have been approved by the current administration to address the high cost of electricity and stabilize power supply.
The Philippines is projected to be the economic growth leader in the ASEAN region in the next 4-5 years.
Catholic church cares only about god, not people.
Could be the Philippines is really the richest, just nobody knew it, because it's a secret and not wanted to flaunt the richness. The Philippines owns the gold deposited all over the world.
Thailand was never colonized by a foreign country.