Patreon Hyperlink:
0:00 – Intro
1:03 – The Maikop Tradition
6:34 – The Moche
13:21 – Sanxingdui
15:49 – The Diquís Tradition
19:23 – The Zapotecs
29:47 – The Plain of Jars
35:37 – The Mississippians
42:45 – Patrons
Works Cited:
#ancienthistory #historical past #iceberg #icebergchart #ancientcivilizations #artifacts #treasure #historyfacts #civilizations #ancientaliens #pyramid #pyramids #uncanny #ancienthistoryofindia #historic #treasurehunting
awesome to hear you talking about the mississippians! for a lot of midwesterners they would be much higher on the iceberg as the cahokia mounds are a token stop on many a roadtrip 🙂
also i wrote a paper on moche pottery in high school and fought tooth and nail to not have to show my teacher a sex pot. its not my fault that rivers and flowing water were culturally significant so a lot of art ended up being about… fluids
why you talking like that
seeing the degraded Moche pyramids honestly looks a lot like the hoodoos in Alberta
Chiefs used to be buried with their sacrifice victims.
Hilarious expert
Honorable mention wolof empire West Africa
vancouver?! love that we have such a goated youtuber here, keep up the great work!!
thanks for talking about the Mississippians, such an under-discussed topic here in the US.
Moche are so underrated… i mean, these guys are literally the ancient egyptians of the americas, just look into the lord of Sipan tomb… it has so many riches, pure gold and silver, like king Tut , and is only one of many rulers. There are so much Moche pyramids (Huacas) in the western coast of peru but no one cares. Investigators and documentary are always focused in Macchu Picchu and the incas… while for sure there are a lot of gold and silver buried in the forgotten royal tombs, in constant danger between tomb thieves (Huaqueros) and storms.
It's suprising how common human sacrifice has been throughout history. It makes it more understandable why people are so okay with things like the transatlantic slave trade and abortion today.
The plain of jars was not originally used for cremation as many of the jars have narrow mouths too small to fit a people inside.
please stop making your voice deeper than it is
I live near Maykop and I need to point two things out. First, the street that you zoomed in on is called "Tomb Street" in Russian, referring to the very tomb mentioned in the video. Second, the languages currently spoken there are in no way an indication of what languages were spoken there millennia ago, as languages shift even faster than other cultural elements. Mesopotamia is the greatest example of this. I'm sure the people who lived there back in the Maykop heyday didn't speak Arabic!
Sooooo…. Those Diquis stone spheres…. Show up in new Zealand….. Same size, same no idea what theyre for.
If only our History lessons at school were this interesting
i love your videos i really think there are thousands of unknown civilizations that we dont know off and may never know we only know 0.1 of earths history so anything is possible that is my opinion
Great Video! I like seeing that one of the civilizations mentioned is where my family is from. also just a FYI a easy way to pronounce chiriqui properly is by saying it like "shitty key" lol, Chi-Ri-Qui. It's a pretty fun little word to say once you get it down lol
love this series so far! im not usually inclined to watch history related content on here, but your stuff really stands out to me, and listening along has been really great while doing tasks, or winding down for bed. amazing work!
12:28: "The Hub"…..Moche edition. The look on dude's face says it all……….
Just found your channel. Now apart of my night time routine! Falling asleep to these videos is amazing
Im mixtec!!! My neighbors still speak Zapotec and it sounds really pretty, their words are tonal so it sounds like singing!!
36:17 I literally just had the privilege of sitting in a someone who works at this site talking about what's been discovered there. The center there is currently under renovation but I plan on making a trip in 2026 when the center reopens. They're focusing more on making sure the current members of these peoples tribes have a say in how their culture is depicted and preserved. I live like 30ish minutes from Angel Mounds and looking out over grasslands is a wonderful experience its really something special. 10/10 would recommend
werent the diquis big spheres just currency ? i think theres another civilization that has similar spheres they use to make purchases even nowadays. cuz its kinda hard to steal a big sphere.
the sound effects at 10:26 nearly gave me a heart attack!!!! Note to self: do not watch this alone in bed at 2am
12:42 the fact that they made individualistic pottery items to show faces, the facy that they must's made EVEN MORE THAN THEY THOUGHT for so many to survive itsemsn to arrive to the present time….
Damn dude you love Indiana Jones
Painting my bedroom while listening to this. Thank you for keeping me company ❤
I feel so happy to see cultures like Moche in this iceberg. Makes me feel proud of my own country!
Also, as a Spanish speaker (more specifically, Peruvian), I must say that your pronunciation of our words is really good!
Just two little clarifications (because I wanna help :D): The word Huaca is pronounced as "Wah-Cah" and the J makes the H sound you used for Huaca, making "Rajada" more like "Rahada". Nothing else, good job dude! ❤
Scene of punishment of enemies of planet of the apes is eight edition and last
i went to the sanxingdui museum in china. Its sooooooooooo beautiful seeing it in real life
Moche art captivates me. We don't think of photorealism as being something ancient cultures had, but there they are, with their recreations of people so accurate that we can see what they looked like! Not even roman busts are likely so honest.
Other cultures: to preserve our legacy let’s make cities and tombs and elaborate jewelry
Diquis: B A L L S.
I am from the Russian part of the North Caucasus, and in our schools, in history lessons, they talk about the Maikop culture and we even visit dolmens.But I didn't know that the oldest sword was discovered there and that the Maikop culture had such close ties with the Mesopotamian culture..
The trading empire of Manila is totally forgotten… Highly recommend (Transforming Manila: China, Islam and Spain in a Global Port City – by Ethan Hawkley) and (Philippine Gold: Treasures of Forgotten Kingdoms)… It's really sad because ancient civilizations in the Philippines have been totally forgotten.
Why were ancient peoples so obsessed with tombs? I also like the common theme of the rulers doing horrible human sacrifices, and their people eventually rebelling. I always thought that ancient people were inherently more violent because of these rituals. But not it seems to me that they may have been equally as disgusted but where powerless to do so against the power of the 'government'. Kind of like how lots of people are against things that are inherent in the system of our modern society, but are too ingrained in it to be easily stopped.
Shut up, the land area of Russia was NOT home to Sumerians and Mammoths at the same time.
Moche drip is unmatched
An ad every 5 mins. Jesus christ.
16:41 Diquis probably: "want to create stone spheres to fuck up future people?"
I grew up by Cahokia