What do I do with my cash? And why? And the way? And ???????? These are the questions that preserve me up at evening and Wall Avenue ex-finance bros turned pop-biz podcasters, are right here to dish out the grime re: primary cash ideas that we should always have realized in highschool.
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Omg I’m early early!!! I love seeing you guys pop up on my feed every week! 💜
Oooh. Perfect timing for this video. Getting ready to start my day 🥰
Dang I got here early for once, lol
Currently working from home for my finance internship and i had to watch bc of the title
I saw the pod where Lauren talked about weddings and I couldnt wait for this side!
Lacrosse is going to be at the 2028 Olympics games in LA
I had a whole ass panic attack last night, couldn't sleep, and been trying to cope with my anxiety at work. I am so excited this episode will help me for at least an hour! Thank you
Sooo weird she said RC cola as I’m drinking an RC cola that my mom randomly brought me yesterday bc “she remembers them being popular when she was younger” lol
I recommend Girlfriend Collective as a (non-racist, AAPI owned) alternative to Lulu. Even the name for Lulu was created as a way to make fun of Asian folks 😬
Lol I'm listening to the Podcast and washing my car rn
I learned so much from this podcast. First time hearing about ETFs, and wish I could afford to invest in them. Sounds cool
Medschool crew here! Love to turn my brain off to turn on the podcast
This was genuinely such an enlightening & enjoyable episode. I’ve never not loved the pod, but WOW! And the financial vows took me out. Taking notes for the future. Lol
Really appreciate homie saying how much we should spend on rent but being honest about the fact that keeping that at 30% is almost impossible
watching while drinking a warm Strawberries and Cream Dr. Pepper 🤣
This was amazing!! The more housing kind of got me lol living in miami I see apartment building built ALL the time and I would normally hate it lol but also prices here are WILD
a crossover pod i didn’t know i needed! Nick and Jack were v much a part of my daily drive during covid. i didn’t know what happened to their pod so now that makes sense!! love these collabs so far. pls keep em coming!!
1:33:21 The way Lauren put that cheek 😂😂😂
💕Helpful tips from a Tilly in accounting 💕
– everything they said about investing in the S&P500 ETFs/Index funds is amazing advice and take it a step further. For my girlies who make under $100k, set up a ROTH IRA and invest that into the S&P500 (or comaparable index funds). This is investing BUT it’s your retirement fund. When you take this money out at retirement, you pay NO TAXES on it. It’s all yours ❤ P.S. do NOT take this money out otherwise, your older self will thank you.
– The credit card Lauren mentioned is a secured card. It is 1000% okay if that is your first credit card. After about a year of on time full payments, you’ll be able to get a normal credit card. P.S. Discover is a great beginner card in general but especially for secured cards.
I’ve never heard of these men but they have a new follower. I love the honest, straight forward helpful finance talk ☺️
Medical school listeners represent! 😂
I have to admit, I saw two guys as guests and expected bros so I didn’t rush over. I’m halfway through and so so happy I found a new podcast to listen to!!!
Watching these 2 ex-finance bros just love each other for 90 minutes healed something in me
The fact I actually understood and learned more in this one episode than I did in my actual economics classes in my business school 😂😅
This was so entertaining and educating at the same time! i laughed so much, guys are such an amazing duo! I found new pod to listen, and daily one? even better 😂
Can we see the person behind the camera when they talk
love the episode! were fun guest for sure, nice to have such a totally different topic! wanted to throw it on here because it has caught my attention for a few episodes now, is it possible that there is like the slightest delay on audio vs visual like think quarter of a sec of something??? it has been driving me nuts but it could just be a me issue <3
would loooooove to spend 30% max on rent, but it’s more like 50% 🫠🫠🫠
Your pod is relaxing and brings a laugh.
One of my favorite episodes, I love learning about scary topics in a simple and humorous way🫶✨
I think this episode is my favorite so far!
One of the best episodes! So informative and easy to understand. Please bring them back
Finance tip for couples (I’ve been married for 10 years)
If your spouse grew up in a household where money was a hot button topic you have to help them get comfortable talking about it. Show them there is a way to talk about money without things escalating. I worked at a bank and got my degree in finance so it was easy for me to talk about it. Talk about how it feels to talk about money so you understand each others reactions and hesitations. We all have different relationships with finances, get curious about it. 😊
Random thing but I loooove the coloring of your videos😅 like the colors are so nice and matching
I need education podcast merch please~~ These guests have been so amazing and it's so helpful <3
how are you all 🇧🇩❤
Comparing money (something fake and made up) to pizza (actual food people need for survival) is a wild take!!!
I love the information in the podcast, but the calm capitalism talk is wild… these are privileged takes :/ gave me weird vibes. s/o to Lauren for advocating and having a perspective that is more equilibrium based, and fair (e4t the rich lol)
Coming back to this, bc I feel like I understood more. I love the idea that we need more confidence as a society. PIZZA TREE HERE WE COME! You are all capable of adding your own pizza! but still 3at the rich
ik this is late, but how much should someone have in their savings while theyre in college and necessities (like housing and food) are provided for them?
edit: just finished the episode, like everyone else said, saw two guys and wasnt that interested but after watching this was so eye opening and im gonna start listening to them now, thank you for introducing me to them lol
Abou , talkin nao ??
The One Who is rotating trillions and trillions of huge Stars in space which weigh trillions of tons at terrifying speed, without colliding with each other, ALLAH says:
"Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures and many of the people? But upon many the punishment has been justified. And he whom Allah humiliates – for him there is no bestower of honor. Indeed, Allah does what He wills."
"These are two opposing groups that disagree about their Lord: as for the disbelievers, garments of Fire will be cut out for them and boiling water will be poured over their heads,"
"Melting whatever is in their bellies, along with their skin."
"And for [striking] them are maces of iron."
"Every time they want to get out of Hellfire from anguish, they will be returned to it, and [it will be said], "Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire!"
"Indeed, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearl, and their garments therein will be silk."
Source: The Direct Speech of The Creator of the heavens and the earth- Allah, Al Qur'an chapter Hajj: 22 verse-18-23
"Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our Verses- We [Allah] will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise."
Al-Qur'an : chapter 4 verse 56.
"So let them laugh a little and [then] weep much as recompense for what they used to earn."
1k like is this real😂