The physician concluded that Zon’s liver illness wanted pressing remedy.
#elevating pigs
#wild chickens
Sadly, Zon's liver disease is very serious, Zon has to stay in the hospital for a long time for treatment, so Vang Hoa will take care of the farm and the livestock alone, Zon sincerely apologizes to everyone, Zon really hopes everyone understands and sympathizes with Zon, wish everyone a happy new day 😢😢
bệnh gan mới phát hiện điều trị sớm sẽ khỏi bệnh thôi mong bạn yên tâm nghe lời bác sĩ để điều trị chúc bạn sớm hết bệnh sẽ có một cái đám cưới với vàng hoa nhé
A man who knows how to love his wife wishes him and his wife happiness
Buenos días aqui desde Bogotá Colombia la saludo y para adelante mujer que su esposito va a estar bien
May almighty god grant zon a speedy recovery Amen
Zon and Vang Hoa, please have a look at the following link about Dr. Berg video about how to care the Liver, this is very good reference for you, I hope you will be getting better soon!
Bom dia jovem boas melhoras pra vc amém 🙏🙏 sou do Brasil abraço a todos
Desde américa Venezuela quisiera saber cómo está jhn su salud como está el, se extraña
Cuídense mucho. Resamos por ustedes
Zon just follow your doctor's instructions, avoid worries, and pray. Many are praying for your speedy recovery. Jesus loves you. Fan from the Philippines
한국입니다.B형 간염에는 일을많이하면 안됩니다.그리고 비타민C를 하루에 6~9g씩 꾸준하게 복용하면 간질환에는 큰효과가 있습니다
It's Korea. Hepatitis B is when you work a lot
No, and vitamin C a day
If you take 6~9g consistently, it's not good for liver disease
It's very effective😍
Nyob USA Thov kom kwv zon zoo sai vang hou us siab loj zon yeej yuav zoo nyob zoo rau koj
Get well with the Grace of Almighy God Zon. ❤
Здоровья береги себя привет из Армении
Oiê boa tarde como estão espero que esteja bem vendo este vídeo como vc ama esta mulher é ela também te ama muito que vcs veja muito feliz si cuida amo muito vcs
How can I send money to Him? Does anyone know?
Get well soon Zon!🙏
Parabéns que bom gosto
건강이 우선 입니다
잘 치료하면은 회복할수. 있으니 너무 큰걱정은 마시고 치료 잘하시길 바랍니다 🙏🏻👍
Zon,por favor haz reposo por un tiempo y aliméntate bien,tienes de todo lo que quieras come.Mata animales y come carne y leche,frijol,garbanzo,lenteja.El reposo es fundamental,deja por un tiempo el trabajo,Vang,lo va a tomar con gusto,ella te ama mucho.Haz lo sumo posible por reposar.El licuado obatido verde es buenisimo,con espinaca,pepino y brócoli.Jehova’te proteja.Un abrazo para ti y Vang❤❤Es Blanca de Miami ❤
醫生說是肝癌嗎?Doctor said liver cancer ?
His ALT and AST looked normal on the test…? Should be worse if liver disease is severe.
Milk thistle and TUDCA good for liver