Tapirs are fascinating ungulates with an elephant-like trunk. They’re among the oldest mammals nonetheless round, however all species of tapir are sadly threatened by deforestation. There may be some controversy over the variety of species alive right this moment. Most scientists agree there are 4, though this quantity has the potential to lower to 3 with extra analysis.
All footage attributed to Animal Analytics have been taken by me personally. A full description of all others might be discovered within the following doc, together with notable scientific papers I used when researching this subject.
Attributions and Analysis Papers: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jc45jfozcxwzrou58w1js/Attribution-and-Copyright-Tapirs.docx?rlkey=65zfn74b6pcvqdopmcwmg72u2&st=2nptbg2o&dl=0
00:00 Introduction
00:22 Perissodactyla
02:37 Tapiridae
05:13 Evolution of Tapirs
08:13 Malayan Tapir, Tapirus indicus
12:28 Bairdโs Tapir, Tapirus bairdii
15:48 Mountain Tapir, Tapirus pinchaque
18:06 South American Tapir, Tapirus terrestris
20:28 Little Black Tapir
24:30 Tapirโs Function in Tradition
25:24 Outro
Thanks for watching, and let me know what animals you wish to see me speak about subsequent.
Great video! Youโre probably the most informative in this genre and itโs so easy and pleasant to digest.
Because I recently got my Zoology degree in 22, I can actually give you more context on the Mountain Tapir debate. In academia there's currently a bit of a war over which concept(s) should determine what makes a distinct species. Right now, we have the Morphological, Biological, & Genetic concepts. Supporters of the Biological & some of the Genetic concept point out that the Karyotypes are distinct (2n=80 for SAmerican Tapir, 2n=76 for Mountain Tapir), therefore likely making sterile hybrids upon crossing; however, others point out that different chromosome counts are not always a significant barrier for reproduction in Perissodactyls (see: Mongolian Wild Horse vs Domestic Horse), even if overall fertility is lowered. Personally, it seems like the consensus is shifting to T. pinchaque being recognized as its own species, but I would like more research into their capability of producing fertile offspring with T. terrestris first. Then again, I'm also a Biological concept purist & believe in a Brown Bear species complex that includes Polar Bears so who knows lol
nice video its rare Biology and Evolution animals
Youโre so smart. And know what youโre talking about. Plus youโre audibly so engaged in what youโre showcasing. That is truly appreciated. ๐๐ผ
Adam and Eve were born from the womb of a tapir.
A tapir carried baby jesus and mary into Jerusalem.
Only one negative criticism. Please stop using the super slow magnification on every still shot. Aside from it cutting off parts of some pics, it is actually making me nauseous. I can't be the only one. I can see it slowly getting larger, but it is so slow, it just… I don't know why it makes me sick, but it does. Every shot doesn't need motion to keep our interest. BTW, your accent is more pronounced than was Steve Irwin's. I loved him dearly, as he was such a lovely person. I got used to his accent. I am sure I can get used to yours. You are now one person closer to the 1K subbies needed to monetise. Good luck, young man.
P.S. @22:15, you mentioned the genetic variance of "only" 1.3% for the little black tapir from the other South American species. Um. Dude. The genetic variance between us and chimps is 1.2%. Obviously it doesn't take a lot to make a new species, as people and chimps are not scrumping and making babies. Vos et al are a bunch of "see you next Tuesday"s, trying to make a name for themselves.
This is great!! Glad to find another channel going over biology and evolution of animals. I wish you luck with your channel!!
The catch with Latin American tapir conservation is that a government capable of defying poachers might get big ideas and start defying the U$ as well. Washington will never allow that.
Any discussion of conservation must take imperialism into consideration.