Essentially the most anticipated DOTA 2 event of the 12 months is right here, broadcasting dwell from Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 4 to fifteen.
Essentially the most anticipated DOTA 2 event of the 12 months is right here, broadcasting dwell from Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 4 to fifteen.
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Wow im so sad right now, I bet on falcons because of ammar the goat and sadly I lost because skiter is completly useless on the clinkz sorry to say. What even happened.. did falcons lose to the pressure of TI or what??
no offense but why is an enchantress auto attacking getting praise.. what the fuck lol? he gets to sit there and spam spears out and that is impressive somehow?
10:14:06 Gg is call, whitemon your monster❤
Keren bang emon
omg what an amazing day of dota
Ya wtf
How great would it be if they didnt spoiled the results in the title
Ammar the Spoiler. 😅
my oldest dota memory is hilarious
pre frozen throne
I pick balanar and I am not doing well
a team8 tells to to just stay back and last hit
I found that utterly boring so I quit straight up 🙂
Every time this girl in yellow pops up. All we see is that little A cup puppies.
It's just Jugg after eating Tori Tori no Mi
Valve really needs to put a real animation on Drinking Buddies. It looks so ridiculous that when it happens at near or full range both teams stare at the Tusk in bewilderment.
Is a small portion of the millions and millions from the last few TIs that never made it to players not enough to convince someone to work on it?
What a game.
casters now are so boring
Series 1 – C9 VS Falcons
Game 1 – 1:06:57
Game 2 – 2:16:00
Series 2 – Tundra VS XG
Game 1 – 3:39:42
Game 2 – 4:46:15
Series 3 – Liquid VS GG
Game 1 – 6:26:37
Game 2 – 7:48:10
Series 4 – Falcons VS Tundra
Game 1 – 9:10:50
Game 2 – 10:32:32
where is that timestamp guy
They forgot the underrated hero Whitemon,, wthout his stun ramzees cant steal the aegis, whitemon the only minimum error on the team
Commentators' wordsmith was amazing on Tundra vs Falcons.