Robyn talks to Dr Susan Bissett, Lecturer of Dentistry and Claire Hills-Wilson from The Lawnmowers Unbiased Theatre Firm about how a brand new instructional movie will assist new dentists deal with sufferers with studying difficulties.
Robyn talks to Dr Susan Bissett, Lecturer of Dentistry and Claire Hills-Wilson from The Lawnmowers Unbiased Theatre Firm about how a brand new instructional movie will assist new dentists deal with sufferers with studying difficulties.
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Great podcast. Another step is to provide a short ppt for care providers and carers on how to ensure good quality dental care, it could note what should be offered by dentists and what to do if this is not provided or is not accessible. Research should be done on how then to make this information widely known. My sister has learning disabilities-this is a very important area as her learning disabled boyfriend has just had all his teeth removed at 63.