0:00 Introduction 2:33 Lecture 4:17 Elements affecting the evolution of viruses 9:10 Human coronaviruses 13:14 The origin of human coronavirus (SARS-COV and SARS-COV-2) 19:51 SARS-COV-2 21:28 28:59 Variants 31:48 Evolution of SARS-COV-2 32:15 Variant Omikron 35:05 Farmness Variant SARS-COV-2 36:20 Convergent Evolution Omikron 37:21 SARS-COV-2 39:38 46:50 Abstract of the primary half 49:10 Flu and its incidence 52:39 Institution of latest subtypes 53:42 Chicken flu 55:13 Historical past Chicken Flu 59:35 Evolution 1:03:22 Experiment exhibiting portability of the virus 1:10:56 Tachezy graduated from the School of Pure Sciences of Charles College of Molecular biology and genetics. She accomplished her research in 1987 by defending her diploma thesis on “Utilizing a restriction evaluation for verifying evolutionary relationships and classification of trichomonads”. In 1988 she labored on the Division of Parasitology and Hydrobiology of Charles College in Prague and received the title of RNDr. Since 1989 he has been employed on the Division of Experimental Virology, which has been a part of the Institute of SER and Vaccinations and now belongs to the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. In 1996 she defended his doctoral thesis entitled “Range of Papillomaviruses” and received the title Ph.D. in molecular virology. In 2004, the attestation take a look at “Investigative strategies in microbiology” handed. She graduated from a number of internships. In 1990 on the Division of Pathology College of Kuopio, Finland, 1991-4 on the Division of Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Einstein Faculty of Drugs in New York, within the USA, in 1995 on the Division of Microbiology and Immunology, Rega Institute for Medical Analysis, College of Leuven, Belgium and in 2003 on the Division of Pathology and Faculty of Public Well being, College of Iowa, Iowa Metropolis, USA. Since 1998 he has been the pinnacle of the Nationwide Reference Laboratory for Papillomaviruses and Polyomaviruses.
Start 1:51 / 4:25
Omikron okomentoval tehdy nějaký ruský epidemiolog tím, že bude znamenat konec největších problémů. I omikron mohl být vypuštěný z laboratoře.
Výborná přednáška, moc díky za upload. Doufám, že komentářová sekce se vzhledem k tématu nezvrhne v klasickou antivědní stoku.
1:47:40 Tak na tuto otázku je největší odborník ruský vlastenec p. Černohorský, který na semináři v parlamentu nedávno hřímal, že tento virus nebyl nikdy izolován (proto je to celé lež). To víte tesař apod., který se nechce z dluhů vypracovat to ví nejlépe. 😅
Paní Tachezy je stále v r.2020. https://youtu.be/EaJt5jC5gbY?si=H-goTiOX9X2Kvrkp