HOMEMADE EXPLOSIVE FUN!! The FIRST time I’ve captured a Rocket Pageant in Laos!
Held each Could, early June the Lao maintain this competition firing REDICULOUS dimension rockets into the sky to convey on the wet season.. For sure, one of the crucial enjoyable and distinctive festivals you’ll ever attend.
Rural Laos Rocket Pageant 2024
On a regular basis life in Laos, we stay in Vientiane, Now in Lao with Lao spouse, Neenee Lao life residing in Laos capturing the Lao way of life, every day life in Lao, the place to go in Laos, journey locations, Laos tourism, customs, Lao improvement and the way individuals stay in Laos of their journey Laos movies and journey vlogs. Now to Lao, Vlogging Laos S.E.Asia !!
Now in Lao journey vlog
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Sabaidee and welcome to my channel….Now in Lao!!
My title is Todd and i’m an Australian presently residing in Laos with my spouse, Neenee.
This can be a channel primarily devoted to Laos and the individuals who stay right here, our every day lives and our travels inside this wonderful nation. Thanks for watching and when you have any questions in any respect, please do not hesitate to ask, by both commenting or contacting me by way of Fb.
Now in Lao …. Vlogging Laos !!
It sound like a great place to spent the weekend. Like our 4th of July Events here in the states. Looks like a lot of fun. 🚀🚀 All the best guys . Jim and Harriet
Bbq on the river at night with some beer 🍻 can’t get any better than that.
It's an event I'd like to see live even it's wet and Woodstock muddy. The fireworks reminds me when I was kid we'd buy rockets at 6p to 12d/ shilling place them in a milk bottle or a piece of pipe for launching skywards or aiming horizontally, those were the days of fun my friends.😂
Great rocket festival Todd and good to see that they still have the really big ones in Laos. Many villages in Thailand have banned the enormous ones due to health and safety concerns as there have been people injured and even killed in previous years. Thank you Neenee for giving us the back story of these festivals. The small rocket that you bought would still have been enough to cause you serious burns if you had held it and lit it! I forgot for a moment that you are from Australia and therefore don't celebrate Guy Fawkes night on Nov 5th as we do in England. Rockets of that size we would launch from a bottle placed in the ground or bigger ones from two staples nailed to a piece of wood sufficiently to allow the stick to slip easily up and down. I have launched many a rocket and other fireworks in my time from my back garden when my children were young, back in the UK. Love the way that Mina brought her Maths book with her. She is always so keen to learn. Long may it continue. God bless you all and keep you safe 😀❤🙏💥
good old bottle rockets
Village l go to in Thailand Issan just had theirs My Misses Danced this year face painted white ya know lol been to a few overvthe years love how Common sense is used instead of the Bullshit Safety shite we have in the west! Amazing Asia gotta love it!!! Your living the Dream Todd way to go Cheers Big Ears
always bringing interesting original content, good job
Love it 👍🙂
That little piece of PVC pipe lol. I was wondering where that big one that went out of control landed.🚀⛲Those clouds are 😎
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One would presume that they've checked the airlines flight paths before launching .. 555. Seen the big mothers they used to let go in Thailand years ago they were something to behold. They also do this in Philippines. If you were living back home at present Todd you'd be used to all the mud. Nice to see the ground responding to the wet. Bushyboy Oz.
Mina always a joy. But dont quite get the western pop music. Kind of in the way for me Thanks
Hey Brother,,, crash, boom, bang is always fun! Been blowing shit up all my life. When I was 12 my evil scientist bestie and I made our own black powder,,super easy by the,,we made bombs out of rifle shells,,like old .303 British shells,,no deaths or injury outside of singed eyebrows. Looked like fun. My personal favorite thing about this festival would have to be the hundreds of gorgeous dancing girls,,,oh,,and hanging with you guys of course. Much,much,much better river cabinx,,nice without all the crowds and the constant flow of piss water.😂😅 my niece ❤❤❤❤❤ looked kind of out of sorts to begin,,but was her usual happy self after shit was blowing up. Super glad shes cutting back on candy and stuff,,dont want her new pearly whites getting ruined. The soda pop is the absolute worst. Glad fun was had despite the mud,,take care,,Ttyl,,,Marlon
💥 great video 💥Todd 👍🏽👍🏽
Dag nabit, where can we buy those Bottle Rockets from⁉️🤣🤣
Hey Todd you may or may not remember me I asked if you could remember what episode it was that Mina had a book she was excited about and tried to explain the significance of the number 4 ………. it was the Our house in Laos & the massive homes, I wanted to show my partner it was a marathon to find it ( but well worth it ) I love the way you guys didn't forget Minas family and occasionally go back and reconnect, by the sounds of it she will be 4 3 2 1 in no time. A big thumbs up for a 100% of your videos
A bit dangerous there aye, that big rocket flight path was very swirly and erattic lol
"Just like a giant spiders ass". Nice one Todd.
The road goes on forever and the party never ends. 👍👍
Wow, it looks like fun.
Seeing sketchy shit is part of the draw of Southeast Asia. I love it.
Legend has it that out of control rocket touched down somewhere in northern Australia 😂
I been bon fire in sisaket thailand. I got drunk. Suprise.. Lao kaoo…Lao deng☠☠ Lot,s of the culture in in thai and lao go over borders. language in the border regions . Son retired now…
Love the god hart videos. 🥰
You can ceep them goverment plates. No 1 ambassador 🙂
4:42 … you are really an excellent driver Todd !!!
So I wish Mina becomes Laos first astronaut in space one day 🚀🛰
So Good to watch, thanks Todd.
Another amazing experience! but the mud! In the US we call that pink stuff cotton candy and in France it is called father's beard LOL! Thanks for taking us along.
Mate itching to go the one in Loei hopefully next year, they do the big wagon wheels looks like a pearla.
Good ending to a great video Todd!
Great now you can wash of all the mud off feet and legs. Nice little room. Very nice floats. Rocket 🚀. Festival rain or shine. Beautiful ladies and mud. Stay safe Todd Neenee and little Mina.❤❤❤
Well that is a deadset festival we will have to attend mate.
Hello Todd, Neenee and Mina! Enjoy the introduction to the area and Rocket Festival antics in rural Laos. The laborious effort put into the floats is impressive. Comparable to the New Year's Rose Bowl parade floats I see every year on television. Every event of significance is an opportunity to hold a festival and celebrate. A break from "everyday" life to be happy! Enjoyed the video; looks like everyone enjoyed themselves. Good show Todd with the rocket lighting!
Dammm lowkey miss living in laos and Damm been min since I watch your vid time to catch up watching your vid and btw muang fuang where I use to live 😭😭😭
I have attended the big Bang Fai Festival in Yasothon the past 2 years. Always a fun event. I love tgat riverside accommodation that you had. I live in.isaan region of Thailand and visit Lsos a couple of times a year. One if these days, I'll need to treat you to a couple of Beer Lao.
The Communists took power in December 1975. In 1976, the Lao government banned boun bung fai because they were concerned about all that gun powder in the hands of civilians. The rains didn't arrive in 1976, and Laos had a famine. 1977 the government allowed boun bung fai again and it's been an annual event ever since. Moral of the story, don't fcuk with the sky spirits.
Great outlook ,at your accommodation there.Rockets were spectacular..Thanks for that….Kenno