This can be a brief video posted on the social media platform X on July thirtieth. The placement is on a pedestrian bridge in Xinhua County, Loudi, Hunan. Whereas taking part in a recording, the protester additionally displayed a banner that learn: “We don’t need privileges, we wish democracy; we don’t need lockdowns, we wish freedom; we don’t need lies, we wish dignity; we don’t need Cultural Revolution, we wish reform; we don’t need dictatorial leaders, we wish elections; we don’t wish to be slaves, we wish to be residents.”
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I pray the Chinese people succeed in achieving their freedom and the right to vote their leaders into office.
That's what should be in China so they can express themselves from what they want and what not.
Vote for Democrats straight ticket November 2024.
America doesn’t want a dictator. Say no to Trump and his cronies at the ballot box November 2024.
Efforts should be made to remove all Xi's money from the banks. That should bring in about 50 billion Yuan
A copycat of Peng's action only shows up almost 2 years later. But certain media & individuals love to paint it as shows of international solidarity. Including congressman Chris Gallagher who said he would nominate Peng for the Nobel Peace Prize, crediting him with inspiring the "white paper" protests across China just a few weeks later after Peng hung the banner. While Zhou Fengsuo, executive director of Human Rights in China, welcomed the nomination.
"This is of course the highest level of support for China's resistance from the international community, and it recognizes what Peng Lifa represents – the spirit of civil resistance," Zhou told Radio Free Asia, praising Peng as "the hero of the new era."
Note the two "troublemakers". One is an American congressman. The other an "exiled" activist. Both are in the US. As usual……😂😂
There is a nation that was a bastion of liberty, innovation and a home for patriotism and valor. But its leaders became greedy and convinced the people to go to unnecessary wars. The brave ones died uselessly and most of what’s left of the population are the meek and passive ones. Only a few brave ones are left. Then the leaders showed their true colors and their agenda because they saw the people will just complain but not fight. They will stay in power for life.
Platform X, you mean the Xhitter? the fascist platform for fascists?
There is no freedom in Communism.
Get rid of xinie the pork pooh your leader
Welp, it's the ancestors fault for supporting communism.
It’s quite amazing that they even have a pan idea about freedom after generations of central planning of everything to do,with survival.
If the Chinese people actually care about their lives or existence, China is about to go through some serious changes. And that's only if you include their own people.
But China Joe still gets his 10% right?
government is the enemy all over the world
Just like kingdom anime. The next unification of china. 😂
My cousin Wang Suk Kok lives in China. He was part of demonstrations and was beaten badly in the groin by local authorities.
Don't let the government run away with the money ,belong to your taxes is the nation money 👌 💯.
Freedom for all!
Rise up People of China
The CCP does not represent the people of China. It represents self interest and the suppression of the will of the people. Set China free!
Why did it show the statue of liberty when mentioning freedom? 😂
the issue for a democratic system is though… is that say u have a 42% to 58% final decision… that is like 500 million people who does not agree or necessarily comply with the winning candidate.
Imagine if the situation with Canada in China. That would crack the chinese society.
Citizens of china…revolt now! Oust xi jinping!
It is hard to topple the evil communist regime but free & democratic countries are on your back to support for a free china.keep it up do not give up , you' re real government is in taiwan who did not succomb & never defeated by the wicked regime that holds you up with your freedom.
dog meat loving and democracy do NOT come together.
they want the good lives, they cannot suppress their own strong genetics. good lives come from innovation -> job creation.
I don't think you can kick xi out . even if you have majority ccp to support. xi can get help from putin .
china will have to go civil war in order to kick xi