The Lelantine conflict was fought between Chalkis and Eretria within the late eighth or early seventh century BCE. It set the political, cultural and mental stage for the golden age of Greek classical civilisation.
Warning: this video is constructed on unabashed romanticised hypothesis, unfounded musings and controversial and unproved theories, all taken to extremes and on the idea of zero proof. However hey ho. What are YOUR theories?
All art work (c) 2024 Michael Walton.
0:00 intro
1:17 An arms management treaty or…
02:33 … the hoplite revolution/reform in motion?
12:09 The decline of Euboea…
13:48 …and the rise of Athens
15:40 The steadiness of energy throughout Greece
16:30 Sparta and the Messenian wars
17:15 Lelantine conflict and the Messesian wars; Athens versus Sparta
17:50 Conclusions
Main sources
– Strabo – E book X.1.12
– Herodotus E book VII, 226
– Aristotle Politics 1297b
– Aelian, Historic Miscellany 6.1
Secondary sources
Bradeen, Donald W. “The Lelantine Conflict and Pheidon of Argos.” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Affiliation 78 (1947): 223–41.
Coldstream, J.N. (1977), Geometric Greece
Donlan, Walter (1970). “Archilochus, Strabo and the Lelantine Conflict.” Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Affiliation, vol. 101, 1970, pp. 131–42. JSTOR,
Echeverría, Fernando (2012) “Hoplite and Phalanx in Archaic and Classical Greece: A Reassessment.” Classical Philology 107, no. 4 (2012): 291–318.
Forrest, W.G.W, Euboea and the Islands, CAH Vol III half 3, Chapter 39d.
Krentz, Peter (1985): “The Nature of Hoplite Battle.” Classical Antiquity 4, no. 1 (1985): 50–61.
Krentz, Peter, ‘Warfare and Hoplites’ in Archaic Greece ed. H.A. Shapiro
Lorimer, H. L. “The Hoplite Phalanx with Particular Reference to the Poems of Archilochus and Tyrtaeus.” The Annual of the British Faculty at Athens 42 (1947): 76–138.
Mattingly, Harold B. (1961) “Athens and Euboea.” The Journal of Hellenic Research 81 (1961): 124–32.
Parker, Victor (1997) Research on the Lelantic Conflict and Associated Points in Early Greek Historical past Salmon, John (1977), “Political Hoplites?” The Journal of Hellenic Research 97 (1977): 84–101.
Snodgrass, A.M. the Hoplite Reform and Historical past (in Archaeology, and the Emergence of Greece)
Snodgrass, A.M the ‘Hoplite Reform’ Revisited (in Archaeology, and the Emergence of Greece)
Its a travesty that this video doesn’t have tens of thousands of views
Keep it up brother. Thank you
Cool stuff, more please!