NEW YORK, March 14, 2024 — An professional panel discusses the water battle within the Himalayan area and the required enhancements to make sure entry to water amidst intensifying local weather change. Contributors embrace Asia Society Coverage Institute (ASPI) China Local weather Hub Director Li Shuo, ASPI Director of South Asia Initiatives Farwa Aamer, and Bentley College Assistant Director for World Research Pon Souvannaseng. Asia Society’s Heart on U.S.-China Relations Arthur Ross Director Orville Schell moderates the dialog. (1 hr., 10 min.)
This program is a part of the COAL + ICE exhibition and sequence of packages at Asia Society, Feb. 13-Aug. 11, 2024, designed to impress thought and motion on local weather change.
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Any time Orville Schell is the panel, it will be an ideological crud fest of trash talking on China with no substance to science or facts. For example 13:00
Hydropolitics is a fractional issue, but discussing the solutions is of course a good step in the right direction. Investment water speculation, in the guise of legitimate water trading based on the premise that everything has a price, is a much weightier issue.
All our water problems are rooted in the lack of water literacy, and if we don't act now, we'd all end up drinking urine.
The exacerbation on her face is telling.i sympathize with her effort to engage in solutions instead of taking the bait on China trashing.
Seems to me Orville is only interested out dated narratives. Of course US has zero interest in solutions. US prefers to perpetuate the problem as a card to play against China
Populations growths as per consumption of energies per head's and requirements of naturally Ice Mountains and cycles of raining clouds to Ice clouds getting theme's places " butt iff have wee needs only my advancements life's cultures are only artificial out of relationship with wee livings in "Nature" and it's health of atmosphere are as Ours health needs heating air temperature and ours artificial additional wait on climate call iff 2° temperature effect on climate ? Licke "
This is dishonest and malicious. U need Indian representative here.
It's ALL China's fault. – Orville
I wouldn't watch this just because Orville is in it….
I could not get past Orville,s ummm ummmm and stuttering introduction . Terrible speaker and I am not talking about his content. Just painful to listen to. Makes me not trust a word he says.
Colonizers of Mekong waters are trying to monopolize on reources of colonized lands. Tibet, Yunnan, Inner Mongolia, Uighur are not 1-China. Hong Kong promise was not honoured by CCP. Now, the evil CCP wants to take away Taiwan, while disputing islands with Japan, South Korea, Phillipines, et al in South China Sea. China is behaving like how british used to behave. Nothing that china says is credit worthy or can be counted upon. Islam of PK, BD, AFG, is significantly different then Islam of Indoneia, Malaysia. PK had signed water treaty with IND, where as zionist China does not believe in any such treaties. CCP colonizes water, from the colonized lands and this is dangerous. CCP is trying to release concentrated toxic waste in Indian Bramhaputra. There is no Tibetan Autonomy, given that CCP had declared his holiness Dalai Lama as terrorist!! China building dams in Tibet is no different then British building railways to loot Indian agricultural produce.
Orville Schel ……….. ……………. Comon, He , again ???
Same sentiment !
I love the stuttering Orville's nonsense. Arabia has numerous cities without a single permanent river. The entire committee is made up of people searching for a problem to suit their solutions (which they can not even identify). The water scarcity they speak of is in the middle of the wettest area of the world! Pure babble-speak. There is no problem and the is no need for their solutions.
Well Said by @BB1CC666 1 day ago
I wouldn't watch this just because Orville is in it…. 😍😍😍😍😍
Orville is surprisingly mediocre.. simply doesn't understand/care about intellectual nuances of the subject matter… As an American of Indian heritage, I just want to say that Orville does NOT represent all American scholars and strategists and I recommend him to actually visit countries like China, Taiwan and India
It’s a shame, that this guy Orville represents China US relations… he doesn’t understand China at all… he needs to go back to school
Schell getting told wrong about his views on China by the actual supposed victims of China is just humbling, damn
It is obvious where Orville wanted to direct the conversation to go. He blamed the lady dodging the question and political; actually, he is political.
Orville should take some calming medicin more regularly
😂 Orville should be called Oligarch
Western ideology ⁉️
Please let the Asians think tank solved their differences.
😂 Orville is only interested in demonizing a particular country with his ideology. Western ideology is to win the fight, Asians we try to compromise more in this modern world.
China is now seeming to have infrastructural capacity to build a dam within its borders and with potential to help manage the river system.
Find a way to communicate with China , establish some sort of trust and see how it work.
To develop this system needs China infrastructure capabilities.
One don’t want to wait India learn how to use toilet paper then starting to talk about co management this river system
Rascist anglo Saxon ,can't expect any better 😂
Mao started south north water diversion program-biggest in the world causing deaths and destruction including in China. After the invasion of Tibet-source of all rivers China is working to control south and south east Asia by controlling the water of Tibet and trade of Indian and Pacific Ocean and beyond by the name of BRI with debt trap loans. With climate change 2 billion people and livelihood is in danger. China is main polluter. China destroyed Meckong river-lifeline of south east Asia by building dams.
The moderator kept trying to bring it to China and the panelists really showed a resonable approach to these issues.
Schell is bitter when it comes to China. It’s a recent happening, wondering why. Is it because China is doing a little too well in recent decades