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Oja 3bu thagatchari
Ram pal ,Who Will Bell The Cats ?
Kukida yamna sougtliba Nabakisor asi totally indigenous Eereicha singi moral mangi O.Nabakisor asidi yelhoumee meiteigi chaoraba yeknaba amani haibada laloi…
Village masing hengatpadi kukigi tradition oire adubu yaningdabadi mee masing hengatpaduni bondhu Nabakishore
Good initiative
Have the unrecognised the villages been identified
Beating about the bush.
Just sensanilasion.
How many new villages sprung up
During the last 7 years.
Forget about Ibobi
Who are the officials to be engaged at Ccpur Moreh
What happen to MSRTC bus service
Loacal election during September and October.
Just saying for public conssumtion
Whether Customary law is above the law and Constitution of INDIA..?? Which article in construction of india.
Any laws or customs and conventions which are violation of any provisions of the Constitution of India should be declared as "ultra vires". Legislature can make laws to amend the customs and conventions which are detrimental to citizens of the country.
Thanku oja tingku
If all customs and conventions of any Tribes which are detrimental to the other citizens of the country are to be honoured, enforced and allowed to be in vogue till date, that customs and conventions should be amended.
Ojaa nabakesorgi waafamdu taabada yaamna awaaba ama oi
Aduda ayaba piriba offers singdo action lougadabani houjikmak, village bu pangtada taba yabara
If you have to honour and guard every custom and convention of every tribal community and ethnic group, why Sati Pratha is prevented? Why Child marriage is prevented? Why human sacrifice is prevented? Why dowry paying and taking is prevented?
As per their Customs, can every Punjabi and Nepali carry their "Customary Swords and Khukris" inside the Parliament Houses/Halls and Assembly Halls of State Legislative Assemblies during Sessions?
Our Parliament and State Legislatures have, with due process of laws, not only the power to enact new laws but also to support or prevent the continuation of any customs or conventions.
The custom or convention of creating or establishing new and new villages by every son of every Village Chief to make Chiefs by all their sons is an out-dated and absurd custom or convention that's to be ended through immediate suitable legislations by the Parliament and State Legislatures without further delay.
Ngasi neinarisimaina ibobi nachahi15 pallingeida neinarammadi ngasi thokliba wathok mayamse thoklamloi
No benifits for unrecognized village.. Means same as before 😅😂
Pan😅elisingi wafmsi yai adubu Nabakishwargidi khata fjb watli !
hahahah.. where is lamka now?????
Yam chumme oja tinku na hairise. Sarkar Sina khanlise praja singse apangba ngaktane sini. Houjikki priority oina tougada thabak ti toude
But sir adubu Bharat changlakpa khudingmak country rule fallow touhalagaba'natra makhoina lakliba lamdugi rule oina chatnaba yabra ekhogi rule and resolution chatnagdaba natro? Adudi makhoigi ne nupi ama malum palakladi mahaki mapamgi apply touradi family adu nuclear family oirani
St louthopni ahnbda mrupirise
Just a gimmick 😅
Village listka citizenship Ka mari leinadre. India citizen oige hairadi Article 5(c) gi matunginna 26 January 1945 da India da domicile oiba mi oigadabani. 1951 or 1961 or 1971 haibasi rajniti touba misinggi wakhallonni. Constitution na yaba wafam Nate except citizens covered by CAA Rules 2024.
Oja Ringku👍👍👍👍💯
Esagi lamda kusida leigani noi nathou leite aremba chaba kangbuna haigi touba leite
Ahan thungao
Nabakumar mathangdi yaohanbiranu
Cm is the main enemy of the Kukis. He is not accepted by the Kukis
O nabakishor angaoba ng outdated oire ng wa khungang se
Nabakishore gi wakhallon si ga Chied Secretary oirammisisu akeeba pok-e
Namei gi wani makokkki wani.
Nabakishora nangna tmluriba LAIRKTUBU Kdaidgi fnglkpa gyan no, nangsu Thbk touringeida kya frmmoi nangna nganglibsina mami tare
Welcome oiba Wafamni.
Personal nungaitabei bais leiraga wa ngangbana meeyamgi interest sokhanbaba faroi…IAS mak oihoudragasu as a common person..logical wakhal khara faobadi meeyamsu khangjei….
Oja. Ringku 👍👏
Nongmei gi mahut ta,tan pairaga dress haptabida leiyo adu oira d kanaba phangni hwjikti chaokhatley
Anoubna powerpaisillakye aribana kadou tariba yamnaluri cheksindbdagi thaokpnl
Aribakharadi wakhidouri
IAS oiba misingse mabukchel sengba khara watpa malle .
Ariba khun sing asi.DARBAlR office. ta jengbiju Hekta asoi bani haibi ganu majam tabavai anouba khun sing asi DC office khoding da jengbi ju.
The creation of any new villages is to be placed by the Revenue Department to the State Cabinet on the recommendation of the concerned Departments. The proposal is to be submitted through DM/DC by the concerned SDO/SDC.