The Vietnam Struggle’s Prime-Secret Particular Forces Commando Unit MACV-SOG has change into a haven for frauds and imposters.
Photograph Credit:
Maps: Google Maps, Google Earth
“Dawson’s Struggle” on Amazon:
Advisable MACV-SOG Studying
Throughout The Fence:
Secret Instructions:
Whisky Tango Foxtrot:
My uncle served two tours in Vietnam; on his last deployment he was embedded of sorts with 5th SFG.
That's the true value of 1A and the US. The sister wrote that obituary but she doesn't understand what it's like to look for and recovery someone in hotly contested areas of enemy esp without a specific location. No telling where that dude ended up and it's unfortunate.
I hate running into other veterans bcz they all served in special forces or force recon or whatever; pathetic.
This guy was probably one of those people that was spitting on vets coming back from Vietnam.
Shallow waters run loud.
Deep waters run silent.
great channle just subbed👍
….Unacceptable….. Worst case…..
First actual SF guy I met was in a mini van full of his kids and wife. Other than being in shape, one would never know. I only knew as our friends, who were/are active duty told us about him and his wife as such a great family.
I was active duty from 80-84. I've often thought I should fire off many angry lessons to my Congress persons. Apparently I'm the only Cold War veteran that didn't get picked by the CIA to lead top secret missions and engage in blazing gun battles. I got jilted.
In all seriousness I often tell the kids( especially the ones at the NG Armory down the street) to dial back the bullshit stories. No one believes that SEALS and Rangers are doing under cover assignments at a National Guard Transportation unit armory situated between the corn fields in Illinois
One vet to another, welcome home brother
I respect our veterans but only ones that weren’t captured. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
After returning to West Texas after Vietnam War, I was 173RD US ARMY MAC/SOG (skysoldier),joined day turned 17,forged dads signature to get in.when I returned I drove straight to my Dads bar,when I reached to open 🚪 a Mexican pushed 🚪 shut,and said WE DON'T LET BABY KILLERS IN HERE,,HE DIDN'T KNOW MY DADS BAR,I WAS GONE 3yrs,after Demonstration of SKYSOLDIER SELF DEFENSE, 🤕on the ingrate,I drove to Lake 🔥my entire War ready Bag,all my ribbons,awards,and my daughter never even knew I served.I told Noone.because I started hunting/trapping/killing at 7,,,I was really good at it,123 kills,8hh, before my 18th birthday, was told I was 1st 3 stripe sarge at 17,got 4th 18,since WW2. it's probably the Viking/COMANCHE descent blood,,,just love killing.😊 ,in REAL LIFE YOU WILL SEE THE REAL MILITARY MEN DON'T BRAGG,WEAR MEDALS,RIBBIONS.I had 1 1st night scopes made,me Babbcock,Johnson 1st 3 2 get them,,,because I could 👀 in deep jungle, night,VC called me SHADOW KILLER,class 5 incursions,Loas,Cambodia, N.Veitnam,hunter/killer, 173RD Green HELL,FortSherman, PANAMA, Jungle expert,path finder,ROTC National Championship Drill Team member 3yrs,then served 96th SAC/MAC USAF recon,(death from above),THE FLYING ARMADILLO. live alone,leave me alone 😒.
The Republican convention featured a man, Bill Pekrul, who claims to be a WWII hero. But after I exposed him, Milwaukee’s War Memorial Museum removed their 2021 interview of Pekrul. Perhaps they believe he has lied about his service and heroics?
From what I can determine from ancestry records, his birth name was William Martin Krzewina. (Shown as an unemployed veteran in 1946 draft registration.) His mother, Anna, divorced his father, Felix Krzewina and married Boleslaus Pekrul. (1940 US Census.) National Archives shows a person who appears to be him enlisting in the US Army at Fort Sheridan, IL on 10 Jan 1944. Born on Dec 9, 1925, he was barely 17 years old. He was a machinist’s apprentice with only one year of high school. How could he have gone from a recruit to Normandy in less than six months?
Ancestry records do not show him receiving any medals under either Krzewina or Pekrul. Neither do any of the DoD or other military websites I could find. No Silver Star. No Bronze Stars. No Purple Heart. No WW2 hospital records. No record of participation in Normandy, Northern France, the Bulge, anywhere. My father served in a Signal Company Wing in England and went to Normandy about two weeks after the invasion started. He was credited with service in the Normandy, Northern France, the Bulge and Rhineland campaigns. No real action, no glamour; just a GI doing his job. Another relative was a B-17 radio operator serving with the 97th Bomb Group in Italy and was wounded by flak. Found his records. SSG, four Air Medals, and a Purple Heart. My last service in a combat theater was Operation Iraqi Freedom and retired after 31 years. Again, nothing special, just doing my job. I am disappointed that the VFW Post, the city of Milwaukee, and the RNC didn't bother to double-check. I was suspicious just as soon as I saw all the gedunk on his VFW garrison cap and his age. It didn't fit.
Do Jesse Ventura and Tim Walz
I know what you are talking about, i have a military bagground and i dont talk about it to anyone, only my wife knows what i have been doing, but knot all of it.
Most of these guys have mental health issues. Anyone can see that. I was third generation Army. My grandfather was stateside in WW2, my dad spent 18 months in Vietnam from Sep 65 to Mar 67, and I spent 12 years in. 3 years reserves and 9 years as a paratropper. This stolen valor thing use to bug me. Life is too short to worrie about small shit, and everything is small shit to me.
My pops was a LRP in Vietnam.
"Hey bro, it's Don Shipley……"
I was Mac cheese V Soggie fries. McDonalds battalion. Our team leader was Capt Gordon Ramsey. Yeah we were behind the lines in Hells Kitchen. The enemy was all over. You could see their eyes peering in at you, waiting for the right moment when they would be served their food. We lost people every now and then. Things just got too hot some times and the AC just wasn't enough. I did 3 tours myself. One day I cracked, an egg, and that was it. The egg was splattered all over the floor. People were dropping like flies as soon as they stepped in it. I went down. Next thing I know I was waking up in the alley, all my things were in a bag and a note that said, sianara.. I have to say, it was good being back in the world after that. Oh I roamed around for a while but eventually I settled down and got a job as an HVAC. You can tell I'm paranoid though because I always carry around a can of R-12. Too many nightmares of those hot days. Never again I said. Heck, each room has its own AC too.
Did u know Lt col. John Borgman? He was a green beret. He spent 3 tours in Vietnam Nam. Then Bad Tolz. Got out in 72. Died last year.
In Finland we dont have this phenomenon. And thus these busting videos rise some conflicting feelings. I was always raised to not bully kids or retards.
My father was in danang, airforce eletrician on air craft. Died last year of agent orange! He worked on the C 123s that dispensed it!
I have only met one man at the VA who said he was a member of mike force. Real members of sog do not advertise!
I bought a 1960's wool greatcoat from Canadian military here in a thrift store for $20. I don't wear it much but its a nice piece. Hope I'm not stealing valour lol
I earned the National Defense Service Medal, I’m kind of a big deal.
Why did you say “this Lady’s nuts” and she “forgot to take her meds”…… she was 100% correct to have that reaction, she was absolutely correct…… this channel is AI generated BS, you’re talking about stolen valour and then criticising the person who was 100% correct to pull him up like that……. Surely the whole point of this post?????? You’re not real, you don’t have an office or a Wife, you haven’t been to a Bar either…… AI=BS……
Was with you until 4:04. The guy probably has a mental age of 6 or 7. If you can't tell the difference between a guy with major learning difficulties and a shitbag SV. It's bit of a shame.
one thing i always see is everytime some who is stolen valor either 11-bravo or someone very special with classified thing
I wasn't MACVSOG but did run recon with SV Rangers and went on CAP units when I wasn't running patrols and ambushes with a Marine infantry company or dodging Russian rockets most every night. Great times and memories in 68-69.
One of my high school teachers falsely claimed to have been a Green beret in Vietnam. He was a history teacher and falsified a lot of it, though a lot of it was overly fantastic. I do believe he did serve as a weather man in Vietnam as one of my teacher who I think new he was full of it said that was his original story. He ended up getting caught after working nearly 20 years. It was found he faked having a PhD and all sorts of things about his life. What a scumbag.
I have an ex-student who dated three ex-"Navy Seals" in a row. I was a chemical corps guy in Korea, close to, but not on, the DMZ in 1964. We got a green-medal. It's enough.
A couple of those videos were actually comedy bits.
My Father wasn't MACV SOG, but he was a U.S Navy Seawolf Door Gunner/Crew Chief and he pulled a many Seals,LRRPs,Rangers & Green Berets out of hot LZs as well as insert and extract them. In Vietnam, Cambodia etc
Great video. I will buy the book now. 👍
I think I just ran into this at our local HS football game on a night to honor veterans before the game. Guy wearing a Vietnamese hat. Said he was there in 1970 which would make him minimum 72 years old. Older guy obviously but not a grey hair on him and looked all of mid 60’s at the oldest. I noticed his 1st MarDiv logo on his jacket and struck up a conversation because my dad was 1st MarDiv 2/5 1969. I pointed out his logo and mentioned my dad and that I was also in 1st MarDiv USMC . No typical Semper Fi back or anything like that. Then I asked him what unit he was with and he kind of almost stuttered and said what sounded like 3rd Division and then said BIG RED ONE . Nobody calls 1st MarDiv that. That’s the name of the Army’s 1st Infantry Division. I didn’t say anything after that but I couldn’t help notice that he definitely slowly moved further and further away from the fence we were talking at until he disappeared 😂.
If these guys just put the same effort into enlisting and performing, they might actually become real servicemen.
Back when I was a private in the army in the early eighties I had a section sergeant in the infantry who claimed to be a Marine sniper in MAC-V-SOG in Vietnam and that he lied to get in the Marines at 16 years old. Yet, he didn’t talk about his “experiences” when the real Vietnam Veterans in the unit were around. He might have been in the Marines, but we were sure he never served in Vietnam.
Thought was going to be Jeremy DeWitte.
The first one right off the bat, no pun intended.🤔,but! There's no way at Ft Lewis he was doing the 0430-0700/0800 PT, clean common area,chow,shower and ready for field training that day, or jump cycle, whatta clown, dude wouldn't pass fat camp BCT.
Cheers boys🍻🏴☠️ thank you for your service.
Stolen Valor is a SF pay OPP it self to hide what really happen in Afghanistan and Iraq and what happened after the attacks of 9/11. Vietnam was the 1st try out of population control and 15 min city’s. Take Care Truthers!!
When these A holes look into the mirror, they see a coward looking back at them
These guys claiming combat action in Vietnam have got to be aging out by now. What would the youngest be now, 68 years old?
I once met a guy who was apart of the marines 506 easy company parachute regiment yeah he did 10 combat jumps in Iraq in one of those jumps he crashed through saddam skylight hey you can’t make this up oh yeah he was a seal too but chose to stay a marine didnt want to leave his parachute regiment? I love it lololol