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Throughout his first abroad tour, Argentina’s President Javier Milei praised free markets and slammed socialism on the World Financial Discussion board in Davos. A self-proclaimed ‘anarcho-capitalist’, his speech comes amid a significant financial disaster in Argentina. Watch!
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Milei is CONTROLLED DISSENT from the very power that carries out the 2030 agenda, both the logic of the World Economic Forum and that of Milei itself are anti-BRICS, there are no errors here, things are as they are and those who want to swallow the story of ' Milei's 'anti-system' are idiots who never took to the streets to raise their voices. THE CHARTER OF HUMAN RIGHTS, THE MALTHUSIAN IDEAS OF DEPOPULATION, WOKISM, GENDER IDEOLOGY AND FEMINISM ARE NETLY LIBERAL CAPITALIST IDEAS.
The West is winning the battle of propaganda by blaming Communism for something that is clearly Liberal Capitalist… something that they themselves created in their university laboratories… in the US. Malthusianism in the high spheres that promote the 2030 agenda is 100% neoliberal… there is nothing socialist or Marxist about it. absolutely nothing. People are at a level of stupidity that has never been seen before. The theorists of the Frankfurt school who called themselves Marxists but were liberals were arranged and financed by the CIA to teach the new generation of stupid young people to change the problems of the proletarian class for others of a personalist and bourgeois identity nature and keep them away from questioning the basis of dominance and the status quo, these unpresentable people like Laje or Milei are mere pamphleteers who blame socialism and Marxism for problems of economic liberalism with no other method than appealing to lies, misinformation, manipulation and fear.
Marx was 100% CONTRARY to the ideas of Malthus who was a firm defender of capitalism… and who is closely followed by elites at the highest level, to make matters worse INRI the depopulation policies were already planned by Kissinger… decades ago… in end
This comment section is so full of fascists like I knew it would be. Hi, I’m an actual anarchist here. I believe in socialism, y’know, like libertarians always did…
From the land of freedom, Argentina, thanks for listening our President❤
guy is a ffing 🤡 like Argentina rlly went F it and voted for a hardcore loony libertarian..
The only way forward
Wow 😮
This is incredible
W.E.F. has just invited the wrong guest!!!😂😂😂
FInally some anti-soclalistic voice in Davos! 👍
Viva la libertad Carajo!
Thank you. I can’t bear this stupid slogan „own nothing and be happy” so badly!!!
Stop this communist fanatic!
Milei president of the whole universe
Bravo Senor Javier!!!!! Speaking like a true masculine freedom fighter that's no simp to the CCP or big tech companies that bootlick or kiss the feet of Klaus Schwab like he's their golden cow statue. I salute you amigo, well done and well spoken!!!! 💪💪💪💪👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍
Fuck the government
He is Trump of Argentina.
Even though it hurts, the truth is always a good friend. Milei teaches us the truth that we are infested with Gramsi and his post communism.
Long live freedom!
Great speech. My hero.
Please stop guys I cant give you like to all of you 😂🎉
May like it or not the future is for socialistic west and liberal east. That what is happening right now, a global "switch."
This was the most nonsensical speeches of the entire summit. Hope they don't invite him next year.
Long live freedom, dammit! Good luck from Poland Mr President!
The WEF elite are exactly the same as the monarchies and aristocrats of France and England from 2 centuries ago EXCEPT THE WEFFIES ARE FAR GREEDIER!
Brilliant speech! Support from New Zealand.
This is my reaction and interpretation after listening to the new president of Argentina on the world economic forum over there in Switzerland there.
After listening to him several times.
I began to like all of the points that he was making and as I was liking the points that he was making with his facts I was very much reminded of an old book that I had read.
The book I refer to is Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
For his speech embodied many of the same elements that were embodied in John galt's speech from that book.
The new president from Argentina also introduced a few other elements from that book from the speech that was given by the character in the book Atlas Shruggedd, known as Francisco and his speech on money.
His speech though shorter than Atlas shrugs material was most enlightening and entertaining to listen to in the real world as opposed to the unreal real world presented in Atlas Shrugged.
On the subject of books there is one book that I highly recommend that every person on the planet would be well advised to read.
It is not a book of fiction, it is a book of fact.
The book's title is natural law the books author is Lysander Spooner.
I have found this book to be the best little book I have ever read on law of any kind. A three chapter 17 Page book. If you read it you will understand where mankind has gone wrong by moving away from natural law and moving toward authoritarian man-made law.
After considering the information in these books I decided I would take up the challenge of rewriting one of the most special laws contained within the Bill of Rights that I would rewrite the Second Amendment.
I call it Second Amendment 2.1
At this point you will need to read my further post on this same chat room about the National Rifle Association. So at this point please look for my other post in the same chat room about the National Rifle Association and what I further wrote and please be advised to look up and check out my book recommendations at the end.
The fact that the NRA the National Rifle Association changed its View to a more radical View of the second amendment in the year 1970. If you listen to the recent video on YouTube concerning the latest Omnibus gun control act worked on, they bring up every mass shooting event that ever occurred in history. Except for ONE "mass shooting" got no mention. What is this "mass shooting" that the government doesn't even want to talk about. What is this event that in 1970 rocked the boat of the National Rifle Association, and caused every second amendment organization to literally "freak out" in the year 1970.
On May 4th 1970 members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators killing four, and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shooting was dramatic. The event triggered a national wide student strike, that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.
I find it sadly ironic that the demonstrators were demonstrating their displeasure over the war in Vietnam in general and the bombing in Cambodia in particular, carried out by President Nixon.
War is a "mass shooting" on a major scale ! .
As for the Second Amendment as currently written, I have some serious issues with it. It is poorly written, it is so poorly written and confusing that it must be reinterpreted by the Supreme Court. It does not explicitly say anything about self-defense. This has inspired me to write my new and improved version of the Second Amendment. I have named my new version.
Second Amendment 2.1
In order to maintain the blessings of liberty and freedom throughout the land.The pre-existing natural right of the individual to self-defense, shall always be upheld and protected. The right to manufacture, keep and bear arms ammunition, and parts and accessories for arms, will not be infringed or impeded. By any law or mandate, by either the states, or the federal government. A free market being necessary for a free people.The right to manufacture arms for sale, including, ammunition and accessories, for arms, will not be infringed or impeded. By any law or mandate. By the federal government, or the state's governments. This includes both carrying for an individual, or carrying for a company, for trade or sale in another state. Or any city or town, within a state. For any other moral reason. Uninfringed or impeded by law or mandate.
And there you have it my new and improved version of the Second Amendment 2.1 and for further Clarity, let me explain the term "pre-existing natural right of self-defense". The Second Amendment to the Constitution was adopted December 15th 1791. The concept of self-defense was created and adopted after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
Coming back up through time back to 1970 and the mass shooting event at Kent State University there was a famous rock and roll band called Crosby Stills Nash & Young they made a song called "Ohio".
Previous to their song was the song written and produced,1964, by a young Native Canadian singer-songwriter, Buffy Sainte-Marie, The universal Soldier. I consider her song. The Best anti-war Song Ever written by a human being on this planet.
It is my most sincere hope that my version of the Second Amendment 2.1 will one day be recognized as being the best Second Amendment ever re-written, and adopted into law.
Also I highly recommend the following books, Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, Adventures in Legal Land, by Marc Stevens. Government Indicted, by Mark Stevens, Freedom from Government by Trent Goodbaudy, And Natural Law, by Lysander Spooner. 🙂
Фридриха Ангельса на него нету
Well Said ! Fuck the LEFTISTS
Każdy komunizm jest dobry, dopóki nie skończą się pieniądze… cudze pieniądze.
Klaus isnt a fan thats for sure lmao Long Live Freedom!!! Javier is the man!! Next we need Trump back and Pierre to be PM in Canada
В Аргентину лучше бы поехал бы
When you get speaktime on the podium of the WEF, you are as bad as they (WEF) are!!!!!!! This speech is complete desinformation!!!!!!! Mister Milei can't be trusted!!!!!!!!! He's an hypocrite and the next actor on the scene of the WEF!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!
Wtf, why did they write the "capitalist manifesto"? That's leading people up think that it's "bad" or evil when they say manifesto. I hate the media
OMG this is insane. He is sucking the dicks of the globalist elites soooo hard.
Everyone have been complaining about the globalists for decades and there he comes and literally tell them that they're great, heroes, banefactors and shoulnd't need to listen to what people think at all. This is an IRL "Atlas shrugged" speech.
No one has it better
I love this speech…a smart man leading a beautiful country
Bravo J. Melei!!!!!! God bless you!
Populista lixo que só fala merda 😂 depois q mais argentinos estiverem no buraco,ninguém vai admitir que apoiava ele. O mesmo aconteceu com o bolsonaro no Brasil. 😂
Mas o povo não precisa de falas teóricas e sim da vida praticada.
Viva a liberdade de poder fazer toda merda e o povo ainda aplaudir 😂
Well, the best politician in the world! At least the most sincere…. He is the chief of the State, and he tells that the State is the root of the problems of the society! If 1+1 is still 2, then he is basically saying that he is the root of the actual Argentinian issues. Oh I would love so much these fake far right South American populisms… I would, if there weren’t millions of lives on the table. Given it’s about people, it’s just sad
Thank you. Greetings from Germany which is going down that very same route.
Let's invest in Argentina
That last message to the entrepreneurs and businessman is fenomenal
He thinks he's speaking against the big socialists (the richest people on earth are socialists for shure lol) and in fact he's telling them what they agree with 😂