Lengthy earns cash to lift his youngsters alone – Dissatisfied when he sees his spouse with another person.
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Sao không báo công an để hỗ trợ tìm kiếm
Con vợ mất trí nhớ nhưng cái thằng kia vô lý ngươi ta gọi hỏi thì phải dung lại xem câu chuyện như thế nào chứ thằng ấy cũng hâm năng
Thằng này cựu cô gái nhưng chước cô ấy bảo tôi ko nhớ nhà ở đâu vậy bây giờ có người gọi hỏi mà ko dung se lái xem câu chuyện thế nào chắc cũng muốn giữ cô này ở lại làm vợ
Esse cara deviades confia que ela tem marido
Hello Sir you report to the police that she is your wife and the man also he found your wife he will not till you the her memory is lost go to the Police Sir.
Tu señora perdio ella recuerdo badigos tu tenpaciecia buscala abla enbuen en conseto para que recuerde algo
La mayoría de los canales vietnamita Dan malas energías solo conocen la maldad , por eso estoy sacando mi suscripción y no los vere más 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Go to the police and report that you have your wife missing. And that guy that keeps her staying with him. He's so selfish and heartless guy what's he thinking he's doing. Try to keep her to stay with him. You m********* guy, you're a bad. You'll find her, but you did not report why you want to keep her with you for yourself you go to hell, you m*********
Vai na polícia denuncia o desaparecimento e agora que encontrou o rapaz não quer deixar ela ir com você ela está vom amnésia não lembra de nada.
Boa tarde, você que encontrou essa mulher, homem quelé que encontrou no caminho com uma criança é o marido dela.
Você está errado nem denunciou a polícia
Increíble no le mostró su bb
Is there any hope that she remember anything at all? She should know by now that she is a mother, because of her breast's is leaking milk she needs to breastfeed her baby, her baby is crying 😢 for her milk.😮❤❤❤❤
Its to evil to see why don't the people who film this help the man with the baby and tell him to go to the police l don't think they let him know what we say 😢
Buonasera questo filmato nn è più un bel video sta diventando un mal di cuore ogni volta che se guarda vi prego fate qualcosa 😢😢😢😢😢😢un abbraccio
Tu eres su esposo reportala a la policía ese hombre ya se adueñó de ella tu baby nesesita su mamá .
Rapaz te admiro muitíssimo pelo pai que vc é com tanto amor no coração p dar essa obre criança .Parabéns .Deus está te olhando p vc e sua filha linda que fofa a menina .Não sei que. A mãe está 4almente esquecida ou está comendo desse rapaz ela ver que o seio está cheio de leite será que não tá lenbrado da filha.
Sir do not disappoint because God is moving you into a different directio Bless up yourself Bless up yourself n so don’t worry don’t fret try to do good for yourself and your children better is on before God is directing you Bless up yourself and ask God directions With god, you can’t lose😊
U know guy u are the of bigger mistake really it's ur fault u know coz u don't go-to to the police station and till them about ur the situation of ur wife I don't believe she don't remember u coz she has a baby. Maybe shes stupid woman coz she like the other man that why she want to forget u and her baby but u need to go to the police man first and u need to see. The picture of ur wife maybe she remember. this all ur baby is to small she need her mother god blees u
Será que ela num tá gostando da vida que ela te tá levando??? Sem preocupação livre leve e solta enquanto o marido ficou com toda responsabilidade menina recobre logo a sua memória senão vai perder a melhor fase do seu BB e não dará a chance de seu marido encontrar uma outra mulher pra colocar no seu lugar e esse mocinho como policial ele tá agindo de ma fé com o Casal e se aproveitando da situação se é que ele é policial mesmo. Porque era pra ele ter pedido ajuda a seus colegas policiais pra encontrar a família dela e ele não fez nada.😡😡
Youg man pls just give it to his wife, she have a baby to feed. Why are you mad young man? His her husband and a baby daughter. The nbaby always crying coz very hungry she wants to feed but the mother lost her memory why should not tel young man of what happen to that girl. I dnt want to watch this kind of vedio!
My God he didn’t wash his hands and he was picking up the chickens and touching things that’s not clean,now he’s going to touch the baby, he’s doing the best he can but he needs to wash his hands before he touches his baby
Sou brasileira está assistindo esse vídeo uma mentira muito grande porque no rio se afogando e até agora ele tá se aproveitando da perca de memória dela saber que a família dela quem é ele já devia ter procurado saber tá se aproveitando da falta de memória este vídeo tá bom que ele procurar família dela
Sao mà tìm đc nếu k báo công an
I think k that man who rescued her doesn't want her to go back to her family, and he wants her for himself. That's why even up to now, he never goes to Police . And besides that, woman seems doesn't seem to care who she is or in reality she is lazy and doesn't want to accept responsibility, that's why she doesn't want her family back anymore. The husband should go to police and I formed of her missing wife.
این مرد جستجوی نمیکند زن تو را نمی دهد برو پیش پلیس گزارش بده
Poli. Krima. Vriqe. Tin. Jineka. Tu. Qe. Dhen. To. Pire. Piso. Prep. Na. To. Katanjjili. Tin. Astinomia. Pu. To. Krataj. Qe. To. Vazi. Na. Dhulepsi. Exhi. Hasi. Tin. Mnimi. I. Jinekatu. Krima. O. Theos. Vojthos. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
I just can't understand the situation with Long and his wife , why is it taking so long for this couple to be back together for the baby cannot be breast feed ,is it possible for this situation to be reported to the authority so that Long and his wife and they baby can be happy together again and he don't have to see his wife with someone else, I am praying that God will intervene and they will be happily back together again,
Nanay el con su bebita❤
Ella ni siquera lo escucho no fue de la mejor manera😢😢😢😢
Пачему ви умалияеш женис на..другова ана никакои памият ни териял ана палубила етава парния и всио ана после етавп никто
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Kasihan Suaminya Kenapa diam saja laporkan pemuda yang membawa istrinya itu semoga berhasil.