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On this episode of 1Dime Radio, I’m joined by Diego Ruzzarin, a distinguished (and controversial) political commentator within the Spanish-speaking world with almost 1.4 million Subscribers, who primarily covers politics in Latin America in addition to Marxist principle. On this episode, we speak in regards to the numerous governments in Latin America, from Argentina beneath Javier Milei, Claudia Sheinbaum/AMLO in Mexico, Lula in Brazil, Gabriel Boric in Chile, and Gustavo Pedro Colombia, and Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. We additionally debate the idea of “BRICS” and the variations between China and Russia.
00:00 Argentina Catastrophe
01:53 Debating Russia and China
05:45 Who’s Diego Ruzarin?
10:34 Mexico and Left vs Proper
34:29 Chile and Gabriel Boric
35:29 Brazil and Lula
37:36 Colombia and Gustavo Petro
39:42 Argentina and Javier Milei
46:18 Debating Russia, China and BRICS
54:23 Venezuela and Maduro
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Putin is not neoliberal
I didn’t know this YT channel, but I really enjoyed the way you were pushing Ruzzarin against his own claims regarding Mexico when comparing his other thoughts about Russia and China. Of course in Mexico the discussion is different cause we are at a different level in terms of history, the Chinese regime has government for around 80 years and the current government is only 6 years old. There are boundaries that they don’t want to push specially having the US Nextdoor, for mexico constructing a real socialist oriented government becomes significantly complicated with high chances of failure due to geopolitical factors. China took 80 years to be what it is today, with no real danger besides Russia, that was entertained with the US. I like that Ruzzarin is very radical when it comes to criticizing Morena but he has to acknowledge that
we like it or notthe Mexican government is and was democratically elected unlike Russia or China, making socialist reforms in a highly materialistic society might not be that popular. AMLO used his last days in power to push the current Judicial reform, cause he knew it was gonna be harder or even impossible for someone else than him to convince the people to vote for such thing.Diego keeps repeating the same stupid things about Argentina…
*No one said that the public university is going to be privatized.
*Almost no country in the region has flag airlines, I don't know what's wrong with privatizing something that only causes losses.
* And poverty is already at 48% in the second semester and falling.
Diego, una decepción que no apoyes a Morena, ¿voto en blanco? caes en trotskismo infantil, ultra izquierdismo.
I don't know why you're debating your guest
Jaaja nombre, al host ningún chile le embona. solo responde "No, actually☝️🤓"
3:19 Wait, wait, wait, most Russians who attack Putin and modern Russia ARE LIBERALS. Even the Russian-language channels geared towards Western audiences are ultra-liberal, self-loathing haters of their own people and country. To reinforce this, I have Russian friends who confirm that these liberal migrants aren’t even wanted back in Russia; they can leave and never return.
Being colombian, his take on Petro is honestly a bit illinformed in terms of his relationship with the US. It is treu that the US is viscious with robbing natural resources of countries in the south, but it was more of a plea to the rest of the world, obviously including the US, to be more involved in knowing the history and importance of the amazon region. Obviously that means investments and such, and that sucks from a leftist point of view in terms of real solutions to climate change and such, but that in it of itself is not a really great point to use when talking about Petro and his record. Specially when he's also done lots of executive orders to transfer autonomy to indigenous communities to protect their territories and resources. Id point out other inconsistencies instead of what Diego pointed out to make the same point, but it would also be very rushed because a lot of those points have HUGE caveats which demand further explanation. That would be pointless if youre gonna do a pros and cons thing with his political character and record.
Honestly, you should get out of your Canada/USA citizen menallity, and try to imagine, or just read, about the weaponization of the USD, which is something that sadly in Argentina has become absolutely prevalent, with this sh*thead president saying stuff like the peso argentino being dunk, and the population always scrambling for buying more, while the "entrepreneurs" and business owners are trying constantly to acquire more USD, or are crypto bros, or plainly, scammers. Which generates a constant uncertainty and also, some narratives about the financial sector here being bad like the central bank being an issue, all while around the world the EU and USA central bank where being criticized by their monetary policy, and no one takes the economical system seriously, which you are falling for too… imposing narratives again, that are briandead, like the idea that somehow argentina has to "pay its debts", even if all auditories made over it prove it was a scam that was used by the financial sector to take most of the last IMF credit outside of argentina to fiscal paradises or private accounts of the current economical minister… it's crazy people fall for stuff like getting into more debt to pay the previous debt, but it's happening globally, and specially, sadly, argentina is an example of how it fails, but all the narrative turns around about making suicidal decisions like that, that always failed, as the only option… thanks to the IMF in great part, and all the financial institutions that rate other countries, and are accomplices when vulture funds make judicial cases against the sovereignty of countries, in new york or london….
Nunca le preguntes a una mujer su edad, a un hombre su salario y a Diego Ruzzarin el único camino para lograr la "verdadera izquierda"
According to Indian expert coz of Brazil venenzula didn't got the membership 😂
37:47 Petro actually talks a lot about property, the last time in his twitter he urged some journalists under attack from the corporate apparatus above them to hold the bull by the horns and go cooperative without any corporate pressure telling them what to say and what not to say. He also has taken every chance to impulse cooperatives in his speaches. Also from the actions of his government, some land that has been given back to victims of the most gruesome war crimes in the Colombian inner conflict has been organized in agrarian cooperatives, that look for better commercial arrangements without many middle mans. So yes, Petro actually talks about property all the time and the need to organize the productive apparatus in a more democratic way which for him, seems to be cooperative models.
I know of Diego's admiration for China but on his admiration he misses the focus, that in Latin America we should strive not to copy paste the socialism with Chinese characteristics, but to actually learn from it and move towards a *socialism with Latin American characteristics*. In the case of the Chinese they went through a violent revolutionary process that triumphed. In our case some countries tried that and achieving certain degree of higher sovereignty such as Cuba or Nicaragua, while in other countries, such as Colombia, these Marxist guerrillas deformed and end up being another actor in the drug cartel structure. This of course, macartized a lot the politics in the country and the mere fact of having a president with Petro's ideas is already remarkable.
Should we go faster? Absolutely, but it also depends in the clash of forces between each country. In the case of Colombia most of people has not stomach left for any type of further violence after decades of inner conflict and after the worst war crimes from everyone, from state, to guerrilla to paramilitary, so any violent take forward most likely would be frowned upon and rejected by most of the society. Bourgeois democracy has a lot of vices and of course it should be overcomed, but that is the material reality, understood in a Marxist, materialistic take, not what some of us would like it to be, and, being quite Leninist about it, you gotta learn to move in that politic scenario. For god or for bad, democratic values, not only in Colombia but in the region are deep, even way deeper than in North America, and achieving the power and transformation from democracy like in Mexico, can make the revolutionary process popular and more supported by the masses. Is this a characteristic of socialism with Latin American characteristics? perhaps. Only in Bogotá, we have had majors that have showed their asses when pissed off to some audience, being university rector before applying for the post; a previous major was a lesbian; most of indigenous tribes and organized afro-colombian communities have their own political organization, and their languages are protected by law; and, excepting some elite views, for the most we are pluralistic race-mixed society, with political parties actually differing on their political stances, and not a rickety bipartidism that differs only on who gives more money through legalized lobby, so yes, I mean my words.
We gotta keep our mind and thinking flexible. Marx himself thought that only an industrialized nation could host a socialist revolution and now look at China or Vietnam. Being flexible, adapting and not being dogmatic is key, I think.
Please don't quote Vietnam as alternative economic and political models, because hidden behind Vietnam BS advertainment, is a country that already sold 50% of itself and it's most important industries to investment firms and investors.
Even Vietnam Electricity's companies is only in the works of supplying and transfer electricity's, because we already sold the manufactures part to Japan and South Korean companies.
Also 1Dime is correct about Russia, to a level, the sanction push the Russian government and Oligarch into a serious state capitalism direction. This truly only mean, that Russian Govt and their Elite are being pragmatic and opportunist, and them doing this is not out of ideology or philosophy, not even Keynesian National Economic types, but now that they are in this situations, they also funding whichever think tank and thinker and allies whatever to pretend that this direction isn't of course completely plans and ain't an accident and a last ditch efforts since Russia social democracy and the free market before, clearly works worst than Russia economic system right now.
But that mean, when there is no more threat? you may see them going back to what they was before. Whether Putin himself actually want Russia to state as some state capitalism model? No idea.
Great, i will love to hear your point of view of the conversation, because even if i belive in the fact that the sistem has to change im also worried about if we are gonna be capables of change and not die in the process. No one wants to lose the comodities in a world that is telling us that we can´t keep the way we are following.
Wholy Sh!t !! Diego is awesome!!!
It speaks well of Mexico that he chose to live well.
The problem with this guy is the fact that he is in the pocket of none democratic goverment. He admire Russia with very litle critical analisis of the real economy.
This guy lack credibility, after he interview Maduro dictator of Venezuela. Maduro loss by 20% vs 80% but that did not stop Maduro to declare victory. He still defend him.
So where can we find the UN study he talks about?
From a little research I've done. Liberalism didn't start in Spain. Liberalism comes from Latin in the 14th century. It however was first used in Spain in the 19th century (from my understanding) to refer to a group as Liberalist. So I'm guessing it's like today if a group took up "Woke" and starting saying they're "Wokist".
This guy was paid for Maduro and the dumbass was saying that people love Maduro just because they chant and praise him. If he saw "Triumph des willens" his small mind gonna blow.
1:40 ooof. One of the countries mentioned was Sri Lanka. Lovely country, lovely people, notcan economic model
2:25 another 'bold' economic take there…
24:41 'they imposed free market ideology on their colonies' – No. Just no. That's just buzzword bingo.
In what way was free market ideology imposed on colonial south africa? Were black labourers allowed to compete for any job? No, by law. Were the black population allowed to live where they wanted? No, by law. Were the wages of black labourers free? No, by arrangement of the cabal of employers. This is the case everywhere. A colony is not a free market, it's a totally controlled resource extraction centre.
29:58 'in Singapore… the land belongs to the people.' I think Lee Kuan Yew would say 'to the State'…
This guy Dime Radio, is not well informed, HE DOES NOT EVEN KNOW THAT AMERICA IS A CONTINENT 🌎, IT IS NOT A COUNTRY.
Diego says, I’m based in Mexico 🇲🇽, Does that mean he doesn’t plan to stay there?
Dime stop saying AMERICA 🌎🌎🌎. FOR THE COUNTRY USA 🇺🇸.
Diego you need to think more about electoral vote FRAUD and media control.
"In pure game theory and geography they have more interest against each other.". Huh? The strengths of their economies compliment one another. This is why Nixon played triangulation by opening relations with China and keep them away from cooperation with Russia.
Ruzzarin gave a softball interview to RFK Jr where he praised him, and he's friendly with the ACP, a party of fascists cosplaying as communists. So no leftist should take him seriously or platform him.
44:59 "how do you talk to these people" you could ask them why they say that. And listen to the answer. That's very important, and the left sometimes forgets.
Argentina has… taken a fxcking leap of faith. God help them, seriously. But why did they do it? I understand it's complicated…
How can mexico be revolutionary in a way akin to democracy when the liberal democratic institutions of power remain so susceptible to counter revolution? I have to say, I Agee with diegos skepticism
Ruzzarin, has many right-wing conspiracy theories (ie. has putin's dick way down his throat) that he proves horshoe theory correct.
He could at least take Putin's dick out of his mouth before speaking.