Jan to August 2024 Present Affairs |Final 8 Month Present Affairs 2024|Final Eight Month Present
👉 Ravi Sir All Topic eBooks Web site Hyperlink – https://www.ravibookspdf.com
Yearbook 2023 Present Affairs- https://imojo.in/ravica2023
Polity ebook- https://imojo.in/ravipolity
Expensive College students, on the demand of all of you, RAVI Sir’s eBook web site has arrived by which we now have stored eBooks of Yearly Present Affairs, 11000 GK, 25000 Gk, Polity, Geography, Historical past, Artwork & Tradition of all the topics, all of the questions and subjects of the examination. We’ve got included these that are vital from perspective on this eBook, you may put together for any examination in much less time with Ravi Sir’s eBook, for any assist associated to eBook web site, please e-mail us ravisir2409@gmail.com Let’s discuss the remaining on Instagram Instagram – / ravistudyiqgk Instagram 2 – / currentaffairsbyravi Telegram- RAvi Research IQ GK
1:::𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒖 𝒃𝒂𝒈𝒅𝒆..
2:::𝑰𝒈𝒂 𝑺𝒘𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝑲😊
1-Haribhao Kisan
2-Iga Swiatek
Thank you ma'am 🙏🙏
Haribau kishan Rao bagde 🎉🎉🎉 and iga switech🎉🎉 thanku so much mam for this commendable session for us you are great mam best session for us best content best revision video for our upcoming exams thanku so much mam best session best content best teacher best explanation all is best that Ravi Aditi is the best channel in you tube 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you
Nice session mam..
QUIZ Answers:-
(1) Haribhau Kisanrao Bagde❤
(2) Iga Swiatek❤
Very very helpful session for upcoming all Exam and thank you so much Mam 🙏🙏🙏
Mam please🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 history important topic one class ancient medieval and modern all important mcq please my humble request next geography and economics
1) Haribhau Kisanrao Bagde😊
2) Iga Swiatek😊
Is this enough ?
Q1) :B
Q2) :D😊
no 1. haribhau kisanrao bagde
no 2. lag swaiatek
1. Haribhau kisanrao Bagde
2. Iga swiatek
Hay sistsr hay 📡📡
Homework answers
1- Haribhau kisan bagde
2- iga swiatek (4th time)
Make a video on recent appointments too.
Haribhau kisanrao bhagde
Iga swiatek
👉 Ravi Sir All Subject eBooks Website Link – https://www.ravibookspdf.com
वार्षिकी 2023 Current Affairs- https://imojo.in/ravica2023
Polity ebook- https://imojo.in/ravipolity
Dear Students आप सब की डिमांड पर RAVI Sir की eBook website आ गई है जिसमें हमने Yearly Current Affairs, 11000 GK, 25000 Gk, Polity, Geography, History, Art & Culture सभी Subject के eBooks रखें है, जितने भी प्रश्न और टॉपिक परीक्षा की दृष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण होते है वो हमने इस eBOOK में शामिल किए है, आप कम समय में किसी भी exam की तैयारी कर सकते हो Ravi Sir की ebook से, ebook website से जुड़ी किसी भी सहायता के लिए आप हमें email करें ravisir2409@gmail.com
बाकी बात करते है Instagram पर
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/ravistudyiqgk
Instagram 2 – https://www.instagram.com/currentaffairsbyravi
Telegram- RAvi Study IQ GK
X – Ravi Study IQ GK
Support email- ravisir2409@gmail.com
Business eMail- ravistudyiqgk@gmail.com
Maam do bring Current Affairs of Assam
Mam July to August chaiya current affairs ki books how I can get order .
Iga swlatek
Very nice lecture mam
Useless Questions, not exam oriented.
This is the reason Current Affairs Updated Channel has more views than Ravi Aditi. 👎🏼
Tq so much madam God bless you Q1,b &2,d 💐💐🙏🙏
Iska or part hoga ki…ek hi video se ho jayega(national/international CA)?
China ka currency chines yuhan madam
Nice 🎉
Madam apne most important nahi less important CA liye hai,,,, jo exam mai ane ka samvabona kam hai