Not less than 5 vacationers have died from suspected methanol poisoning in Laos, with one 19-year-old Australian vacationer in crucial situation in hospital in Bangkok. The victims fell sick after consuming tainted drinks in Vang Vieng, a city fashionable with backpackers. The newest fatality is a British lady. Earlier, 4 others died together with an Australian, two Danes and an American.
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CNA Life-style:
Chinese alcohol no doubt
Sad the story 😭😭
Stay safe, and stay sober.
Laos tourism down for -1000%
It's sad. why did the hotel manager speak Vietnamese?
Alcohol is for losers
It just shows the Laos people loves the West 😂😂😂
Laos is communist right?
Backpackers are always living on the edge..
This kind of poisoning wouldn't happen if government policies to deliberately lace pharmacy ethanol with methanol were not a thing. Are the government officials responsible for this decision being indicted for homicide? Or is the little guy down the food chain going to take all the blame for distributing inadvertently alcohol poisoned on purpose by the "authorities" just so that they can make sure the masses can't get drunk on cheap pharmacy ethanol sold at the regular VAT rate?
The "vodka" came from China 🇨🇳, and you never know what the Chinese put into the drink.
Alcohol , methanol & ethanol are poisons by themselves if being consumed in large quantity & will became even deadlier if they're illegally made without proper safety supervision! Wiser to substitute poisonous alcoholic drinks with good coffee , tea , fresh fruit juices & plain cooked water or bottled mineral water! Having food or drink poisoning while travelling is not a good idea! … 😮🙏🕯🌎✌🕊
Whats the motive ?
Business competition
very common in laos, cambodia
I was in Vang Vieng a few years ago. The furtherest I've been west for a while. Full of drunken Aussie backpackers watching football and soap re-runs. They have a drink called lao-lao further up country in Luang Prabang which is seriously bad news.
Jack, the Japan Alps Brit
Laotian-American guy here My condolences to them and their families 🙏🙏🙏😔 one solution Clean Process Liquor from now on man 🥃 “sighs” 💨 and proper closure for the families affected by the tragedy 🥺😢
From the accident site in Laos to hospitals in Thailand took 10-12 hours due to the distance from the border and the terrible road conditions in Laos or you can stuck on the roads for whole day or week when raining situation. Victims have no chance of surviving from a coma.
Is the pub still open and busines as usual ?
Does this methanol drink mixing happen in Singapore?
Methanol is not Ethanol, yikes.
Just dont go there for safety
Beer Lao only.. Was in Laos with my wife and kids. Even the locals her family only purchase alcohol and keep it in their cars. We only drank from new bottles for liquor.
Life is precious guys…
He’s speaking Vietnamese
"Lao Vodka" is a home-made alcohol and not sold at a store. The manager must have got it real cheap to give it free. Vang Vieng is a nice place, but tainted by some rowdy drunkard backpackers staying in cheap Guesthouse and idle for days until their money runs out. You venture into their waterhole, this is what will happened. Supply and demand. Sad that it took away lives. Stick to hotel.
Why the first man speak Vietnamese in Laos?
Alcohol as always, bad choice ❤❤❤❤❤
Really be careful? How they gave zero examples. The only way is to buy or drink ZERO cocktails. No vodka, no rum, no Gin, no mixed drinks of any kind. Its tastes colorless so you can't be care unless you avoid it 100 percent. Drink beer or win a brand you know. Less likely to be laced with Ethanol. Its the wild west in that part of the world are they going to investigate and arrest anyone? Bring in a lab and test the booze then they could find out who.
Lol so y'all aren't paying attention….not surprising
Coba kalau ke indonesia bisa saya beras kencur, kunir asem tambah sehat bukan malah keracunan
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