This podcast is launched alongside the acclaimed new docuseries ‘In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis’. Watch it right here:
Dr. Jason Hickel is an financial anthropologist, writer, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. To seek out out extra, go to:
Yanis Varoufakis is an economist, politician, writer and the previous finance minister of Greece. To seek out out extra, go to:
Raoul Martinez is a thinker, writer and filmmaker. To seek out out extra, go to:
‘Eye Of The Storm Podcast’ will launch new episodes every week with famend company from the world of politics and the humanities. Our first episode, nonetheless, kicks off with an in-depth interview with Yanis Varoufakis. Please like and subscribe.
50:10 "If you don't have movements in place that are ready to have a real struggle over the fair allocation of resources then you're in trouble."
What we have now is what happens, over time, when political sociopaths are afforded adult authority in a society. A political sociopath is someone who is willing to do harm to another for the sake of opportunity, social capital, hierarchy, profit and/or pleasure.
All governance will descend into oligarchy, plutocracy and fascism at rates that are determined by the quality and stability of its consensus seeking strategies, the tolerance/intolerance of bad faith actors in its processes, its best practices policies and the quality of the documentation of data that goes into the making of its policy choices.
Political sociopaths require hierarchy to manage the conflict they create with their abuse and exploitation. Economic hierarchy is the most powerful in that it keeps the causal agents aloof, to a greater extent, from the conflict they create, with the use of proxies.
The aggregate value measure vs the quality of life resources and services measure (25:00) is a great point, made by Jason, and would make a great short.
🎯 Key points for quick navigation:
00:01 🎙 Capitalism and the ecological crisis: Democracy as the solution
The system is inherently anti-democratic and totalitarian, as the 1% control production and resources for profit accumulation.
We are effectively prevented from addressing the ecological crisis due to the prioritization of profit over ecological needs.
This system also perpetuates social crises, like inadequate healthcare and housing, as resources are not directed towards fulfilling basic human needs.
06:05 🎭 Hypocrisy of the Green parties: Actions speak louder than words
Green parties in power, like the German Greens, fail to live up to their environmental claims.
Their policies often contradict their rhetoric, perpetuating environmental damage and supporting war.
They are unwilling to address the root cause of the problems due to a fear of the implications for their existing economic system.
09:10 📈 Growth imperative of capitalism: Incompatible with ecological goals
Continuous growth is fundamentally at odds with achieving Paris Agreement climate goals and reducing material consumption.
While some decoupling of GDP from CO2 emissions has occurred, it is not happening at a rate fast enough to prevent catastrophic climate change.
The need for perpetual growth to stabilize accumulation and prevent economic instability makes it impossible for capitalism to prioritize ecological wellbeing.
16:33 🤖 Automation, growth and the creation of artificial needs
Automation and artificial intelligence create a situation where jobs are lost, but instead of reducing working hours, new needs are created to absorb the displaced labor.
These new needs are often artificial and result in increased production and resource depletion.
This leads to a society that is constantly working but achieving less, creating a perverse cycle of inefficient growth.
21:23 🧰 The need for centralized planning and resource mobilization
During wartime, efficient resource allocation is achieved through centralized planning rather than market forces.
This demonstrates that a shift away from the profit motive is necessary to effectively tackle ecological and social crises.
We need to mobilize our resources for a different goal, as the profit motive has consistently failed to address the challenges we face.
22:49 📊 Debunking green growth: Decoupling limitations
Even in the most optimistic scenarios, decoupling economic growth (measured in dollars) from ecological decline takes centuries, time we don't have.
It is unlikely that we can decouple the creation of value from resource depletion due to the inherent nature of growth and economic expansion.
The flawed logic of green growth relies on the assumption that we can indefinitely extract resources without significant negative consequences on the planet.
24:36 📊 GDP is a flawed measure of progress
GDP is bad because it gives no consideration to the impact of production on societal well-being,
Countries with high GDP can still have low levels of well-being, particularly in areas such as healthcare, education, and housing affordability.
28:18 🗳 Democratic control over production is essential
Citizens' Assemblies in Europe show that people can agree on prioritizing production for social and environmental well-being over profit-driven production,
This process may require scaling down destructive sectors like SUVs, private jets, and industrial beef.
30:31 🌎 The case for degrowth
The Aboriginal people of Australia provide a stark example of how economic growth can be destructive to well-being and that GDP is not a good metric for human prosperity,
Degrowth is not a return to a pre-capitalist mode of production but a necessity in a system that relies on capital accumulation and growth to maintain itself.
40:11 💸 Democratizing finance
If corporations were democratized and a digital wallet provided by the central bank to every resident, the financial sector would effectively be dismantled,
This would eliminate the private sector's control over money creation and distribution, enabling more equitable and sustainable investment decisions.
42:46 💣 Degrowth and the geopolitical arms race
Capitalism is the major driver of conflict and war, particularly in the Global South,
A transition to a post-capitalist, post-growth economy would significantly reduce the need for conflict and imperialism,
A degrowth treaty would help facilitate a cooperative global transition.
48:28 ⚙ Capital's shift from concessions to exploitation
Capitalism's resistance to concessions for labor,
The shift towards exploitation of peripheral economies,
Concession of consumption goods as a compromise.
49:53 🤺 The need for renewed class conflict
The necessity of re-establishing class conflict,
The importance of democratic socialist movements,
The inevitable struggle over resource allocation
50:33 🥑 Climate change and resource disparity
The example of Spain's olive oil crisis as a microcosm of resource unevenness,
The importance of movements for fair resource allocation in the face of climate change,
The need for a global perspective on worker exploitation
51:29 🇺🇸 The US working class and its struggles
The working class in the US faces significant hardship,
The exploitation and deprivation experienced by the working class,
The need to understand the global context of this exploitation
53:02 🗺 The global effects of imperialism
The transportation of poverty from the global South to the core economies,
The uneven distribution of wealth and resources,
The manifestation of these issues worldwide.
53:42 🇬🇧 The dystopia of the UK
The stark contrast of wealth and poverty in the UK,
The depravity of the British ruling class,
The consequences of centuries of colonial plunder.
55:01 🎥 The profit motive in desperation
The systemic exploitation of desperation,
The intentional creation of poverty for profit,
The lack of awareness and guilt among the ruling class.
57:04 💰 The cynicism of the wealthy
The strategies used to keep people desperate for centuries,
The hypocrisy of wealthy individuals demanding higher taxes on themselves,
The system's ability to disincentivize genuine change.
57:58 🏠 The Enclosure movement and its motives
The historic context of the enclosure movement,
The motivations behind the enclosure movement,
The absence of awareness of the consequences of enclosure.
59:36 👷 The false narrative of capitalist benefits
The belief among capitalist functionaries that they are doing good,
The intent to abolish the commons,
The deliberate deprivation of resources to force people into wage labor.
24:23 🌿 Probleme der Wohlstandsmessung durch BIP
– BIP als unzureichender Indikator für menschliches Wohlbefinden,
– Misst Wirtschaftsproduktion ohne Berücksichtigung des sozialen und ökologischen Nutzens,
– Gleichwertigkeit unterschiedlicher Güter im BIP trotz unterschiedlicher sozialer Auswirkungen.
26:42 🏭 Umgestaltung der Produktion für ökologische Ziele
– Notwendigkeit der Reduzierung bestimmter Produktionen in einer ökologischen Krise,
– Investition in gemeinnützige und ökologisch nachhaltige Güter,
– Politische Maßnahmen können die Verfügbarkeit von Ressourcen wie Wohnraum verbessern.
29:38 📉 Grenzen des Wachstums und globale Ungleichheit
– Globale Wachstumsgrenzen führen zur Neubewertung ökonomischer Metriken und Prioritäten,
– Historische und politische Auswirkungen des BIP auf die globale Ungleichheit,
– Wachstumsstrategien als Mittel zur Vermeidung globaler Konflikte.
34:09 🌍 Kritik am kapitalistischen System und Vorschläge für eine sozialistische Neugestaltung
– Kapitalismus fördert ungleiche Wohlstandsverteilung und ökologische Schäden,
– Möglichkeiten einer demokratischen und ökologischen Umstrukturierung der Wirtschaft,
– Bedeutung von Finanzdemokratie und demokratischer Kontrolle über produktive Ressourcen.
39:14 💡 Zukünftige Visionen einer demokratischen und nachhaltigen Wirtschaft
– Vorschläge zur Demokratisierung der Unternehmensführung und Finanzwirtschaft,
– Potential für technologische Unterstützung einer effizienteren und gerechteren Ressourcenverteilung,
– Die Rolle der öffentlichen Hand bei der Geldschöpfung und im Zahlungsverkehr.
42:46 ⚔️ Geopolitik eines Post-Wachstums-Szenarios
– Einfluss von Kapitalismus und Wachstumszwängen auf globale Konflikte,
– Strategien zur Reduzierung von Imperialismus und Förderung von nationaler Souveränität,
– Mögliche internationale Kooperationen zur gemeinsamen Reduzierung der Produktion und Ressourcennutzung.
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23:00 GDP discussion (Gross Domestic Product). I have an objection to the description of GDP by Hickel. GDP is not aggregate output (total production in a year), but it is only monetary output; it measures only the monetary value of goods & services that are sold on the market for money. That is, it ignores the nonmonetary production of nature and human communities (e.g. sustenance economy of a traditional village). I am quite surprised that an ecological economist like Hickel didn’t emphasize this; words are important. This means, the aggregate output can increase, even when monetary aggregate output (GDP) decreases, as the nonmonetary production grows faster than the decrease in GDP (e.g. growth of commons in local communities).
30:30 Very interesting example by Varoufakis from the history about the delusional GDP measure: Much better lives of Australian aborigines with zero GDP as Captain Cook discovered them with dismay. This example should remind us that nature is the primary producer, and modern industrial human tries to replace biological automation (i.e. living technologies of nature) by mechanical automation (i.e. mechanistic nonliving technologies of human) just because mechanistic human technologies are more profitable for Big Money. See Ecosystem Mutilation and Patching Business
35:50 would love to hear yanis discus cybersyn or talk to people like paul cockshott
All is well ❤ Let love lead😊
I like Yanis's explanation: the roof was leaking, the rich needed access to $, so they decided to grow sheep; that is a much better explanation than that they took any kind of sadistic pleasure by causing misery and want for lower classes
When i was a kid i used to hate israel , now i hate america
thank you❤
We need an open, good faith informal debate/discussion between Jason + Yanis and someone who disagrees with them. It’s the only way to find the faults with these theories we find so appealing as those of a leftist inclination. It’s the only way we can actually be convinced of them enough to take action as a society.
Capitalism has the first-mover advantage when it comes to creature comforts atleast in recent memory.
It always amazes me how Eurocentric the discussions of colonialism are among the European left. Latin America, particularly Argentina, has historically been a victim of this imperialistic deprivation and particularly right now with Black Rock and NATO controlling our economy, our politics, and even our media and capitalist culture (since they in turn control our native financeers who control the media!).
All these imperialist forces are hard at work in ALL of Latin America but Argentina with Milei is a particularly depraved laboratory of their cinicism.😢
Cynicism. Misspelled above!
The term maverick economist rubs me the wrong way. What does it even mean. It’s just hollow construct. As is the notion that economics is a “ science “. It is a theoretical construct weaponized to justify unbridled capitalism. So , would you kindly refer to comrade Yannis as an anti capitalist activist.
Yes… states giving credit creation to private banks show you who is in power: thet richest ten percent bourgeoisie. That is a prime exampel of class criminality. And it should be criminalised as such.
Thanks for the American dream, to vaulgarize and falsify until the bare lies shine thru 🇺🇸
Thank you all three, a most interesting discussion and question time. Two excellent guests and intelligent questions and prompts from Raoul Martinez.
Yep. The rich are obsolete.
Great interview!!
Society begins to unravel when government ceases to invest in a healthy public sector, allows it to be exploited and privatized. The reliance on private bank credit cards and predatory loans to make up for the lack of government investment has caused massive private debt that can never be repaid.
Moving from market capitalism to socialism or communism is like playing russian roulette, when a system of life is put into question on deep fundamental issues then it invites an alternative system of life that would work for the common people. Having said that i have always been asking myself why most western academics have ignored islam as a system that produced a civilization that was unmatched and could easily replace any system of life overnight!
🔥🔥Truth to power! Well said guys. Bravo. 👏🏾👏🏾🙌🏿
Degrowthest is not a word 30:20
“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.”
― Edward Abbey, The Journey Home: Some Words in Defense of the American West
A monologue…. why is Yanis there ???
The enclosures is such an obvious case of the elite and powerful directly stealing from the many. They absolutely knew what they were doing and the idea that it was just some unfortunate series of circumstances is painfully naive. Read about the poor and vagrants laws that attended these acts. It's very apparent there was a deliberate action to enrich the landlords not based on necessity except the perceived need to keep up with the spanish who had colonial wealth. This was shameless exploitation and the social commentary that was present at the time would have made this clear to any ignorant noble.
Gratitute 💐🧚♂️🥁🧚♂️🎏🌍🧚♂️🕊🇵🇸🕊🇮🇷🇾🇪🇷🇺🇱🇧🇧🇷🧡
"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." – Warren Buffett
Ocassionally, in his haze of misanthropy and madness he cones up with insightful ideas 😂 that's exactly how I feel about these broken clock people that can't keep themselves from continuously word vomiting what they get fed by conservative podcasts. They don't seem to have any sort of self consciousness or self doubt. But sometimes they truly have fascinating ideas
How i wish a 100th of this wisom could gain track in the US
Wow, it seems that Yanis Varoufakis is being incredibly naive to suggest that the Enclosure Movement (legal privatization of public grazing lands) wasn't a deliberate action to create a large workforce of desperate and impoverished citizens. To suggest the wealthy landowners could not have predicted or planned this outcome is ridiculous. I'm not sure why he chose that hill to make a stand, but it seems unlikely for the British Empire to make even the smallest step that wasn't a planned strategy…because nobody understood the impact of colonialist tactics better.
not that it is efficient but unjust, but that it is inefficient and therefore unjust!!!!!!
Its fascinating and suspicions that there no (?) critical comments. Sure e.g. his book “The Divide” has an interesting take on the world, but he doesn’t write much about the history of the African continent before the dark chapter of colonialism. If you type in Jason Hickel in a German google it will list “Jason Hickel Kritik” among the top 10, but Ecosia doesn’t, well sure, bad Google 😉 which owns Youtube as well ^^
These feudal mafioso system exist since millinairies and today practiced by those which ancesters were SLAVES because all these useless jobs without responsability provide wealth and power in collaboration with the ugly financial den occupiers instead of defending the people
The Elites are tired of sharing the earth with lower life, obese, dumb humans. We rely on the system for survival now.
Scientists are approving deadly chemicals in our food flat out lies about food pyramid. We are obese, diabetic, heart disease but mostly WEAK. This is real!!!!! Happening now!!!! But these elites distract you from this with climate, rights Etc. It would be a different world if we all ate healthy and were strong vice fat and weak.
Who is this guys target audience. Elites? Nobody I know listen to this soy dude with v-neck, pimp jacket, waving arms, weak voiced dude. How is a weak man going to explain the world. Its hilarious.