Iran launched a retaliatory drone assault on Israel.
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…the reporter from telaviv isn't any better than Iran, wearing an animal's skin as his jacket 😢
All this people saying iran has the right to defend themselves keep saying that when they pick your number to go to war dont forget you live in the USA 🇺🇲.
The jewish federation? 😂
By moving overthere in foreign land we made a huge mistake better stay then after the ww2 in our respective countries and fight for our right
Why do they attack and then play victim?
🙏 🙏 🙏 for peace
So from what i have searched for online. There is no hard proof that israel attacked the consulate. Its all "suspected" not confirmed. If iran had 100% solid proof of the attack why not publish it. Instead they are just "saying" israel did it.
as USA/Russia AND big part of corporate media
the END OF THE WORLD AGENDA based on Trump voting base
protestant AND neoChristians fears BASED ON REVELATION (like Christians who have an ideology based on New Testament – an legend EXPLAINED 4 times AND COUNTING so they got EXTASY if some words different and some interpretations kind of NEW)
life is short and worth it lived.
Yep, they have their ideas, they try to drive you there where they were pay to park your thinking on
or just hope to take advantage if ALL OF YOU THINK THEIR WAY.
just IN CASE you need another point of view
(I don't make money on this, I don't pretend to have the TRUTH…
I use to think with my own head and use may only associative modules way of thinking…
and I hope to be alive if I have to do that on this site
soon if proof wrong)
My scenario:
Since Bibi presented to ONY the limit where Iran has to be stopped
is natural and necessary that Israel is WATCHING Iran
and CIA OR ANYBODY ELSE WILL DO – probably they done it also
looking for WHO TO PUT IN POWER if the Islamic Republic collapse
CUT THE HEAD OF THE MONSTER… and the power pyramid underneath will collapse
LESSON OF HOW TO TAKE POWER (chapter 1 from the beginning of human societies – works in spades on many other species…)
look at Big Assassinations' OF MOSSAD in last 20 years
Yasmine = imam who instigate young Palestinian to play kamikaze and any others related to suicide bombing in Jerusalem pizzerias of the first decennium of 21st century…
same the April Fools strike in Damascus
like the American hit on a similar big balls of Islamic guard almost 2 years ago…
IS A SIGN that those prepared to take the power in favor of Israel of America
should play FOR AGITATING REPLY AND GET all started
they did it and recent Iran reply was a proof
SOMEONE decided (after getting all approvals) to strike back
– result was just a ridiculous AfterShabat fireworks
One think sure: Iran capabilities are good but not enough to FIGHT that enemy
One think: Russia know EXACTLY now what passed and how.
One Evidence: American diplomacy asked CHINA one day before to help calm down Iran…
This game is not over…
My visual opinion it stop here.
Whets next…
nice try,
NOT EVERYTHING IS FOR FREE… like an imbecile message on youTube comments on NOWHERE IMPORTANCE place.
A lot of people really doesnt want Israel to exist
Very Briefed And Summarized Ideas :
In the broader picture, the Iranian strike achieved a set of tactical and strategic objectives and successes for the Iranian leadership and the Iranian military, some of which can be summarized:
1- netanyahu threatened to respond directly against the Iranian territory if the occupied territories of Palestine or the so called israel were subjected to strikes from within Iranian territory, meaning if the source of the response to the bombing of the Iranian consulate was the Iranian geography, and after the unprecedented Iranian attack in terms of the amount of fire power launched, this deterrence was severely undermined…
2- Iran launched more than 325 ballistic, and cruise missiles, and suicide attack drones, the largest portion of the Iranian salvo were made of Shahed 136 suicide drones at a cost of $10,000 per plane (their prices were collected in advance from sales of this platform to Russia),On the other hand, at a minimum, these planes were intercepted by aim9 Sidewinder air2air missiles, each missile costs depends on its block ranging from 381 thousand for blockII to 472 thousand for the latest generation aim9X, while each patriot missile cost 1 million…
3-Iran informed the so-called united states of america and the zionist entity of its intention to launch a retaliatory strike from the Iranian territory at a distance of more than 2,000 km in response to the targeting of their consulate in damascus, and It may have gaven them the time frame of their strike, and accordingly the attack was very much expected and the united states the united states of america and the israeli entity enjoyed an advanced early warning capabilities that allowed them to prepare its organized countermeasures.
even so, Of the 325 suicide attack drones, ballistic and cruise missiles, 80% of them were fired for saturation the enemy countermeasures, diverting its attentions and holding its resources and counter efforts and exhausting the ABM/air defense capabilities especially from air2air missile's, air defense missiles, ABM interception missiles, and if there were 20 high-value, qualitative surface-to-surface missiles that were able to penetrate and infiltrate among the various levels of this highly automated and intensively concentrated multi layer integrated air defense/ABM network and succeeded in hitting its targets accurately, so here the hit and accuracy rates are 100% over 2000km distance so either trialing the validity of the tactical and operational employments of various types of weapon systems in combined organized multi stages, multi altitude, multi speed, multi axes attack, or testing the technical and technological specifications of the missile, in another words testing the tactical or the technological aspects, or a the combination of both of them …
4-the impact of geographical location on shapping the tactical, operational and strategic aspects and with it the re drawing of the future rules of engagements: In general, this strike was carried out from Iranian territory, while the strike was supposed to be carried out from syrian territory, since the attack on the Iranian consulate came within a long and accumulated context of previous strikes that hunted the Iranian targets on syrian territory, So if Iranian military and revolution guard succeeds, through this salvo, in delivering a small number of qualitative ballistic missiles (although it was not the most advanced in their arsenal) to hit high-value targets such as air bases 2,500 km away from the missile launch bases, especially when the zionist entity having long hours of early advance warning that allows it to raised the state of combat readiness, surveillances the Iranian territory and airspace and monitoring the launching of various types of ballistic/cruise missiles and suicide drones, and combined with the intense air and ground based interceptions by the western and regional friends and allies of the zionist entity, which gave the army of the Zionist entity an forward standoff air interception capabilities.
It contributed to relieving pressure on the Zionist entity air force, its ABM/air defense network…
In other words, the various elements like the early warning, the long distance, and the intensive participation of allies contributed to enhancing the detection, tracking, surveillance, and illumination capabilities, in addition to relieving pressure by sharing the burden of air/ground interception operations, which mitigated the impact of the Iranian counter-strike and contributed to producing those shottingdown images and the interception percentage figure's presented by the so called IDF…
but the zionist entity will lose all of these preferences and advantages if the skirmishes between it and the Iranian will take place from syrian and Lebanese territories in response to the long history of zionist entity attacks targeting Iranian targets inside the territories of the two countries, practically due to the geographical proximity and the abundance of firepower would be employed by the Iranian it could considered as point-blank destruction compared with launching strikes from the Iranian territory…
Lol, Patriot batteries were destroyed in Ukraine with drones. Russia proved western weaponry to be an ineffective paper tiger and now Iran proved the Iron Dome to be just as ineffective lol
America in the thick of it, again.😏
Why would you use the same headline as CBS? Iran’s attack was not retaliatory. Iran’s attack was a provocation. In your report you even admit that it was an escalation of their attacks via their proxies.
Why did uk help , zionist jews killed british soldiers before israel was a country its called the sergeants affair its not our fight why are we helping them we should be helping ukraine against the russian invasion not helping israel with their gonocide of the palestinian people fuck zionism free palestine
Ayatollah just signed his own dead.
Psalms 77 : 19
@AA-xs8mv, not what your mom said when she screamed with ecstasy last night..😂
What kind of fkng morons do you take the American people for? To hear you despicable mouthpieces of official propaganda tell it, Israel NEVER committed MASSIVE violations of international and humanitarian law against Iran, most RECENTLY 2wks ago when it bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 12, including 2 generals – a MOST vicious, egregious, unprovoked attack. Embassies and consulates are considered to be the soil of guest country under international law. This latest attack by israel follows decades of israeli malfeasance against Iran; killing its scientists, launching cyberwar attacks, etc. It's absolutely indisputable that Iran had EVERY CONCEIVABLE RIGHT under international law to retaliate, and they did so, targeting ONLY military assets, unlike ZioNazi israel. And let's not forget: due to the endless support and weapons from the US government using OUR MONEY, these ZioNazi fifth and sludge are currently engaging in a HORRENDOUS, DEVASTATING GENOCIDE against millions of innocent, defenseless, TRAPPED Palestinian human beings in Gaza AND West Bank. ZioNazi israel is the most vile, disgusting, brutal and vicious nation or earth, and all thanks to the US. Stop spewing ZioNazi propaganda. More and more people everywhere in the world and the US KNOW YOU ARE LYING SACKS OF BS. FREE PALESTINE NOW
USA needs to focus on securing our own borders and stop putting our nose in other countries business for once and for all. USA needs a new leader. Not T or B . We are all sick of this nonsense.