TODAY I discover Koh Pich (Elite City) and the BKK Districts in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
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#cambodia #phnompenh #journey
Love your show. But couldn't watch it to the end. You spin the camera too much, giving me dizziness and headache.
The ‘Chinese sparkling water’ you drank was actually Japanese. lol
Welcome to Cambodia 🇰🇭 ❤
Hate Cambodia but I love Khmer or Kampuchea, I’ll be more than willing to elaborate why if anyone wants to know. The answer may surprise you it’s also racially biased too.
I am Cambodian, but I disagree with you.
Just look the massive old French colonial Art Deco houses in French Quoter between the post office and Monivong boulevard.They are all restored and high ranking politicians live there.
Cambodia is great.
Koh pronounced K-aw' meaning "island"; pich = diamond, together Koh Pich = Diamond Island. Your personal observations are yours and yours alone, and they do not reflect the current realities of Cambodia as a nation. Over 17% of the population lived below the national poverty line in 2019. The proportion of employed population below $2.15 purchasing power parity a day in 2023 was 20.5%. For every 1,000 babies born in Cambodia in 2022, 24 died before their 5th birthday. Widespread poverty currently exists in the country, especially among rural dwellers. Around 20% of the population lack access to basic needs such as clean water, and over a third lack access to indoor bathrooms. Cambodia is still plagued with inadequate infrastructure with poor roads, sanitation, and water systems, high energy costs, a weak regulatory environment, high youth unemployment. This inadequacy causes Cambodians to not having access to health, education, and other services, and food supply chains. Until now, Cambodia's economy has not produced any long-term growth or contributed to poverty reduction. As a nation, Cambodia continues to experience disruptive factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather events, the cost-of-living crisis, and geopolitical tensions. Cambodians in general have not yet seen the light at the end of the tunnel after 45 years following the downfall of the genocidal regime in 1979.
Koh Pich means Diamond island in Khmer. "Koh" means island. It's pronounced as "Boss", but with a "K". "Pich" means diamond. It's pronounced as the "B" word, but with a "P" sound.
Not a fan of a city with few or no sidewalks.
Wow! Brave New World!! Thanks for Sharing..
Guys Cambodia has alot of Villa and luxurious car too (and btw I also used to live there too)
Also, one thing to note about Cambodia is that all imported vehicles that you see on the road have 100% imported tax. So the price of any vehicles there is 2x the price of original price that you see in other countries. So it's not just all those high end vehicles that are expensive, all the cars in Cambodia are expensive.
Chinese town
Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts on Cambodia and tell the truth to the world.
This park could
pos😮sibly be the BB Peace Park that is just before the chief monk'monastry.
I was in Phnom Pehn in 1973. I arrived at a time. When the f😅reign diplomats were tryping be to. Leave en masse!!!
It was 1973 and I was flowm to Phnom Pehn
Under emergency conditions via
A😂IR FRANCE 777 a Supersonic. Flight from New Delhi to Bangkok and
Transit by Air Cambodia to Phom Pehn.
It was .1973 and.theb Cambodian King. Prince
Sihanouk. had brroken off
Ties with the US and fled to Beiijing. Literally, the. Air. Was full of tension.
The aiport. In Phom Pehn was full of European emigrants… Tense and worried faces everyehere.
I. had a grim welcome to
Phom Pehn in 1973… and I could. have .died twice…
I lived in a. 4 Storey. Pink house.they called," the little palace," just across the Peace Park on the other side of the road. Facing my house was a. Pavilion wlith .goddeses of Liberty
With their long arms waviing to the sky.
Diamond island is KoPich
Keep safe your self
Kaaw Biiet, khaw means island and biiet means saphirestones or rubies
Cambodia so kindest
UN takes time to update their country. Cambodia’s HDI increased from .593 to .600. We are only looking at the small sample of PP, which of course will be highly developed, but the rural and smaller cities are less developed in Cambodia. We still lack public transportation and other infrastructure. I believe you need a 0.700 to graduate from the 3rd world/less developed status, into “developing” status. 0.700 is seen as high HDI, 0.600 is seen as medium, any thing under 0.600 is low HDI
Wow nice place. Hope I get to visit one day, although I would prefer it if they kept their local character and didn't get too Westernised. Those big dollar developments look like they could be anywhere. Not a good look really, too generic.
Koh Pich, means "Diamond Island"
rich Chinese not cambodian people thats for sure
You don’t joint the elite town from working at McDonald from 9-5pm. Drugs and sex trafficking, embezzlement, blackmailing, government officials, etc. you name it! That is how majority joint the elite town in a corrupted country. Sadly they don’t have trash pickup – look around trash everywhere outside that elite town 😂
Looks a lot nicer than when I was there in 2013, although I did notice the trend of Boba/ Coffee shops starting then. I also saw a lot of range rovers and expensive pick up trucks at that time. I'd speculate it was the elite/ kids of the elite rather than the result of growth from development at the time.
This is clearly Chinese money pouring inside the country.
You pay a lot of attention to the cars on the road, more important pay attention to the numbers of Banks in Phnom Penh, corruption, crime and money laundering the reason for it , most of the new money comes to the Cambodian economy from foreign investors mainly from China and Mexican Cartels…. US Dollar is the currency in Cambodia, you don’t need to be a genius to use your imagination , Cambodia is heaven for most illegal activities, human trafficking, abuse of the local population, no human rights, corrupt justice system, and if you have money, you can do whatever you want that’s why you see so many Bentleys Mercedes-Benz Ferrari in Phnom Penh that is one of the most poorest city in the world, you get it right?
Cambodia’s rich needs to switch to Tesla cars and request the government for access to Starlink. The Mercedes and Range Rovers will be like horses not too far in the future.
I kinda feel like you’re so different from other tourist, you are not just come to visit but you try to figure and know more deeply about us . I respect you for that and really appreciated ❤ Thank You so much for showing our growth even we’d been throughed a lot of things in the past. Thank You for coming to visit our country. ☺️
maybe its time for you to move to cambodian like permanently. american has change and not for the better
Please don't say you from the southern USA.!
Cambodia got the best foods
I spent most of my time in the slums of Phnom Penh. It was really neat to see this side too. Glad I found your videos. What part of Pennsylvania are you from?
OMG thank you for visiting our country I am such a big fan