Singapore-based corporations can look ahead to improved commerce flows and higher certainty within the face of provide chain disruptions, with a future improve of the ASEAN-China free commerce space. Negotiations have been achieved on Oct 10 on the ASEAN-China Summit in Laos. Singapore Prime Minister Lawrence Wong calls it an vital transfer, amid rising protectionism. Sherlyn Seah stories from Vientiane.
China is the best for Asean
As usual, ASEAN when dealing with the CCP, has to adhere to rules-based international order, so mistrust first, verify then act accordingly to how the CCP has behaved.
3:24 pen trick nais
Stop with all these US rules base order … Who's rules .. whos order . .
ASEAN and China is doing fine for years until the US starts meddling through some proxy states.
We should align with China not the West -always wants war war war.
Except for PH all the other ASEAN members are in Great Relationship with China for economic prosperity.
PM Wong must know that rules based international order is a US creation and is not international law.
Keep The West out of ASEAN.
China group nations.
China is still a developing country, it is still very backward and poor! Don't pay too much attention to China!
All asians look the same
Is he subordinate to his Party's Sec Gen? He being a deputy
China in Asean talk trade and corporations. U.S Warpig's Ant'ny Blinkie give lectures to Asean fight conflict with China.
Indonesia, especially Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi is low profile, just only seen her in the picture at a moment.
You know it is propaganda of chinese communist party saying co-prosperity when they do not listen and stubborn of issues in south china sea 😂 bullying ASEAN coastal guards like vietnam amd vietnam 😂 indonesia fight illegal chinese fishermens and china warns malaysia to not continue oil exploration in south china sea 😂🥱😤
AESAN and China standing together and getting rich and propersous together!! no place for PH!
The Philippines should leave this stupid organization. As a Filipino this just irratate me how this 9 ASEAN states are acting like Puppet to China and does not have any balls to do what is right.
Is gratifying to see that ASEAN leaders are wise….except for the Philippines .
The Philippines is a drag on ASEAN. This is a colonial country, geographically far from ASEAN. Essentially unable to engage in economic interaction with ASEAN.
USA and its allies’ trade mantra: Win-Lose collaborations.
China and ASEAN trade mantra: Win-Wn collaborations.
Haha product of china are fake easily destroy no originality, china is the source of chaos in west philippines sea, and they have no code of cunduct, violators of internatiobal law