President Donald Trump outlines his priorities for his new presidential time period within the White Home.
I absolutely love that Biden and Harris are sitting there listening to a REAL president speak.
Gulf of America🦅🦅🇺🇸
Please ban video games those teach youth otherwise. Some game push multiple gender system and mindwash youth.
gangs and drug dealers are f4cked xD good luck with your already small life expectations boys. BITCOIN TO THE MOON!
Another idiot
Staats- und Parteichef TRUMP
Thank god
Thank God for trump
If what he says is true 👍
Hopefully canada takes notes or I'll be American soon
So we’re becoming bullies but still helping them this guy is a joke
Trumpamania brotha!!!
He DIDNT SIGN TO cut OVERTIME taxes wow !!!!! WTF!!!
He DIDNT SIGN TO cut OVERTIME taxes wow !!!!! WTF!!!
Harris ND Biden pissed he pretty much dissing em 😂😂😂😂😂they not clapping at all 😂😂😂sheesh he said it only two genders males and females im fuckin😂😂😂😂these 4 yrs bout to b crazy
Color blind and merit based? when a certain group is in control, how will there be checks and balances in such a system? Who's to say whether a decision was merit based. The same person making the decision?😊
Now we have a President.!
Trump is the president to ever step foot in the White House
10:04 they look pathetic and apathetic
❤❤ Trump yes so happy
No more black or white we are under god.. no more black tv or money or getting jobs for only black.. god loves us all
8 more years of this guy, can't wait!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
How did Trump just do more within four hours than Biden and Harris did combined in four years.
We were drill baby drill it’s just we were selling it to other countries and didn’t help us
Trump rulz
What about getting rid of the chemtrails, putting an executive order on, the so-called aerosol injection poisoning our people.
And don't forget another executive order, extinguishing and getting rid of the creatures that have been developed in labs and placed all over the United States forests and state parks, people want to be free and go hunting add picnicking and enjoying our state parks without worrying about being attacked by werewolves. What about those two executive orders Mr Trump!?
What about shutting down HAARP, what about shutting down the CERN Large hadron collider and an ending large corporations from opening up wormholes that are bringing forth weird creatures and entities!? What about that Mr President!!??
It’s so nice to be on social media today and not see something evil that Biden has done that will screw the American People. I wish I could say the same about all the other Democrats.
I love mister Trump true OG.
Build the wall please!
Like him or hate him this guy stands for somethign
Future of America never looked so bright
He said never again will the immense power of the state be Weaponized to persecute political opponents. And then he tweeted how he was getting rid of everyone who went against his agenda, including a Hispanic man who all he did was help and feed the homeless and less fortunate. This man is a walk-in contradiction. And if you read between the line, he said, the automobile industry helped him a lot in this election. That’s why he’s getting rid of green laws and removing the mandate to move to electric vehicles. Which was done honestly to curve pollution and to lighten our dependency on oil. But he doesn’t care about that. He just cares about pleasing, whoever helped them get into office.
How this gaslighter and felon of 34 accounts was voted in for a second term will forever baffle me
Trump should be president as long as he lives
Ok tell me how much common sense this makes… The new laws past specifically targeting transgenders making it so by law they can't change their ID info and live a happy life…
So Trump signed in papers that say you are the sex you are assigned at conception… So conception for people that don't understand the term is the moment you are made… When the little sperm finds the little egg.
Here the thing the sex of the infinite is not actually develop till a few weeks along in the pregnancy… At conception all humans are female.
So if all humans are assigned sex at conception BY LAW… Every human under that law is now classified as a female even Madam Trump!
Congratulations on the first female president!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If that's the display of common sense he is talking about… He got none!
Did he also sign where rent is going to be free or lowered. I'm hearing from other people but I just wanted to know if it's true.
All the neo-Nazis in this congregation are know different than the ones that supported Hitler .. Donald Trump has made the US neon Nazi again.
U.S.A. under attack: Impeachment not necessary
Trump´s Inauguration was a Farce
Removing Trump from office is vital for National Defense and Welfare!
Laws governing election interference show that Trump did not win. Kamala Harris received more legal votes.
Amendment 14, Sec. 3 disqualified Trump from the presidency. He was disqualified from the start and is now an illegitimate imposter.
His inaugural speech to the American people was fraught with lies and twisted half-truths.
Broken Oath: Within hours of swearing his oath to the Constitution to protect the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, he pardoned 1500 convicted felons and enemies of the state. An oath means nothing.
During the past week, Trump has demonstrated, through multiple actions, that he has no regards for the welfare of Americans, our institutions, or the rule of law.
Jack Smith´s 6-Jan-´21 Report of Trump´s treacherous and cunning attempt to overthrow our government is public property, worldwide. World leaders wonder, if Americans do not possess the resolve, guts, and courage to marshal their legal system to prevent such an obvious usurper from smearing his perfidy in their faces, then some other country with stouter leadership should take over the destiny of the United States.
Trump ignores existential threats to the nation and the world: Climate Crisis, Artificial Intelligence, Health Care and National Defense.
His policies are self-destructive and economically backward.
Please do whatever necessary to remove Trump from office immediately.