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Good video, socialism part is all wrong tho, but american propaganda gets to all of ours skulls so no blame
Marx is rolling in his grave rn
turned off the video after the socialism section. you were way off the mark and it’s insulting because it’s genuinely a much better economic system than capitalism. there is incentive to work within a socialist economy, do better
I just wanna point out the fact that oligarchy should not be synonymous with wealth, because it can come in many forms.
great video man
This is the dumbest political video I've seen in a long time…
Philippines Mabuhay🎉
How did you decide what order to present these systems? Historically the systems of government we have come to know developed over time in response to the increasing social, technological and especially economic complexity of human societies. Aristotle discusses this. Hegel does in his extolling the virtues of the enlightenment (and, because his job depended on it, the superiority of the enlightenment monarchy like that of Friedrich Wilhelm III). Many other people have too. Marx of course formulates his entire philosophy based on the premise that the world proletarian revolution is the goal of human history to eliminate the false hierarchical structures cruelly imposed upon the many by the cruelty and violence of the few.
By just presenting them randomly in this way you create the false impression that they are all essentially equal systems which were arbitrarily arrived at “culturally” by different people somewhat randomly. They weren’t. History proves there is a pattern to the emergence of the idea of equality over time after cruel aristocrats use greed, violence and propaganda (like religion, etc) to enforce hierarchical systems of government upon agricultural societies. Freedom for the working people can and does get won back again over time. And this idea of equality grows while the false ideology of the inherent superiority of aristocrats of all types gradually fades away.
did a socialist nation ever fall because people simply didn't want to work?
Lets dumb down politics so Americans can understand it and then give them simplistic inaccurate information to base their world view upon. Personally I think most citizens of the USA realise that these labels rarely apply to any form of state … I hope !
Okay, this is just a less original and more politically biased version of a video already done before.
Personally, I disagree with your definition of socialism, communism and anarchism.
1. Socialism is a socio-economic system based on communal ownership of the means of production and worker control of the economy. In a socialist society, there would be no capitalist bosses, businesses would not be privately owned and workers would control there workplace. Socialism also refers to the many different far left schools of political thought which seek to create a socialist society. Socialists generally oppose the socio-economic system of capitalism and wish to replace it with a more egalitarian system. There are many different forms of socialism. The most well known is Marxism-Leninism. This ideology was first codified in the USSR and was also tried in Marxist China and many other countries. The description of socialism and communism in this video is a somewhat accurate description of Marxism Leninism. A centralized government which controls the economy is a key feature of Marxism Leninism. However, there are many other forms of socialism including democratic socialism, market socialism, and anarchism.
2. Communism is a stateless, classless, moneyless society free from exploitation. A communist society is generally based on the principle "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need". Most socialists view a communist society as the end goal the wish to achieve, the utopia they are striving towards. There is no such thing as a "communist government" because a communist society would not have a government. The governments which are typically labeled as "communist" are more accurately described as socialist. Many of the more famous "communist" governments, like the USSR and Marxist China, are specifically Marxist Leninist. The ruling parties in these governments claim that are trying to achieve communism down the line but they aren't communist, right then. By definition, "communist government" is an oxymoron.
3. Anarchy comes from the root words A/an (which means without) and -archy/archos (which means leader/ruler). Anarchist wish to create a society without rulers or unjust authority. In general, anarchists are opposed to unjust hierarchies and therefore wish to abolish hierarchical systems such as capitalism and the modern idea of a Nation state. In an anarchist society, there would be a form of governance. This system would be decentralized, democratic and run from the bottom up. Anarchy is often mischaracterized as being against rules and wanting chaos. In actuality, real anarchists are simply opposed to rulers and tyranny, wanting to create more directly democratic society. A common anarchist slogan is "No Gods. No Masters."
This video is clearly critical of these ideologies. In my opinion, in order to make accurate criticisms of an ideology, you must have an accurate understanding of what it is (goals, methods, etc). I hope this explanation helps.
4:17 Governors, not senators, manage the states and their constituents in the US. Senators are just state representatives to the federal government, and mostly focus on national rather than state issues. State legislatures also have senators, but I assuming ypu're referring to federal senators.
Socialism doesn't give everyone equal rewards. Neither example you cited does and nor have any other socialist governments in the past. That idea comes from Cold War era U.S. propaganda.
In the U.S.S.R, for example, workers were generally paid piece rates. If you produced more, you were paid more. Thus, there was still an incentive to work hard if you wanted more. The primary difference is that you were not punished for doing baseline work. You would never find yourself working multiple jobs just to scrape by. You also were guaranteed a job and compensated if one could not be found instead of being left to rot.
Way off on socialism. Socialism is an economic and political system that advocates for equitable distribution and public ownership of production resources and true political representation. The problem with this video is that your are conflating economic systems with political systems. Socialism, oligarchy and capitalism should not be in the video as an example. Focus on politics in terms of how leadership is addressed in a country. Countries can be democratic, with parliamentary leadership and socialist principles in certain areas like education, transportation and healthcare while maintaining free market economics. For example, Finland is a parliamentary republic with a tax-funded(socialist) health care system and a mixed economic system that is both free market(capitalist) and nordic welfare state.
new zealand has a british flag
Spanish and Swedish flags are swapped
The flags of North Korea and Laos are swapped
7:49 is no one talking about the fact that bro swapped north korea and laos
0:55 — What you describes here isn't Socialism but Marxism–Leninism or Stalinism or State Socialism or State Capitalism. Socialism isn't supposed to have a normal State and even Lenin recognized this in The State and Revolution when he talks about what is a workers' State and it's very different to what we got with the Soviet Union and all the supposedly socialistic states of the 20th Century.
1:52 — It seems there are sections of the video mixed together in Socialism.
1:53 – What you are describing is a representative democracy mixed with bits of other democracy forms (as classical, parliamentary and particpative). Also the claim of an environment where human rights are respected in (representative) democracy is weird considering how its history.
3:13 – Maybe you're overstimating how Stalin ruled. The guy had to make complex maneuvers withing the Party to achieve his goals. The Führerprinzip would have been a better example, you even have a Nazi representing Autocracy.
4:39 – The Soviet Union would be a good example to Oligarchy o_o
5:46 – You're confusing representative democracy with Republic. The point of a Republic is a government without Monarchy rule by some kind of Constitution with some counterweights to the Executive. It could have some kind of representation and certainly can be mixed with representative democracy, but republicans through history seemed to be more concerned to "avoiding" Monarchy at the same time they disliked too much democracy or representation (obviously not all republicans).
7:01 – As happened with Socialism you're confusing Soviet Communism with Communism. Well, Socialism/Communism is the same thing, i.e. workers' ownership of the means of production, and it's not supposed to have a State. I will recommend a video from LuckyBlackCat that deals in the subject "Communism & Socialism: What Do They REALLY Mean?"
7:56 –You more or less understand Anarchism, but you failed badly in certain things and even seeing Somalia as an example of what Anarchism wants. Anarchism is a strand of Socialism/Communism that is highly skeptical of hierarchies of dominance so it aims to create horizontal federalized self governed communities where there will be many things you would see as a government and even some kind of State, but the point it's they would lack Hierarchies of Dominance. LuckyBlackCat has a massive video dealing with all strands of Communism and how they're supposed to look "The Socialist Political Compass: Methods to create socialism", you can search the Anarchist part, in fact there are two different parts.
11:40 – The Soviet Union would have been well-placed here.
Video: Nigeria
Me: Santa Cruz
My guy did not just swap North Korea and Laos 💀💀💀
Bro flipped indonesia's flag on its side
spain and sweden's flags were swapped!
So the United States is a Republic Presidential Constitutional Democracy….
anarchy wins
Socialism is an economic system, not a form of government/state system.
you have no idea what youre talking about
Yet another guy who doesn’t understand what socialism is
I get that it's supposed to be a simplified version and that these are very complicated concepts so it's natural to miss out information but there is so much misinformation and misconceptions in it
no, there is no state in communism, that what make the difference with socialism, socialisme have a state
This is one on of the most politically illiterate things I have seen.
Did you just swapped spain and sweden💀
0:20 it is Sweden and Spain
Yes the people Republic of China 🇻🇳
The wouldn't be a government in communism, it's very clear you haven't read Marx, Engels, or any prominent communist.
I love how he didn’t use the U.S. for every example
I know it’s important to prevent misinformation but can y’all chill it’s his first video, things get mixed up especially with so much information. This one and the billionaires one have so many people jumping to point out every single mistake.
i thank u for the whole simple to the point educational teaching by explaining the different kinds of governments and their simulatorities n differences that the entire world and it's people are governed by with each's own laws that maintains Law n order no matter what kind form of government and now I have come to understanding n from here I will able move on to easily learn more knowing that everything n existence has a law/code to live or follow in order to maintain contract movement to a easy rythm long as it stays on the repetitive cycle unless interfered.
Of course it's no Anarchy on the earth bcuz it goes against the Universal law and I already said even the Universe obeys by following it's Universal Law that is better understood n excited better known as Physics and it's Law which it uses to too test n prove what is possible to what's is impossible shown proven through mathematic unitersal agreed language anything else is not of the Physical Demension of existence it will be called DIVINE SUPER NATURAL MIRACLE and only a outside stronger outside power of that can rip into stop n control all time and that will be the revelation of God bcuz I can imagine or even Have a word to try to express what or when or where Omni present So…. it's. x factor unknown