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The revisionism. A reactionary petit bourgeois movement can call itself communist all it wants, but what it says and what it is are not the same. Abandoning the mass movement should be the first red flag on that.
haha, Jugo, your eyebrows dont stand a chance now
Please make a video about:
Theo van Gogh (film director)
"The communists disdain to conceal their views and aims"
That intro was Sigma Chad AF!🤘
sick Pearl Jam Do the Evolution style intro. "I'm alive, im the man im the first mammal to make pants, yea…" I'm at peace with my lust
I can kill 'cause in god I trust, yeah
It's evolution, baby, yeah"
was it blowback who covered the continuation of conflict between vietnam expats and vietnamese nationals aided by elements of us service and law enforcement here in the united states. A little underground war between bitter factions in the 90's and beyond.
The trailer goes so fucking hard
Blowback is SUCH a brilliant, riveting podcast!
Great colab
That was art, man. And damn, I had no idea how much Sihanouk got up to. He just really wanted to be the guy
and he even beat the game.Was wondering if brendan would be on after season 5 released.
Their show is so good but this guy is such a pretentious pr!ck. He treats Noah like Garbage then jokes about it.
Watching the intro given what has just happened with Lebanon. Isn'treal literally using the same line as Nixon, 'we aren't doing this to expand the war into Lebanon, we're doing it to end the war in Gaza' it's all bullshit, the IO knows it, the Americans know it, anyone with half a brain knows it, but settler colonialism demands the elimination of the colonised in order to justify itself.
Yeah the german genocide was like Cambodian, germans killing germans
This episode was awesome! Thank you so much for it!
I really think a future Blowback season should explore Rwanda and the French intervention that led to the genocide. Granted I'm just some nobody on the internet and it would be a bit odd since the pod is has mostly focused on the the militarism of American empire. But I think it's a side of the story that could really use more attention. Rwanda is often brought up to argue for Western intervention, but it's impossible to get a grasp of the implications without talking about France's role in propping up the Hutu power movement.
that intro is historical accurate
Why dive into the anti-Stalin paradigm? And with such a ridiculous comparison, too. Do better, comrades.
Still, a good episode overall, and Blowback's content is still well worth engaging with.
why does it look like yugo is blinking in morse code? lol love the pod bois great info as always!
iran contra when
I'd watch tf outta this movie or series.
All I can say at two minutes in is, "holy shit".
Also just trying to understand legality, if they're suspicious because they're a different ethnicity, ex Americans thinking all Japanese are agents of Japan why shouldn't that be an obvious targeting an ethnicity? Like yeah it's not directly claimed to be cleansing the racial pool, but it definitely has racial logic behind it. Someone please walk me through it
excited to get into blowback for the first time!
The Sino-Soviet Split was just the dumbest shit.
Anyone know of any real socialist channels that actually critisize religion for the opressive fascist garbage that it is?
Banger intro
Quite honestly, the first time I really got interested in Blowback was when the season 5 trailer randomly popped up on my feed. I just stood open'mounthed for about 10 minutes in silence after it finished.