#####Cinderella#Cinderella###TVSERIES #ChineSedrama #TVSHOW #ChineSESESKITS #Shortfilms# Full Works#Great Brief Drama Advice,#Brief Drama Full Works,#全 全 2024#quick drama#全 全#quick drama advisable#全 全#全#全#全#全#rebirth#越## Zunzhu#网########ChineSedrangsub #romanticShineSedrama #LoveaFTECHINECHINEDRAMA# NewromanticChineSedrama #ChineSedramamisunderScene #CinderellyovestoryChineSedrama #CeoandCinderellachineSedrama # Shen Hao Males#申#申 申#申 申#申 申#申 申#申 申#申#申#申#申#申#申#申#申#申#申#申#Shen Hao Nan Wang Ge Ge#Huang Bo#王 王#王 王#王 王 王#王#王 王#王#王#王#王 王#王#王#王#王#王#王#王 王#王 王 王##Lan Lan#Zhao Huinan########Han Yutong #Forcedmarriage# Ke Chun#Mao Na#Meng Na#Huang Wenbo#Zhou Bingbing###一#彧#
This Korean drama dubbed in the Chinese language is of people with tornadoes. They're fond of bragging, shaming, mocking etc. Now I can't see good Korean dramas. All I can see is that the story line is full of ill- mannered characters.No good for young ones to watch.
Ml's name pls. and where can I find his bio on the internet.
He still didn't understand that all she wanted was for him to be on her side when she was being bullied rather than him joining in because he thought she was an orphan who didn't deserve better. I'm glad she didn't go back to him. Sometimes love isn't enough.
This version is no better than the other ones. Still those long mouth battles, that totally repeat the same rhetoric over and over again. So time consuming and boring.
Like mother like daughter. Its a shame cute kid . Just because your fatherless doesn't mean children shouldn't act right or have the proper guidance, especially by a mother
These bad people, they r dumb. Omgosh
NO es un error, cuando humillas, Miente, insulta, impone a otra mujer y, a su hijo que te llama papá públicamente, en su propia casa, sin ni siquiera tener en cuenta sus sentimientos ni su embarazo…no, eso no es un error. NO la amabas
Será la traducción. La suegra no la conocía!!!
during the big arguments before 30:00, ml mentioned taking her home. she should have said something about his mistress at her house
O tio mais novo é tao lindo❤❤
Is it me? But not once since his child was born has he picked it up or even inquired after its wellbeing. What sort of man is he? He is just disgusting. Picks up a child with its parent there leaving his own pregnant wife, who was pushed down by his sister, lying on the ground calling out in pain. Not once did he call home or go find out about his pregnant wife. If she goes back to him in the end I will be very disappointed.
Lindo drama en verdad 🎉ella se dio su lugar 😊
I love how the scumbags sister never gets tired of getting beaten up😂😂😂 Always rushing forward just to get slapped 😂😂
A strong, confident woman is not someone a weak, insecure man can love. He will always prefer comfort and praise to diligence and truth.
這樣小的小孩 心這樣黑 真可怕😱
有這種小姑子 怎麼能不離婚? 又蠢又壞又臭嘴!下作沒教養!什麼家庭教育出來的!
Fucking crazy woman shes rich but her body guard and people suppor ther left crazy epople imagine she srich and crazychinese people
To much talking fucking people why in the end they regert it crazy crazy
Sang wanita itu sangat lemah gak ada gregetnya jadi sangat menyebalkan kurang tegas … sangat buruk drama ini …👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎