Hundred thirty years in the past in 1889 as Paris was internet hosting the World’s Honest, the iron girl turned immediately the town’s iconic monument embodying the modernity and the engineering feat of this Period. The engineer Gustave Eiffel fought for years to erect within the coronary heart of Paris the tallest tower ever constructed, seen by many as ugly and misplaced on the time. Towards all odds, he took the helm of a big constructing website and revolutionized the development approach. Revisit this historic saga and engineering problem on this detailed account and excessive finish docu-drama !
Director: Mathieu SCHWARTZ
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I see the creator andengineer at top room .1980
Tak , na końcu zapomniano dodać o Radiowym Centrum Nadawczym w Konstantynowie. Znany również jako Maszt w Gąbinie, oddany do użytku 30 lipca 1974 roku. I wysokości 646,38 m. Co zapewniło rekord wysokości budowli do 19 maja 2008 roku, rekord wysokości budowli został pobity przez Burdż Chalifa.
Why 1000 feet? Why not be self confident and break the 1000 meter record? What difference does it make? It is just SIZE, is it? Can you build a 1000 meter tower in steel of that time? Engineers? Would it be possible? Or would forces and stresses outgrow what steel had to offer?
Von allen aber der schönste Turm.
A tower nobody wanted? Your intro is lacking in accuracy. If you're going to dramatize like this, don't call it a documentary.
Takus menara
Entweder deutsch oder englisch… habt ihr Lack gesoffen???
Was seid ihr für Idioten?
Great video! Amazing footage of the inheritors. These horse and buggy peasants obviously couldn’t have built the magnificent buildings and structures left over from the old world. The great wars happened mostly to destroy these proofs.
The first digging work started on the 26th January 1887. On the 31st March 1889, the Tower had been finished in record time – 2 years, 2 months and 5 days – and was established as an impossible technical feat.
🌎🕊️🌏🕊️🌍🕊️ Grazie
Amazing well done documentary that should be used as THE "Blueprint " on HOW TO MAKE Documentaries ! Congratulations on a job well done 👍✨
Soviel ich weiß ist es ein Sender für die ganz ganz armen Leute, die sind so arm dass sie sich den vielen Strom dafür vom Steuerzahler zahlen lassen müssen…
Me oui la Torre Eiffel con sexoly 😊
Luar biasa perjuanganya,luar biasa pemikiranya,luar biasa hasilnya.
The Eiffel Tower as we seen today was build by the Gheorghe Panculescu's technique. Gustav Eiffel gave him credits in 'Communication sur les travaux de la tour de 300 m' a document about how was build the Eiffel Tower. Gustav came to Romania to Panculescu's house to research and understand how was the structure made and he recreated in France. Also as a fun fact the steel came from Romania from factories near Resita-a city known for it's incredible cast steel
All the best Eiffel tower
Qué gran documental. Le felicito. Muchísimas gracias😊
Curioso que no haya quedado nada de todas esas exposiciones universales con tanto arte edificado y que luego se destruyeron
Es una suerte para la torre que no la hayan destruido como todos los demás restos de exposiciones universales que fueron maravillosos edificios incluso mucho más grandes que la torreta
Pues normal que a los habitantes en ese momento les asustase la idea de aguantar las obras de esa torre
La condesa tenía toda la razón y presenta sus papeles
Gran época dónde se podían exponer todas las ideas
This channel has access to great content.