The Vietnam battle was devastating for many individuals of varied international locations. We right here at Nutty Historical past thank our US navy and the militaries of allies for his or her companies and sacrifices. This listed here are tales of secrets and techniques saved in the course of the Vietnam Conflict. Nothing on this video is meant to criticize any occasion. It’s a mere illustration of knowledge that was launched to the general public.
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#vietnam #vietnamwar #scary
Your pronunciation or lack thereof, leaves a lot to be desired, sheesh!
I've been back to Vietnam a number of times. I tell everyone it's because I'm a history professor (teaching in China since 2005), but the truth is that I started going there to exorcise the demons from the war. I was once "gung ho." Many times I have talked to Vietnamese and told them I was once their enemy and asked them how that made them feel. Literally every single time their reply was something like "that was then, and this is now. We put the past behind us." After seeing what we did to those people and to that country, I am utterly amazed at their capacity for forgiveness.
One of my heroes is a man who deserves far more recognition than he has yet received: General David M. Shoup, Marine Corps Commandant from 1960-63. Alone among the Joint Chiefs, he opposed Operation Northwoods and when he retired became an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War, speaking at times to VVAW. The "Hawks" back home called him a traitor and a coward, but he was definitely no coward. He led the 2nd Marine assault on Tarawa and kept encouraging the Marines even after being badly wounded. For this, he earned our nation's highest award for bravery in combat: the Medal of Honor. Much like an earlier two-time MOH winner and Marine Major General, Smedley D. Butler. Both men understood the real nature of war, with Butler writing "War is a Racket" and coining the phrase, "I was a gangster for Wall Street." One reason we were not allowed to win in Vietnam was that the Military-Industrial Complex wanted to keep the profits coming, and both LBJ and Robert S. McNamara made huge personal fortunes investing in weapons manufacturers like Bell Helicopter. Note the parallels with our current mad desire to perpetuate the Russia-Ukraine War.
Another CIA war to protect French rubber plantations
I was a Vietnam veteran before it became popular.
Iron Triangle 1969
Stop calling people by their last names. Call the, by their first names.
People who don't know WAR don't understand primitive people Shock and awe is part of undoingthe emery moral . You trigger yhe beast .
I think my father had a Vietnamese girl (mamma san and i've seen pictures that while not risque were pretty intimate looking)
I likely have or had a Vietnamese brother or sister
Thank you for your service BigBear.
God bless you and your family in Jesus mighty name 🙏🙏🙏
The narrator pronounced the city of “Hue” as “Huey”, but it is actually pronounced “way”.
The sexual dynamics described in this show would be identical or exponentially worse in every war of mankind. This is just good ole anti American propaganda. Women have been both used by and thrown themselves at the males of the currently dominant tribe since the cavemen. Vietnam was no different and probably better than most.
Who cares that guy got shot. He was a creep. The VC never won any major battles, they just outlasted us. And if the people that were in positions of power in the South weren't spineless, it would have gone another way.
Woke nonsense. They viewed Americans as cash cows to be milked while we did the fighting and dying
"You buy me one Saigon Tea, I love you long time!"
Kennedy sold out America when he decided to send American troops to defend a French colony, instead of supporting the people who wanted independence from the French colony. Eisenhower was working with the Vietnamese because he understood the strategic value of having an ally who borders China. The cold war would have ended by 1963 instead of escalating if Kennedy was any good at his job. So wouldn't you know it; the bad guys in the war committed the worst atrocities. Keep voting Democrat!
just imagine what evil our government is up to now
What the heck is Huey? If you are talking about the ancient capital of Vietnam, Hue, its pronounced Hway.
Can we set the record straight. The Viet Cong infrastructure was wiped out during Tet. In addition, thousands of NVA were killed. It was a clear US military victory. Furthermore, your individual cites were outliers in a war won on the backs of Corporal and Sargents. Ordinary men doing extraordinary work.
I was ok with William Calley
I salute calley and medina 🫡
Mamasan was the madam not the girls.
When I was there, mamasans were the women who washed uniforms, cleaned the barracks, etc. They were not bar girls or prostitutes. Vast majority of them were old women. Most of us guys developed an affection for them and vice versa, and I've seen vids about some guys going back and finding their former mamasan.
Re LT Callay and Mai Lai. The reviewing officer of the investigation was COL Colin Powell who initially dismissed the incident. It didn't go away and Powell eventually became US Secretary of State. Pretty cool trick for a Jamaican.
When any other country does this genocide it's called terrorism, but when America does them it's called nationalism.
Is this the time where the 5 dollar love you long time era came from?
Prostitution has been a factor in warfare since the days of Alexander the Great. Prostitution was active in the supply trains and camp followers, as Alexander moved across Asia. Prostitution was active outside every major military base throughout the Cold War. Only during the GWOT has prostitution not occurred with the local population.
Hue is pronounced Waay
Remembering back 60yrs on how Madison Ave turned War into a mystique. Oposite of what it was like when returned the war in 1970.
People sitting comfortably back in the US condemned Vietnam Veterans who were going through hell.😢
Most cities were off limits to US personal. Small vills were set up close to fire bases and referred to as clap alley
Calley got off scott free for terrible crimes, if he’d carried out on a US town would have got him the death penalty and the sentence would have garnered no sympathy from the American people. A clear case of racism. The rapes and murders of Vietnamese people was treated by the American public as of no concern.
I have been to Vietnam and this video didn't touch on any Commie atrocities such as the Hue Massacre, where the death squads ran around killing everyone on a list. Stalin much…
Americans loves exploiting women, it's second nature to them and gives them an income so they can sit at home and do nothing but collect money
The Vietnam War fascinates me on so many levels, it also saddens me more than any other war.
Having been in Hue during Tet of1968 I saw first hand what the Vietcong did to the civilians of the town.People want to make like Americans where the bad guys but nobody ever tells if the atrocities committed by the NVA and Vietcong.Far worse than any American troops did.
General Nguyen Ngoc Loan was the best police chief Saigon ever had. He was replaced because of the photo if i remember. The man he killed was a Viet Cong mass murderer named Captain Nguyen Van Lem who wreaked havoc during the Tet offensive.
Hardly a secret. Every GI who made it back home told stories of these places.