How do small nations keep away from being swallowed by a colossal neighbor? 🌏 Ukraine confronted this dilemma in 1994, resulting in the Budapest Memorandum. Now, Vietnam and Indonesia, within the contentious South China Sea, should navigate China’s rising energy. Uncover how these nations are adapting their international insurance policies to keep away from Ukraine’s destiny, looking for safety in opposition to a looming superpower. 📈⚓🛡️ #Ukraine #Vietnam #Indonesia #China #SouthChinaSea #Geopolitics #Safety #ForeignPolicy #BudapestMemorandum #GreatPowerPolitics #MilitaryStrategy #IndoPacific #ChinaRising #InternationalRelations #GlobalSecurity #SmallNations #BigNeighbors #StrategicPartnerships #RegionalTensions
Never forget the American war crime committed during the Vietnam War !!!
What rubbish! Like so many war mongering Youtubers, this video is all about inciting hatred and animosity amongst neighbors. Or more precisely, stirring up trouble for China. There is another video that claims that China is a threat to Russia's east. It basically wants Russia to have a war with China so they will wipe each other out so America and the west will remain the hegemons. I think this site is sponsored by the American government. All to beware.
You can ask UK and USA. They stole other people's land.
Learn from the Anglo Saxons, champion of stealing other people's lands. The native Red Indians, Maorists in Australia N Zesland and the Pacific Islands natives have all been marginalised.
The video have so many wrong info, like at 3:00 when they said China captured and hold the Spratly islands in 1980s; The actual situation is mixed with Vietnam still hold most of the islands, with Chinese and Malaysia, Philipine hold a handful of these.
So the video not realised about a few thing: distance, number of population, military power, size of country.
Indonesia is like last boss in SEA and the video try to tell that China go straight to last boss instead take other closer and smaller size countries?
Next time you will said that China will go straight attacking Australia, skip other countries and think no country around them will notice their movements. Just like Australia media keep said.
SEA countries should be neutral and extort both sides.
Only Vietnam is ready to stand firm against China in Southeast Asia. Nothing can be expected from Indonesia
Lmao listening to western talk like they know whats going on, what is China thinking. You people are the only colonisers 😂
What rubbish
American bias
Round 2 with Vietnam eh?
Vietnam and Indonesia are two nations that got their independence through blood and tears.. there
Is no way we gave any foreign nation a single inch of land. No matter how painfull and how long it takes. Based on history, both Vietnam and Indonesia had experience to expele china (under tang dinasty). Its on our DNA.
China is very dangerous as a partnership trades
Indonesia is like that one friend that been friend with another friend's friend and enemy's friend 👭👬👫
Chinese soldiers have no high fighting spirit, unlike the Vietnamese. Ch8na has been fighting Vietnam for centuries but could not conquer.
The war between Vietnam and China tells that China although big cannot fight and win against tiny Vietnam. China is a paper dragon.
Qua các cuộc chiến trong lịch sử việt nam đã thấm thế nào là bạn thế nào là đông minh và thế nào là kẻ thù ! Nếu tin trung quốc việt nam sẽ thua trận điện biên phủ ,nếu nghe trung quốc việt nam sẽ bị chia làm 2 miền như bắc hàn và nam hàn ! Nếu liên xô làm đúng lời cam kết thì năm 1979 trung quốc đã ko dám đánh việt nam ! Việt nam không hận thù và cũng ko quên ơn nhưng dân tộc việt nao ko bao giờ quên những gì đã diễn ra trong quá khứ để ko cho phép nó đc lặp lại 1 lần nữa 😄 việt nam muốn hợp tác và bạn bè với tất cả chứ ko phải chọn để chơi với người này chống lại người kia !😊
China tried veitnam nefore they lost more troops in a month that usa lost kny ten years
Communist in Tiongkok had sinister plan since PKI 1965 in Indonesia
I admire both Vietnam and Indonesia as they stand on their own to Resist any aggression. They are dealing with both the West and China diplomatically, professionally and equally without taking any side.
History should tell as who can be trusted, can you trust western colonialists ?
The United States is provoking wars among Asian countries through various means. Currently, there are wars instigated by the United States in the Middle East and Europe. Asian people are so smart. They should not fall for the tricks of the United States, right?
Youtube title " This is how the US committed the WORST and BRUTUAL MASS4CRES in the Vietnam War "
Youtube title " Vietnam War #3 (Rape & Murder) "
Youtube title " 50 Years After My Lai Massacre in Vietnam, Revisiting the Slaughter the U.S. Military Tried to Hide "
Vietnamese called China their "big brother" for a reason, classic older brother experience :))
don't even worry about them before its number of millitary bases reach 1/10 of US.
Boycott made in China Products and Services including offers.
If Viet Nam has a dollar for everytime China wants to invade it, it'd be the richest country in the world
😂.người Việt đừng ai đông tới. Trước đây thì phòng vệ. Nhưng bây giờ có thể tấn công lại cả trung quốc. Hoặc cả khối nato.giờ khác rồi
Bạn có tin nếu trung quốc gây sự thì Việt nam sẽ gây sự lại. Hơn nhau ở lòng dân yêu nước. Mỹ không dám gây sức ép. Bởi vì Việt nam dân số rất nhiều ở Mỹ. Sống còn cho cả 2 bên. Trung Quốc lại càng không dám. Vì biết người Việt nam đã mạnh hơn rất nhiều. Nếu Trung Quốc đấu Việt nam giờ này thì hoàn toàn bị thất bại. Chẳng những thua.mà Trung Quốc sẽ bị xé thành nhiều nước nhỏ. Nên tôi nghĩ không có nước nào dám khiêu khích Việt nam cả.
Excellent and informative video! Thank you.
As a Filipino, if I can choose whose superpower we have to lean on.
I like to choose India than US and China.
The SEA should be free and all fishermen on all surrounding nations able to fish there just like in the past. I hope all military of that place leave that area. I just wish the coast guards of each nations just patrolling for the fishermen's safety.
Maybe if you smart enough you can talk and sit down to discuss over it. Not just warmonger nation
Vietnam can defeat China easily
I see many Chinese kids in the comments section saying that the Vietnam-China war in 1979 was a victory for China, so I think I should write a few words to help them understand. Every war has its objectives. China's goals were to have lunch in Hanoi, protect the butcher Pol Pot, and teach Vietnam a lesson. Out of all those objectives, tell me which one China achieved? China called that war a 'Self-Defensive Counterattack,' which I find really funny, haha. I haven't even mentioned how much damage Vietnam inflicted on China yet
Vietnam sangat berpengalaman menghadapi Cina (& USA). Saya sangat yakin Vietnam tidak akan menjadi korban dari keduanya. Kami di ASEAN juga mengamati apa yang terjadi di Ukraina.
& tentu saja, Indonesia juga akan melakukan yang terbaik 🇮🇩
Bruh Indonesia is no smol country it's the 14th largest country by just landmass! let alone it's total area with vast coastline and sea territory, Indonesia have
second longest coastline after Canada!
from west to east is same size as mainland USA.
Actually China always had sinister plan for Vietnam in the last 2000 years but always failed. China invaded Vietnam thru out the history but always ended up being defeated. Every single Chinese dynasty sent their troops into Vietnam, the latest was the CCP in 1979, but all failed
The fact is, despite China & Russia normalizing their border disputes in a 21st C treaty, the most unfair theft of Chinese territory by far was by Russia in an 1860 treaty w/ the Russian empire. PRC should get Russia to cede land/water usage rights & permit Chinese settlement.
CCP declaring & enforcing they're claim of 9 dash line is a threat & unwelcome to South East Asia.. it's like Putin claiming that Ukraine is part of Russian federation. Actually, China is declaring absolute obedience from they're smaller countries like Hitler & Putin.
Vietnam 🇻🇳 should ally with South Korea 🇰🇷 , Japan 🇯🇵 , Indonesia 🇮🇩 , Australia 🇦🇺 and Canada 🇨🇦.
Love Vietnam