Bhutan: probably the most uncommon nation within the Himalayas. Sources: Worldwide Politics of Bhutan, Karma Galay.
Stand up comic does geography video
India’s puppet state 😂
Bhutan is the only trustworthy nation❤
Is wonderful how they manage to kept their culture intact without any influence of USA. No McDonald’s, no Starbucks, no guns or fake culture.
they say everything is better with bacon
Plot Synopsis: Leave us the fuck alone.
What,? Of course they give a fuk about the world the problem is thst indias government is banning Bhutan from making their own decisions
The map of India you are using is actually termed illigal, you are not showing the whole map of India with J&M intact, so take in account of this the next time.
Ironic that they care about the tree coverage and not the dams destroying river ecosystems
182 McLaughlin Mountains
And the world doesnt even know it exists😂
Half of this country is already occupied by Chinese troops.
That’s because no one gives a shit about them
Make one on Nepal
Bhutan got coolest flag in the world
She thanks its the best country, even better than europe
They feed pigs weed to make them healthy and eat more(herbal benefits and pig gets fatty), it is common practice in Himalayan region. We weed use it to make threads, textile, paper, food, oil and blunts unlike westerners who smoke just to blow their brains out xD
I happened to have some Bhutanise friends and they are amazing people. Their community is so strong, and very friendly.
6:58 That East Pakistan joke was gold
I am so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed forever. I'm a single mother living in Vancouver Canada, bought my first house in October and hoping to retire soon if things keep going smoothly for me
Why are the graphics in italian?
293 Gibson Gateway