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FY-DJ-MBZGZSCQSSM#f f f#f#Cinderella Da Da#f f f#f f f#优 小 f#f f f#f f f #TVSERIES #ChineSedrama #TVSHOW #ChineSetskits #Shortfilms#Great brief drama#,#2024#brief drama##brief drama suggestion############### Loopy Life####网#####Brief drama suggestion###ChineSedramangsub #romanticShineSedrama riagechineSedrama #NewromanticChineSedrama #ChineSedramamisunderScene #CinderellyovestoryChineSedrama #CeoandCinderellachineSedrama
Otro drama que comienza con una violación 😖 pero esta vez es ella quien abusa del protagonista 😮
U hate the s kinds if dramas abusive as hell Man that all you know violent stuff
A female devil marries a rich man. What does she do? She destroys everything, even her children become criminals.
I am still wondering ifand why a woman seeking employment would dress in extreme shorts, let alone ragged shorts. Is this a true reflection of China's dress code for interviews?
Non mi piace la vuolenza0 ma serve a far capire anche ai giovani come comportarsi nel mondo grazie ❤❤❤ciao
É confuso, com uma estória fraca. Não perca seu tempo
What the hell, what's up with all this slapping! Disgusting!
Porque ha música alta durante los diálogos
Pemain drama gemesin ….❤❤
騙す、いじめ、意地悪、貶める、奪う(泥棒) 暴力、誘拐、他人の許可無く採血
本人に許可無く臓器を取り出す‼️手術後は術後の処理をせず、出血したまま放置😱 私服のまま手術台やベッドに寝てる🤔😰
(医師法、医療に問題有り❗) 又セレブを強調する為か、必ず肌が露出した服装、ドレスを毎日着てる‼️😅家事や仕事(会社)にそんなヒラヒラ、チャラチャラした格好で動けるの❓❓下着が見える短い服装に、見るたび疑問と違和感が有る‼️🤔😉
Bastante confuso.🤔🤔
Solo la codicia del padre y la locura de la hija estuvo claro 🙄😀
La miré hasta el final por los actores.
Original title name need!!
WOW, 15 mins into the drama and already 5-6 slaps
So their allowed to kid nap kids and no one goes to jail
Omg, bad acting