A category lecture on the position of the U.S. in Iran’s 1979 revolution by Dr. Abbas Milani as part of his political science course, “U.S. Relations with Iran (POLISCI 118A) at Stanford College.
This recording was made on December 1, 2023.
Mr. Milani, you are the thief of Iran’s history!
How much money will satisfy you to distort narrative against the Shah?
You are biased both for the funding you get from clergies of Iran and being a leftist terrorist in jail during Shah’s regime!!!!
Abbas milani was a terrorist during shah time was in same prison as mullas ruling Iran today
Google and read abut his past
He is the last person to talk about Iranian history
A betrayer to Iran and Iranian
Because of people like this Iran is in hand of mullas today
What an irredeemably useless TOOL this west Coast supposed sophisticated intellectual is & in no way comparable to an scholar like Professor Hamid Dehbashi of University of Columbia!
Dear Mr. Milani, you have briefly mentioned of Shah’s role in international financial markets, giving $1.2Bn to different countries. I think you need to investigate more on this matter. I remember at that period there was lots of articles in economist journals on danger of financial capital of Iran and Arabs as the The entry of Iranian and Arab financial capital into the international financial capital market caused a decrease in the interest rate of international financial capital and Iran revolution and occupying the American embassy, then Iran- Iraq war, then occupying Kuwait by Iraq and finally making Saudi Arabia preventing financial market. Solved this problem. What do you think about this?
Thank you thank you thank you for making such videos and resources freely available.
جناب میلانی مثل هم دانشگاهی تان از استانفورد؛ آرش آرامش شما هم یک متظاهر نفهم از حزب خائن دمکرات در آمریکا هستید. ولی مثل جناب ظریف در ایران، متعجبام که چرا پس از اینهمه زندگی در دنیای آزاد غرب هنوز احمق تشریف دارید و از دکترین دموکراتها پیروی میکنید!! ایرنیان خارج از کشور دیگر گول عنوانهای یک من صد قازتان را نمیخورند. شما هم مثل هر متظاهر خائن طرفدار حزب پول و عنوان هستید. واگر نه هر ایرانی وطنپرستی وقتی میبیند که تنها رئیس جمهور آمریکا که کوچکتری خدمتی به ایران و ایرانی کرده ترامپ بوده و نه دموکراتهای حرامزاده دروغگو از کارتر گرفته تا اوباما و بایدن، پیش خود تصدیق میکند که طرفداران یک مشت دروغگو حتما که خود دروغگو، حیله گر و یا احمق و نادان است.
USA does not want to have relationship with Iran because this way it can always keep the tension high in the Middle East from which it always benefits tremendously!
i,m wonder why Milani never say thistings in Persian for Persian audiences?
💚🤍❤ 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷
درود بر جناب میلانی و تحلیل کاملا علمی ایشان از فاجعه ۵۷
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