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The “Battle to finish all wars” was thought of a European affair by Individuals. Till it lastly wasn’t. To the US, becoming a member of the battle was their probability to lastly show themselves as an influence. To Europe, it was one final stone that tipped the scales.
What if America by no means entered? Develop into a patreon and double your weight loss program of alt historical past eventualities, whereas supporting the channel Be part of the discord neighborhood for distinctive challenges, video strategies and rather more 4th campaign various historical past visible novel
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Ok how about this? What if Crassus from the Roman Republic didn’t die in Parthia?
The Spanish Flu is thought by some to have emanated from USA. If US troops had not entered WW1, many people might not have succumbed to the flu in Europe. That flu killed more than WW1.
2:07 "wheres that? i live in Missouri" alright man out of 50 states YOU CHOOSE MISSOURI
Also Codie makes that fatal assumption US involvement in WW1 actually mattered, it did not.
What if America never gained its independence or happily remained a British colony?
Are the troops of the German Kaiserreich really called "Wehrmacht"? I think not 14:35
Vlogging Through History just did a reaction video to this.
1:11 : "Thanks to Uncle Sam tipping the scales the war to end all wars ended".
Tell me you're an american of 2020's fed with decades of believing every single win in the world is because of you/your elders/USA/whatever-linked-to-USA withtout telling you're an american of 2020's fed with decades of believing every single win in the world is because of you/your elders/USA/whatever-linked-to-USA.
I have wacky scenario What if some of the Non-Avian Dinosaurs survived in Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea.
A win for bulgaria!
12:26 Cody, did….did you drink olive oil?
Look up the Balfour Declaration – America was brought into the war because of global bankers. Easily accessible info
So this is how Cody thinks the war would’ve turned out if the US hadn’t joined.
I'd definitely be down for a follow up video chasing this scenario further down the rabbit hole.
The Ottomans never had to deal with a Issue of Palestine because the Palestinian people were happy with them just the Zionist would get clapped
Dude do your research Belgium bever fell
I'd really like a sequel to this it's an interesting timeline
Probably would of ended in stalemate and wwii wouldn’t of happened
Also, if Germany wins, we get a timeline with Grosse Deutchland. The failure in the austrian powers was becoming apparent even before the first great war. The ideas of Germany taking Austria would be more cemented as the Austrians still struggle to keep control of their population.
Drinking a small amount of olive oil every day is actually very healthy for you. It's just mostly good fat and can help lower cholesterol and can help with blood flow which leads to a healthier body
'Germany threw everything in the kitchen sink'….
Is that a Herbert Kitchener reference?
For those who dont know: Herbert Kitchener was a British ww1 Field Marshal that was sent to Russia and his ship got sunk by a German sea mine killing him. aka Kitchener sank
What if the USSR collapsed two decades earlier, and South African Bantustans were progressively expanded to incorporate former tribal territory ending with an internationally-recognised Confederation of South African Republics in the 2020s?
So if this happened, the end of this video almost implies Red Alert's backstory sort of happens, lmao.
Actually mentioning Bulgaria is a w
You forget that the u-boats did sink a lot of ships as a result of the second unrestricted submarine war. In this scenario they will not be sunk. A short time benefit for the Entente, but a significant one.
Perhaps the most horrifying scenario of all: Hungary keeps Transylvania 😱😱😱
Does nobody find it suspicious that the British just happened to intercept a telegram that was certain to get the US into the war?
Nah, the Entente would have still won. Their population was just better fed and their industrial power was unmatched.
For example: The Anglo-French produced a total of 6400 tanks. Compare that to the 20 produced by Germany.
The entente would have just overwhelmed Germany in the long run.
A lot of people are surprised that the Zimmerman Note was sent by Germany. … Mostly because it wasn't. In all likelihood it was a false flag operation by the British to try bringing the States into the fight on their side.
Personally I think the biggest consequence of the US not joining WW1 is that KC loses its coolest moment
Weren't leftist ideals quite popular in the USA at the time? The interbellum US was very open to liberal and socialist, sometimes even communist, ideas, so I'm not sure they would actively fight similar movements in Europe. As long as they remained mostly liberal (not communist) I don't see why a non-cold war US would challenge the left-leaning Europeans.
Erdman Center
What if everyone was addicted to crack as per someone's wish
14:08… wehrmacht?
I heard New York's State anthem it sounds like something from the 80s
the wildest part about this entire video actually happened! There is no plane of existence in which America is morally above war
Book sounds good anyway…
There is a definite winner to WWI: Japan. With France, Britain and Russia in no shape to defend their far flung eastern holdings, the only ones to stop them would be the U.S. Which, sure the U.S. could, but if France and Britain are so much more impotent in this timeline, the U.S. may lose interest in checking Japanese expansion if they don't have a competent partner in Asia to help them.
Even if america hadn't joined, wouldn't France and England still be able-bodied to break through with the Tank? Both MkV and FT17? Cause these were real game changers