The physician got here to look at the only mother-ly ly-26
-Thanks for watching the video and supporting my disabled mom and little one. Please proceed my mountain life and thanks to your phrases of encouragement. Apart from that, I can solely pray to God for higher well being. give you a large number
_Video content material; tells the story of the lifetime of a sick single mom and a neighbor who goes in search of a physician to look at the disabled mom and her daughter.
Нельзя так жить,с ребенком надо куда-то в дом инвалидов,если ей никто помогать не будет,умрут с голода
Mulher dá papinhas de verduras,coitada dessa menina
Criança vai morrer de fome
Só toma suco de caixa,cadê as drutas,muda tudo mulher,dá banho e dá comida saudável, señ vamos cancelar escrição
Criança explirada
Soro falso,ela ñ tá recebendo
Oh no, not again. How many times will Ly Ly faint just in time to be saved by this man? Ly Ly, you've lived in that area for your whole life, right? So, you know how hot it gets and the humidity drains you. I live in practically the same kind of environment and I have a heat intolerance disease. I know better than to do certain things at certain times. You should too. This fake fainting after looking up at the hot sun is getting old real fast.
That "nurse"…LOL….declared she had a high blood pressure before she even put the BP cuff on her and couldn't figure out which hand was supposed to do what. How long have I been saying that baby had trouble breathing, you could hear her breathing rattle. She's the only one I believe is actually sick in this scenario. That baby should be removed IMMEDIATELY from the care of this mother and this production. Her child has an eye swollen shut and pneumonia and Ly Ly just lies there pretending she's worse off. There's no needle mark when the "IV" is removed, no band aid to protect the injection site. You can't take a BP without the ear pieces in the ears, LOL. Just another actress because so many comments have been made about Ly Ly needing to be seen by a doctor. Nothing was wrong with her. If that nurse was the real thing, she'd report this situation. We have here in the US what's called "mandated reporters" (I used to be one) that are legally required to report situations where children are in danger or not being cared for. THAT CHILD SHOULD BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY FROM THIS MOTHER AND THAT SITUATION.
Desisto de acistir não cuida do bebê não da água é comida solida , fica nesse drama
У ребёнка конъюктивит( заболел глазик) от постоянной грязи. Вы её не умываете, не купаете. Что Вы за мать?! Оставьте свой огород, не бегите от проблем. Это видно. Не можете управляться с ребёнком, отдайте её в добрые руки тем, у кого нет детей, но кто будет за ней хорошо ухаживать и заботиться. Мне очень жалко Вашего ребёнка.
The baby can eat solid now why not give her a little when you are eating
No deberíamos de verlo nadie .
Esto es hinhumano .
Todo para sacar dinero .
Pobre niña , con esos pelos y esa ropa , se ha hecho pis .
Esto no es normal .
Lo hacéis para sacar dinero , primero atiende a tu hija . El otro día estabas comiendo con tu niña dormida en la espalda , estaría pasando un calor .
No os veo más , tratáis a los niños mal 21:33
Tudo por dinheiro! Que vergonha destas pessoas!!
i think you need to focus on who is going to take care of your child in the future in case your genetics determines that for you, it cant be good being out in the sun for hours in a day, not eatting well and not having regular check ups, i wish you would move out of the country side to the city where there is more opportunity for rehab for you. before its to late, lord know id fly there tomorrow and adopt all the babies if i could because they deserve something better then i have to go pick something and then sell it just to eat every day and thats no way for a child to live smh
vietnam as got to do something about these women and babies that are everywhere, no education for safe sex or how to use condoms or any other birth control method and then this 14-15 year olds have to figure out how to raise a baby or succumb to the pressures and live the kid on the side of the road. i am glad for the most part these kids are still alive instead of dead from neglect or cast out but this is no life, i sturggle everyday, lord knows i do but i can look up a number and call and get help, these kids and women have no options, its struggle or struggle harder with a kid smh
I knew that poor baby had bronchitis or pneumonia. Whatever you do, make sure you are kind and also be grateful that this man is in your life. He is a good man from what I can tell. I can find no fault with him. ALWAYS be thankful when he brings you things, like food. Manners go a long way. He even changed the baby's wet pants without hesitation.
Also, of course I worry about that baby. I don't know what kind of disability you have, and I am hoping the baby doesn't have it too. I noticed on an earlier episode that it looks like her legs are swollen, and at times her little chubby face. I hope she doesn't have kidney problems. She needs to be thoroughly examined. The baby could use a walker or some sort of thing to able to get movement! She rarely ever leaves that bed!! That's no life for anyone, especially a baby. She needs interaction. That's the loneliest baby I have ever seen. Please fix that situation asap.
Friend u should take one of that fruit for lyly and her baby
This lady they dont have capacity to take care of her child,the child always cried everytime. They should let baby put in the orphan.
얘는 잘하는게 세가지야 😢
쓰러지기 많이먹기
울기 이험난한세상 애 데리고 어떻게 살래? 저 남자 없음 굶어 죽겠다😢
Ke pena esta muchacha. Tan joven ke este de esta forma no se si tendrá cura pero hay ke reconocer ke es muy duro traer la comida del monte para ella es imposible para ella tenia ke tener una alluda del gobierno ke seguramente la tiene y alguien físico para ayuda con la niña felicito al muchacho ke está ayudándola dios selopagara con kreces tiene un gran corazón. Ia niña es preciosa cuídala mucho ke pronto te alluda ea besitos para todo❤❤❤
Me. Da. Pena. Con. La Bebe. Delen Agua comida solids
Si fossem no Brasil esa mulher receberiam mas de um salário e morava na cidade 😢😢