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So, United States of America and all its western counterparts countries should stop interfering into this conflict/dispute and mind their own business. Also stop using the name Democracy, Human Rights and Fight for Independence as excuses for their own interests and hidden agendas.
FCUK OFF……………..
Nice content
Pls make a research who are the original inhabitants of shanghai and who wipe them out
The cover photo is not Chiang Kai-shek.
Very informative history of china
Who is the person in military uniform on your cover? Are you afraid of using Chiang's real picture?
need tagalog verse
i think bald chiang was a loser , had all the advantage in the world but still lose to the commie.
He looks better in comparison with Mao Zedong but he was a brutal and corrupt leader who would not of led China in the direction needed. However, his successors very well could have.
Chiang = dog USA
Chiang kai shek, stole the gold ftom china & bring it to taiwan.
Even those years, THIEVES POLITICIANS exist.
Unfortunately the current KMT Kwo Ming Tang politicians are aim to sell out Taiwan and join the chinese communist party.
Very informative
The fall of Chiang s Chinese demoracratic government to Mao s Communists … government….
Can you follow me?
China cannot annex taiwan as taiwan is one of the 35 provinces of china
i love taiwan
they are two Chinese, Taiwanese and Mainland Chinese.. one is communist and the other is democracy…
His son repaid the debts of his father to Taiwan. Without his son Taiwan would not be what it is today.
Taiwan no1
"Father of the Nation."
I'm Taiwanese and I hate CKS thoroughly. The guy was an inept leader who basically lost to an army of farmers because he had no leadership abilities. Then this loser had the balls to call on the ppl of Taiwan to fight and take back China, when he was the one who lost it in the first place. Total loser.
Chiang Kai Shek was a corrupt opportunist and cruel man! He was a lesser man than Mao or Deng.
Taiwan and Mainland China is part of One China. Just see who have power to unify both territory.
Kuomintang is threatening Taiwan democracy now,we,in Taiwan , most people are still hate Kuomintang.
Hard to say. Most Chinese leaders don't shine as examples worth imitating by anyone anywhere.
Look ( obamaspeak ) since there is a wee bit of interest here, I will attempt to add my opinion to what I get from this fine work by some good people trying to document just what happened as they see it.
So ( modernmediaspeak ) best thing of this work was to identify the cast of main players and most importantly extended girlfriend/wives, sons/bastards kinda like Trumps brood.
Let's further enflame those that think they know something about this terrible messed up time with warring ethnic groups lead by a family clan leader openly described as a Warlord.
So think about that and the many different sects of Chinese that have their main loyalities to their ethnic extended families, villages and counties mine being cantonese speaking Han Chinese located in Say Yip ( now known as Guangdong ). actually lead by Joe Enlai 23.00 who this doc only mentioned as the person that was sent to free Chiang Kai-shek who was such a great general got his stupid ass captured. I could never trust these stolen valour wannabe Hitlers who dressed like Goring.
So let's be clear ( ) what is fact was that Generalissimo CKS was a drug addicted womanizer as corrupt as Trump, had a lady wifey, whose sister married Kung Hsiang-Hsi 28.38 educated in the States so another corrupt banker dealing with the world's most conniving World Central banks ( hmm wonder who those wankers families were ). This gang spent 20 years stealing US funds sent by leading American tycoons looking to further their cut of the very lucrative opium/tobacco trade. add guns and alcohol with a dose of GOD and you have a country totally dominated by drug dealing slavers and their power mad, greed fuelled gold digger female partners that could use the english/american educated contacts they conspired with to rob cheat steal from the remaining uneducated coolies ( outside of the Pearl/Yangese river regions who could not find food jobs or a way to sell them selves to slavery with a passage GOLD Mountain ( Chinese flowerspeak ).😇🤑🤩🙏🙏🙏✌🤘
I remember the name from highschool back in the 80's but not why I remember it.
a man who lacked true ability as a leader
What do the people of Taiwan want now? A formally independent Taiwan or the status quo?
So basically the white terror was a mass murder of political rivals
I can see how that strategy would work better on an island than across the expanse of the mainland
I read how people in Taiwan had entire families wiped out by the guy whose statues are gathered in a park there
How disgusting he let his brother in law steal 10
s of millions?!? Why didnt US and Brits watch them more closely?? All the rationing for the populace here so a few Chinese bankera could retire in luxury😮
Honestly he sounds like a very poor leader
Oh geez one more horrible decision we can thank Kissinger for look where it lead
This is the worst Chinese in the Chinese history. Instead of fighting the Japanese invader. He fought the communist instead. That's why his own generals kidnapped him to forced him to cooperate with the CCP to fight off the invading jap soldiers. Who knows what agreement he made with the invaders??? Or else he should be fighting the invading japaneses. His successes in the mainland China too because he colluded with the America backing him financially n military weapons. His debts to u.s till now still exist which u.s tried to claimed it from the CCP. Do more researches on he before glorifying him. He is non other than a warlord himself.
Does it this show how great a man George Washington really was
The MOST CORROPTED person. he suvked off alot of DOLLARS fron US aids; Shame on him
CORRUPTED TO THE BONE. COWARD did not stay and fought like a samurai but RUN to TAIWAN like a chick
The Western Powers, specifically the US has long been working on deviding China into 2 countries because of Taiwan Island’s strategic geopolitical location in the Pacific Ocean to strengthen the US Hegemony in the world. Wake up, Taiwanese! Don’t be fooled, and Stop being a pawn of the Imperial US against your motherland and your brothers & sisters!
If a CCP bot tell you they save far east asia from imperial japan,
tell them that Chang kai shek save far east asia from imperial japan not the CCP.
Thank you for this superb video on Chiang Kai-Shek and the Republic if China. I met Madame Chiang Kai-Shek in the sixties while my father was stationed in Taiwan. Our American school choir sang for Madame Chiang Kai-Shek at an event sponsored by the American Officers’ Wives. She was the keynote speaker, and our choir followed the speech as entertainment. I remember that we sang songs from the musical “The King and I,” as well as a couple of folk songs, one that was Chinese and one in English. Afterwards, she shook everyone’s hands. She was a very gracious woman. Most don’t realize that she was a Christian, a Methodist. She spoke about her faith during her speech and how that impacted her husband’s vision of the presidency of the Republic of China. I remember this as I had just finished a class on the history of Taiwan at the American school which dealt with the events you outline here. It was amazing to meet someone who, especially with her husband, will forever have a place in the history of the Republic of China. I loved living there, and have many good memories of the people of Taiwan. In the 60s at least, Chiang Kai-Shek and his wife were both greatly revered in Taiwan by those who had escaped Communism. The country is very different now compared to the rural country I knew as a teenager, so much more sophisticated and technologically advanced. It’s amazing how it flourished under Chiang Kai-Shek’s presidency as well as those who followed in that office. My prayers are with the people of Taiwan during this time of great political instability in the world. I would hate to see Taiwan invaded by mainland forces and its identity as its own unique nation destroyed. May God protect the Republic of China and keep her people safe.
His son is the God father of my 3 brothers in law. Only 1 of my brothers in law are still living. He's 82 years old.
Chiang K S is a Chinese patriot. He has never been branded as a traitor by the Communist Party of China (CPC). Had he been able to suppressed corruption within KMT and his relatives, he would have succeeded in uniting China under his leadership.
Before this video I had no respect for Chaing Kai Shek. Now it is more nuanced. If WW 2 had not happened, he could have defeated the Communists. I always thought he was corrupt and there is no excuse for that. So I’m mixed in my feelings. I do feel Taiwan is a sovereign state and should be allowed to stay that way.