On the crossroads of Asia and Europe, Armenia resembles an inaccessible fortress. 90% of the territory rises above 1000 meters and full villages had been worn out following a horrible earthquake in 1988. Arman and his father, the final survivors of their village, frequently courageous the snowy slopes to ship potatoes to the villagers. The nation’s economic system continues to be being rebuilt because the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Aris, an engineer by coaching, improvises as a lumberjack to earn a wage whereas within the village of Tsar, Armin and Arman should take the ladies of the village to get their provides within the nearest village situated forty kilometers away. directed by: Julien Boluen, Jean-Christophe Brisard
Guys someone lied to you as Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijani territory , not Armenia's. Shame really, at least check the map
One of the first nations to adopt Christianity, yet are struggling more than most nations. Says a lot about this make believe god all these clowns worship.
24:18 The tyres could be much much worse than the condition they're currently in.
На русском часто говорят 😂
Всё больше не будете страдать в горах причем чужих земли! АЗЕРБАЙДЖАНЧЫ васть выгноли и освободили Карабаха из оккупантов!
À mon ami Magomez qui est repartit à cause de la guerre en Ukraine….
Resistance to what? Ethnically cleanse 1m people from their homelands and then cry when justice is served. Pathetic.
Thấy thương những người dân Armenia quá,cầu mong họ có một chính phủ tốt
bueno sigue adelante
Bagus ada yg membuat konten kek gini, so kita jadi tau gimane kehidupan dinegara lain selain Indonesia. Good informasi.
chłop normalnie kantem śmiga
La cara del chico cuando subieron las cabras a la furgoneta… Jajja Buen informe. Gracias por compartirlo. Saludos…
Wow . . . . . !!
Де є руській там завжди є водка.
At one point, we must question the humanity of bringing kids to a life like this.
14:02 ptdrrr il a drop le chat
ah oé ca pue grave chez eux ..
fuck those roads … they ll never get a propper network in a hundret years … what they need is airplanes suitable for short landing strips and helikopters ! wehn i hear this bullshit about their economy slowly recovering … soviet union was already fucking 33 years ago … how long is all this supposed to take ? a road once build wont stay unless someone takes care of it …(comes on top of all this) + these mentioned earthquakes
Les arminiens sont implantés pour diviser le monde musulman turque en deux et pour les encercler c'est malheureux
ermenistan ve komşu ülkekleri ( Türkiye ve Azerbaycan ) ile yıllardır hep siyasi problemler olduğu için biraz gelişmemiş ülke bu arada ermenistan soykırımı hiç bir zaman olmadı bu onların inandığı birşey .
6:10 is nowhere near what Armenia-Georgia border looks like😂
да Армения находится в окружении оплота зла…уже как 1600лет…
is this europe?
5:40 There is no such thing as the Armenian Genocide. This freak idea is a thought invented by Armenians, especially France and some European countries. Although some countries, including Armenia, that make this claim were called to investigate this genocide claim and examine historical records, none of them agreed with it because they knew the truth would be different and continued to defend this idea that it was just a lie.
In fact, it is clearly seen that Azerbaijanis were brutally massacred by Armenians in the Karabakh war between 1988-1994 and that their practices of genocide were carried out and whose experience of genocide it was.
None of the wars brought happiness. Of course, there are good people among Armenians too. However, this does not change some truths.
There is a very nice saying: "The truth will come out sooner or later."
5:40 Le génocide arménien n’existe pas. Cette idée farfelue est une idée inventée par les Arméniens, notamment par certains pays européens, notamment la France. Bien que certains États, dont l'Arménie, qui ont fait cette affirmation, aient été appelés à enquêter sur cette allégation de génocide et à examiner les documents historiques, aucun d'entre eux n'a été d'accord avec cela car ils savaient que les faits seraient différents et ont continué à défendre cette idée, qui n'était qu'un mensonge.
En fait, lors de la guerre du Karabakh entre 1988 et 1994, il est clairement apparu que les Azerbaïdjanais ont été brutalement massacrés par les Arméniens et ont commis un génocide.
Aucune des guerres n’a apporté le bonheur. Bien sûr, il y a aussi de bonnes personnes parmi les Arméniens. Toutefois, cela ne change rien à certains faits.
Il y a un très joli dicton : « La vérité éclatera tôt ou tard ».
11:55 Irina misses her life in Moscow … no shit Sherlock.
Они как цыгане,и ещё и Россия оттуда ушла, ну посмотрим как теперь они амерам продадуться
Oh my God… the wife with her big knife telling the story of the chicken and cow. lol!!
(Au Francais: '' Mon dieu… la femme au grand couteau racontant l'histoire du poulet et de la vache. si amusant!'')
Such a bullshit documentary. The map at 6:05 is complete nonsense. Use the INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED BORDERS and DARE to tell the truth: Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijan territory and NO country is claiming it to be something else.
Rock on, Yuri!!! Love from the USA 🇺🇸
Thằng nào lãnh đạo ngu xuẩn thì dân xe khổ cực