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"Let's go to Asia to 'find ourselves' in the 'land of culture'! What could go wrong?!" Ohh…
Just stop going to 3rd world countries…
So who or what is the face in that photo! It's not real
That photo is terrifying. I won't be able to sleep tonight
Laos is also known for selling drugs… Which is easily accessible for tourists. One needs to realize and be safe when it comes to purchasing drugs from red world countries. There is a lot of corruption .
Budget Broadcasting Corporation
Rest in piece
🤪 😜 🤪 😜 🤪 😜
Was just on a flight to Bangkok from a guy from Laos, he was telling me to go there, yeah absolutely not
If only methanol was never developed to make an industrial alcohol that wouldn't be taxed to hell
Hmm it’s something that’s always happening to tourists for the longest. And I’m Laotian. We hear stories all the time. My uncle worked for the pentagon, went to Laos for work, came back with some sort of sickness/poisioning and died
Scary eyes wtf
Show a thumbnail that makes her look unhinged. Way to go. I mean it's not like she can defend herself is it. Pretty dispicable thing to do to be honest.
A British 28y old lawyer with a group of teenagers
This really does highlight how Zionism controls U.K. media.
How is this a story over the ICC arrest warrant ?
Who gives a fuck?
1. She looks dumb Imagine having that as your legal representation
2. Only a blonde bimbo gets put out by the media
Rest in peace, baby ❤
Same women from the same backgrounds getting in trouble again. It's their culture.
Is this a news🤔i thought it was a tik tok ting sad times man
4 billion a year from the public for a DEI hire to give us news from her bedroom.
British accent mexican
I don't think it's targeted at all. I think it's a bunch of tourists trying moonshine.
This looks like a targeted act on a specific group of people 😢😢😢😢
Westerners are naive – these countries may seem friendly and care free but a lot of their customs and practices are not so friendly or safe or legal.
Sorry all the family the laos country very dangerous of people would don't go no more
Something about the journalist, her demeanor do not match the sad news. Almost as if she is happy delivering this sad news.
😮😢very sad about importante names involved location s
These shorts are so annoyingly devoid of detail. Were any of the victims robbed, or taken advantage in some way? Well, I suppose I'll need to do my own research to get the facts, since the "news" media can't be bothered to provide that anymore, since all of their resources are devoted to creating clickbait now 🤷
This new because some Dumb Western White Muppets, wanted to get drunk.
Stop drinking poison ☠️ ( Alcohol ) 🍷.
These young girls traveling the world to party as if the world is a safe place.
I don't understand the BBC's idea of reporting the story of a tourist dying in Laos because of alcoholic beverages contaminated with methanol. The whole thing happened in Laos, but many foreign media outlets reported the news in Thailand.
It made people who don't know the truth about this matter
think that Thailand is dangerous. The BBC intentionally damaged Thailand's
image. I will tell the truth for many people who don't understand what happened.
1. Vang Vieng is in Laos, not Thailand.
2. Vang Vieng is not part of Thailand.
3. A tourist died in Laos.
4. Because the Lao medical system is not up to standard, they contacted the Thai doctors to take the remaining victims for further care.
5. Thailand is only the recipient of tourists who died from the Laos side.
6. The reason why there were fatalities on the Thai side is because Laos sent the patients too late, causing Thai doctors to not be able to treat them in time.
7. But the BBC lumped Thailand together with the whole story, leading to the issue of banning Thailand.
8. The Lao government tried to cover up all the news that happened. To blame Thailand
9. BBC must come out and tell the truth and take responsibility for the matter of generalizing Thailand with Laos
10. Thailand wants to demand justice from the world😢
Fyllekärringar som är ute efter billiga drinkar!
look why go to these horrible places? they just want a cheap holiday… look at the locals before you go to these places.