President-elect Donald Trump has mentioned he’ll enact mass deportations at the beginning of his second non-consecutive time period. One immigration lawyer says some individuals are selecting to return to their nations of origin on their very own.
#Immigration #Migrants #DonaldTrump
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Stop saying migrants they are people that entered illegally. We need to help where we can to help our southern neighbors improve their economy and reduce violence and crime. Together we can do it
Drain the swamp
Don't be all of a sudden that cartel will be involved with smuggling or trafficking or hurting these migrants. They've been doing it since the illegal immigrants were heading thru Mexico, upon entering the u.s., and in the u.s. more than thousands of children missing. Where were the parents the whole time? Why were they not protecting their children? Shame on the parents not protecting their children.
Bye bye Edgar!!! 🤣
They wont be getting free handouts from the previous government anymore so what’s still the point of staying in the US right 😄
Good leave
Bye bye
By immigrants no more sitting in the US living off American citizens tax dollar staying undocumented for 20 years
Good bye
They don't look so sad going back home.
Thankyou Trump!!!
Cartels , a recalling their own because of guilt retreat retreat!
Why is it nobody?But people of color or or a lot to report on these issues that is so racist.The facts have to be known doesn't matter who reports on it you people are petty
Illigals are that illegal
Go home
that’s incorrect. You fail to realize that resources are not infinite. It’s not about illegal immigration it’s far deeper than that. If you don’t have a degree or don’t have a job you’re part of the problem. The ones who are and should get benefits are those who contribute to the economy period. If you are lazy and want free resources then your part of the problem and why should high income earners pay for them .
Put gators in that water they will help
Buh bye now.
And so many just went to a new” town or city
If they leave voluntarily, then they get to keep all of the free stuff they got at the expense of US taxpayers. They'd be stupid to not leave… the alternative is being deported with nothing.
Many aren't leaving. They know Trump's just trying to save $ on deportation costs by trying to scaremonger as many out, voluntarily, as he can.
Thats really sad seeing children going to unknown future
Smart- or they could lose doing it legal.
Hussein kaleef dubad
They can’t stay in shelters. They can’t afford rent here with no jobs.
Immigrants- An international Disaster !!
You have the right to liquidate your assets, pack your crap, and self-deport.
When ICE shows up you are already screwed. We US citizens have had enough.
Свака част , достојанствени људи ,неће да чекају да их неко хапси
All the guys outside my local Home Depot are gone no pick up trucks no trailers nothing
Make it easy on yourself and your family by packing up and leaving.
Biden and Kamala did this. They violated us. Hold the Dems accountable forever. Never forget, they chose to help illegals and Ukraine more than the very people paying the taxes. DEI is the root problem of it all. Get it out!
Still waiting for legacy media to care about legal citizens and visitors more than illegal immigrants. If they are here legally they are free to stay. No need to over react.
MAGA 💪🇺🇸
This was their land first!
This will Downsize the effort to come illegal.Save your money and go thru the process. Mexico improve your economy for your prople.
Latinos for Trump!!
I think if they leave voluntarily and go back, i think they should be at the top of the list when applying legally!
They're not leaving. They're just finding holes to hide in like rats.
No one is looking into history. How much are your eggs now 😂😂😂😂. And that's not all.
The comments here are interesting. Now that federal funding has been frozen and some of you have been losing medicare benefits and disability, food prices are at record highs because of tariff plans, I hope you're all keeping that energy 😂 No handouts, right?
They keep calling them immigrants… they are illegal!! They need to leave!!
They are going to somewhere else.
I don't trust this! Get them out!
Come back home, welcome!