Scizor is as soon as once more right this moment’s Pokemon for our Historical past Video! Besides we’re overlaying the Gens we did not cowl within the film. Tune in with False Swipe Gaming for this historical past of Scizor’s aggressive profession! #pokemon #pokemonscarletandviolet #pokemonshowdown
The Official False Swipe Gaming Twitter:
0:00 – Intro
0:43 – Gens 2-7 Recap
6:31 – SS/Gen 8
11:52 – SV/Gen 9
17:34 – Outro
Directed by Kellen
Observe Me On Twitch!:
Written By
Kevin aka BKC
His Channel:
This Bread Wants Extra Jam:
Edited By
Connor Nguyen aka CDK
Observe Him:
VFX Intro By
Ryan Gonzales
Sound Designed by
Ryan Gonzales
Sport Seize Artist:
Observe Him:
Songs Used (Listing of ALL Songs used for this sequence. Some could or could not make it into the video):
My Twitter:
Sources and Historic References
Historical past of Rule Variants:
Smogon College:
Aaron Cybertron Zheng:
Pokemon Battle Historia:
Nintendo Cup 2000 Staff Development:
Nintendo Cup 2000 Tier Listing:
Pokemon Japanese Battle Wiki:
Sprites From:
Can we get new mons 😢😅
False Swipe im still waiting for Quidsire remake video, that goofy pokemon deserve it!!
If I had a nickel for everytime FSG used Scizor as a starting point for a new “How Was” spin-off series, I’d have two nickels.
Something something it’s weird that it happened twice.
Can you do a blastiose remake
what game is 2:44 from? it looks like a gen 4 pokemon colleseum?
Scizor the remakeboot
Can you do hisuan zoroark actually???
Venusaur and Blastoise remakes are so overdue Scizor and Charizard both got 2 videos before them.
Best bug type pokemon (not counting mythical).
Love Scizor <3
How GREAT was Azumarill Actually 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Stealing Candy From Babies
Everyone thinking he would do another remake, OH. Very great video BTW ❤😊
technician + bullet bunch go brrrrr
Do gengar next, he deserves it
The fourth video featuring Scizor, including the Scizor theorem that came out very shortly before this
from my experience, scizors great as a support in OU
Oh, it's finally here. The sequel to the original, still ongoing first season, of "How good was this Pokemon actually?"
I'm stoked for this!
Where's bronzong😢
How good was Alakazam actually
"Your Bullet Punch too tough. Your Swords Dance too different. Your defensive options too cracked. They removed Pursuit to try and kill you."
I'd rather watch How are they NOW rather then full remakes when the situation calls for it.
What about the return of bug bite scizor?
And the question is should Alakazam get Cosmic Power? And a priority move plus a switching move. The answer is yes. Or Nasty Plot. Or Amnesia in Gen 1 the meta is so strong, Gen 1 Amnesia isn't that broken. Scizor or Kingambit do happen to have huge base attack plus switching moves, plus fully boosting their attack moves, plus priority moves. Physical attackers are more boosted compared to special attackers, special attackers suffer also for not having good defensive utility and absorbing hits.
I tried to make supportive life dew blastoise work in doubles. Turns out scizor is the perfect pairing for him.
This my favorite pokemon
My scizor in ou
Dual wing beat
Bullet punch
Swords dance
Close combat
Gengar remake is starting to feel like a long shot 😅 nice video anyway
Can you do a How good was Bronzong actually??
1:46 I thought he was about to say "Scizor alone was the honored one"
Lobotomy Kaisen has scarred me
Sand Tomb intensifies
You guys think Scizor get’s tired from carrying the bug type on its back
FSG really loves scizor 🤭
You didn't mention that Scizor had Night Slash
Scizor for smash
Bullet punch the Pokémon
Scizor needs a buff
My Scizor is the best girl. I love her so much 😭 and she's XXL which is pretty cool to me