Duong was shocked to see Ly being examined by a health care provider | Household Life
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Ly vc não é adolescente para namorar escondido kkkkk😅😅😅😅😅
Forgiveness goes along way and you are going to benefit from it don’t be so stubborn she’s helped you out on the farm and when you needed money in hospital and also to bring her home as you were struggling from mum again 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Este e o.medo do pai da ly perder a boia ..tem que deixar a ly cuidar da vida dela queira k pai dela ou não o genro vai querer esta perto da ly e do filho 😮
Don’t forget, everyone, this is Vietnam. Every culture has its own practices and bias. Duong was not acting the right way from the start and that really offended the father. It is not so easy for the father to just forgive and forget. It takes time, maybe a long time. That is one of the reasons why there are so many single mothers in Vietnam.
Everyone says: Her husband is her husband. I want to ask: When did she get married? What does this husband do? It appears to me that he does not work, and I have not even heard his voice
Ly thu, convença seu pai ,para o pai do seu bebê morar com vcs,diz ao seu pai que estamos tristes com a atitude dele,pq amamos muito ele😢
So, it seems like Duong doesn’t have his own place, no job, no money. How is he going to support his family? Don’t tell me he is planning to live of, of Ly and her father. He probably came back because he has no where to go 🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄
,,Hai lithily.. im always watching yOur vlOg.. im frOm philippines❤❤
Ly your Dad wants Doung to bring his mom and Dad to know you personally and to meet yourDad that is a formal set up and for your own good why not tell your husband to be to let his parents meet your Dad..so that you will not just meet outside and you will be blessed by your father before you give birth to an illegitimate child.
Ly you should spend money on baby clothes not on Duong. Does he have a good home or living in an abandon house. Is he thinking of moving in with you? Can he hold a job and look after you and the baby? He's sneaking around to see you, very immature behavior.
Senhor pai da ly, se vocês continuar com esse roteiro, vai ficar difícil assistir seus vídeos, com sua mania de ficar aguentando o seu genro queremos ele nos vídeos.🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Dear daughter Ly, Duong seems to take good care of you. As long as both of you truly love each other, be brave enough to admit your mistakes to your father and win him back to accept you. Children will always be loved by their parents. Dad is angry simply because you all did not communicate with him in advance. He is the elder. Things can always be resolved peacefully, come on don’t be too sad. Always support you
You dont hv baby stuff
Clothes cot bottles
What are you thinking
Baby needs stuff
Should be getting ready
É um menino ou é uma menina vocês já sabem diz pra nós
For the sake of the coming baby why the father wont accept duong he is a very big help for ly especially she is near to her due date if you love your daughter you will allow them to be happy too
Instant noodles n MSG is no good x ur baby😮
Tiene razón el papá, pero tiene que pensar en el bebé, hay que perdonar o si no Ly se va con el, usted no puede quedarse sólo, saludos desde Argentina 🇦🇷❤
Ly bntr lg melahirkn ya
sekarang banjak kucing ?? — tapi anjing " nya kurus
-? gimn mau ngurus nya –sedangkan baby mau datang , apa ada banjak waktu utk itu ??Thanks!