Since Sweden and Finland determined to hitch NATO, there may be an unprecedented militarization occurring everywhere in the Scandinavian international locations with probably the most insane political developments happening in Sweden that’s now promoting out a few of its sovereign territory to the US army. This use of the Nordic international locations for NATO functions and geared in opposition to Russia is unprecedented in both the twentieth or 19 centuries.
To debate what this implies I’ve obtained with me three improbable consultants: Two from the area and one fellow neutrality researcher.
From Sweden we’re joined by Professor Peo Hansen, from Linköping College.
From Finland we’ve obtained Dr. Tapio Juntunen from Tampere College
And at last we’re very delighted to be joined by Ambassador Nasir Andisha, who’s Afghanistan’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, and likewise the creator of “Neutrality and Susceptible States – An Evaluation of Afghanistan’s Everlasting Neutrality”
00:00:00 – US Bases in Sweden and New Era of Scandinavian Security
00:09:21 – Sweden's Shift from Neutrality
00:19:41 – Scandinavia's attempt at security and defense structure
00:29:40 – Political Developments in Finland and Sweden
00:39:44 – Finland's Perspective on Joining NATO
00:49:08 – The Domestic Issue of the Swedish Right-wing Push
00:59:17 – Nostalgia and Historical Revisionism in Neutrality Debates
01:07:55 – The Impact on Democracy in Afghanistan
01:17:59 – The Future of Security and Neutrality
01:27:29 – Changing Security Systems and Alliances
How can Taliban be an organization. That cannot be true. Are you talking about Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan? Emir means commander. A commander is not an organization.
Mr Hansen! Don’t use the word Europe when you talk about NATO. NATO doesn’t recognize the existence of Europe. Use the Atlantics instead.
As a Finn I take an issue with Tapio claiming that the "public opinion" was the driver. The public opinion was heavily influenced by media and politicians. There never was any public honest debate. The decision was extremely hastily made and claimed in the media that it was what the people wanted.
1:26:55 "IRONICAL that Finland & Sweden joined NATO being under Social-Democrats" – is he clueless? Social-Democrats, just as "greens", are quite Anglo-American puppets in any European country, or just like political arm of the "G. Soros open society fund". 9/10 of the entire debate is rather pointless and clueless with little substance.
The corporate elites rule today not the people & not the government. Unfortuently, we're sold out! Let's join the failure of a falling empire who does not care one bit about it's soverign people, yay! Let's o go!
Scandinavian is a no go. time to leave europe go to russia or serbia ir to mars. Save your family and your lives befire its too late
You all got used by US. You fell for the propaganda that's all!
USA will destroy the world before it cedes loss of the dollar as reserve currency. It's the only thing that keeps the . 00001% of population Khazarian Jews in power. Don't ever let them own your central bank if you want to be a sovereign state.
The deal is that NATO forces including the US have access to Swedish bases,like in all NATO Countries.
Neutrality is next to no protection from a Russian Attack,you might want to ask Finland,Poland the Baltic States and our 15 Wars in 600 years against Russia to defend our Country against Russian Expansionism and Imperialism?
Jenkit ne hoitaa meidät sotiman puolestaan lähitulevaisuudessa, niinku ukraina tekee nyt. Euroopan ois jo korkee aika potkasta jenkit kotiin täältä pullistelemasta, ja kaikki jenkki nuolijat voi lähteä samaan syssyyn. On se vaa kummaa jos ei EU maat pysty hoitaan omaa puolustustaan. Ihme saatanan nöyristelyä jenkkien edessä, EU johtajat kunnon sylikoiria. Ei hyvältä näytä.
The size of Swedish army in active service 20,000 and the reserves 30,000. A little stronger than Estonia, but not much.
The Scandinavian’s have earned what should be a “ New Nobel Prize “ called the “ Stupidest Victimized Region of the World Award.” These Idiots Voluntarily Gave Up Their Historic Neutrality at a time when the World’s Two Countries With by far the Largest Most Lethal Nuclear Arsenals are facing off in a Conflict that has Escalated to the point that Nuclear weapons are deployed & ready to be launched at any moment.They have moved from being in the safest position in Europe due their Neutrality to becoming the very first front line Nuclear Target to be annihilated should a Nuclear War break out between these 2 Hostile Nuclear Adversaries. Not only can this Nuclear War be triggered by what some desperate Ukrainian “Nazis” might do but also by what could happen at any time between the “Genocidal” Israelis & the Iranians in the Middle East “Powder Keg! NATO has absolutely no effective Air Defense Systems against even 1 Russian Nuclear Armed Hypersonic Missile & since NATO will spread its Military Assets throughout these Scandinavian Countries, Russia will need to simultaneously launch 100s of these Nuclear Weapons to neutralize these targets within the First Minutes of this War that will probably take 2 to 10 minutes to annihilate these targets. What a Stupid Cluster is in store for the Scandinavian. If you now see what you have done to yourself & decide to reverse this catastrophe, you will learn you are powerless to make the Americans leave your Countries. You are a disposable essential asset to them & no longer have any say in this matter.
The Swedes made their choice. Good luck.
we always remember that scandinavian countries were hitler's nazi allies in world war 2, i also remember that putin is so aggressive with europe that after a month from the invasion of ukraine he was ready to sign a peace agreement, we all know what happened after boris johnson's visit to kiev. the problem of scandinavian countries is the lack of sun
Because there "IS" no tomorrow for NATO
The EU and NATO are the occupying government of Europe. Fully controlled by the US and not represented by any European citizens. Europe has given up sovereignty and independence.
What this entire discussion proves is that American propaganda is very powerful and these European and Scandinavian people are willing to give up sovereignty and neutrality to become vassals of the biggest and toughest and cruelist country in History.
NATO is aggressive. Russia has the courage to stand up to the bully while EU just folded without discussion.
Those bases are only props, like a movie set, to pretend the Americans have escalatory dominance. Don't fall for it. They could end up like the American bases in the Middle East, sitting ducks for missiles which the US has no defense against (hypersonic for instance)
Paskal you invited the man who wonders. Could you get those who have answers?
American will bring only hell to Sweeden.